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11-01-2008 , 03:24 PM
Live 1/2NL. New player sits down. I announce my last orbit. My last hand UTG i get QQ and flop top set vs New player's flushdraw. He puts in the last bet IP, and autoshows his flush at showdown. I automuck, say NH and stand up with my racks to leave.

As I'm standing with my racks saying goodbye, he invokes ITWSTH. Is verbal and/or physical assault prudent here?

Also, I mucked deep into the muck but still retrieveable if dealer is paying attention. What is dealers move?
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-01-2008 , 05:20 PM
Your hand is mucked and it appears all action is complete and a new hand is about to begin, so IWTSTH is not applicable here.

Tell him (or call the floor and mention) that IWTSTH is only relevant as far as seeing hands for the purpose of identifying possible collusion. Point out that such is obviously not the case here, and thus he can't see your hand. Move on.
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-02-2008 , 12:17 AM
I would just walk away and not concern myself with what the Dealer does or what the player thinks or does.
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-02-2008 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Cbarton
I would just walk away and not concern myself with what the Dealer does or what the player thinks or does.
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-02-2008 , 02:24 PM
If I getting up to go, I really don't care what happens in my dust trail.

If I'm staying at the table, then it's another matter. First move I do is call the floor over. I want to be informed of the IWTSTH rule for this particular casino. However it is explained by the floor, I will abide by it, expect everyone else to abide by it, and carry on with the game as per normal.

I will also get clarification that if a winning player asks to see a mucked showdown hand, then that hand becomes live again and could win the pot if it's a better hand. That usually slows down these IWTSTH guys.
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-02-2008 , 02:33 PM
You announced your last orbit?

While I agree that the guy (and anyone who abuses IWTSTH) deserves a KITN - Doesn't announcing last orbit give more information to other players than showing the last hand when there are no more hands to come?

Edit: Just realized it was a Home Game, so I'd guess you were just being polite in announcing Last Orbit
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-02-2008 , 05:21 PM
what kind of info does announcing last orbit reveal?
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
11-02-2008 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by duh
what kind of info does announcing last orbit reveal?
IMO Silly time! If you are ahead for the evening that means going big or going even and if you are behind going big or going home empty.
KITN for IWTSTH? Quote
