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King's Casino Poker Chips King's Casino Poker Chips

10-17-2009 , 11:55 PM
Hey guys,

Looking to buy a decent set of cash game chips and just wondering if anyone has any experience and can offer their opinion with the King's Casino 14g chips.

I've tried searching for an hour but no dice.

These are the chips:

King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 06:07 AM
There's a reason you can't find them on Chiptalk...They are horrible!

I can almost guarantee you the following:

-They will stack like 15 high and wobble
-They will sound terrible
-They will feel like cheap plastic.

For a similar price, I would go nexgens or sopranos. But a better option would be to cough up a little more dough and get these:
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by gongshow
Hey guys,

Looking to buy a decent set of cash game chips and just wondering if anyone has any experience and can offer their opinion with the King's Casino 14g chips.

I've tried searching for an hour but no dice.

These are the chips:

Here a review from homepokertourney:King's Casino chips

Or, maybe consider this set, with matching cards?
warning- NSFW
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
Here a review from homepokertourney:King's Casino chips

Or, maybe consider this set, with matching cards?
warning- NSFW

Pretty sure those are different Kings Casino chips...OP's are 14g and have some kind of leafy mold design. The ones on HPT are 10g and have a bigger label
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by djexacto
Pretty sure those are different Kings Casino chips...OP's are 14g and have some kind of leafy mold design. The ones on HPT are 10g and have a bigger label
I was wondering about that, eyeballing the pictures. Same company, or is this a Chinese knockoff attempt?

Eh, you said they weren't very good anyway, so probably not worth the effort to dig into
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:28 PM
My best guess would be that they are a knockoff of the label, they re-stuck on one of these generic slugged injection types that were popular a few years ago.

sort of like these:

King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:45 PM
Do not get those. I've played with similar chips (look like the same mold) and they are extremely slippery, and not to mention too damn heavy.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:18 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate all the input. I figured they'd be garbage but for around $160 shipped for 1000 of them, an acrylic carrying case, and 10 chip racks would always make for a good backup set.

Anyways, looks like I'll have to spend a little more dough for something half decent.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:21 PM
Yeah DJ,

Those are the same ones, different label.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:06 PM
I bought a sample set of these chips a while back, before I discovered They are horrible, even for cheap slugged chips. They are hard plastic and super slick. I can barely get the sample set of 10 chips to stack without collapsing.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-20-2009 , 02:28 AM
I concure with the above posts. When I bought mine I took a knife and trimmed the excess plastic from the edges. Save your money.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-20-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by blammo81
I concure with the above posts. When I bought mine I took a knife and trimmed the excess plastic from the edges. Save your money.
Wow. Thanks again guys. Looks like I've decided to go with these:

If anyone has any experience with the Desert Palms poker chips, please let me know what you think.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-20-2009 , 05:04 PM
There are three varieties of Desert Palms chips that I know of:

1) Injection molded (not recommended)
2) Compression Molded - actually "injection-compression molded" like China clays, these sell for $0.32 each.
3) BCCs - true compression molded chips made by BCC. I don't think these are available anymore since the manufacturer has gone out of business. These were also sold as unlabeled blanks.

Your link points to a review of the BCC chips (#3), but as I said, I don't think you can get these anymore. I own a set of DPCMs (#2). They're very good mid-range chips, and I'm very pleased with them. They aren't Paulsons, of course, but IMO they're one of the best you can get in the 30-35c/chip price range.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-20-2009 , 06:13 PM
The last I heard of above option #3, was you could get blanks and have them hotstamped, but who knows anymore seeing as BCC is gonzo.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-20-2009 , 07:31 PM
Interesting. Thanks for the extra info though guys I will look into it.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-20-2009 , 10:52 PM
Maybe some of these ceramics will interest you...

I think their main reseller in the US is PGI (formerly Palm Imports)
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by djexacto
Maybe some of these ceramics will interest you...

I think their main reseller in the US is PGI (formerly Palm Imports)
Some of them are very nice. I am definitely interested. You wouldn't happen to know any of the prices would you? They don't seem to be listed on the site.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-21-2009 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by gongshow
Some of them are very nice. I am definitely interested. You wouldn't happen to know any of the prices would you? They don't seem to be listed on the site.

see post # 8. They started at 35c for unaligned. Not sure if the sale is over yet though.

Just email Palm Imports for details and mention you are from chiptalk...
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by gongshow
Thanks guys, I appreciate all the input. I figured they'd be garbage but for around $160 shipped for 1000 of them, an acrylic carrying case, and 10 chip racks would always make for a good backup set.

Anyways, looks like I'll have to spend a little more dough for something half decent.
I actually use the "Las Vegas Casino" chips for my home game ($1 and $5 chips). I bought 2k chips back in December and have been using them ever since. My players actually like the extra weight to them and have no problem handling/cutting/stacking them. Most of the players in my home game prefer to make stacks of 30 or 40 and the rest make stacks of 20 chips. If the chips were as slippery as has been mentioned ITT that would be impossible.

I know you've already decided on something else, but if you ever want a backup set, you can get 1000 of the Las Vegas Casino chips with a useless case for like $115. You can also find chip racks online for about $1 per rack and that's even paying a little too much IMO.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mattyspin
My players actually like the extra weight to them and have no problem handling/cutting/stacking them. Most of the players in my home game prefer to make stacks of 30 or 40 and the rest make stacks of 20 chips. If the chips were as slippery as has been mentioned ITT that would be impossible.
Stackability is affected by two properties of the chip: slipperiness and flatness. In my experience, cheap sluggos stack poorly because they are too slippery AND because they have a high percentage of spinners (non-flat chips). If you got lucky and there aren't many spinners in your set, then you could probably stack them 30 high without a problem.

Just don't bump the table.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Schmendr1ck
Stackability is affected by two properties of the chip: slipperiness and flatness. In my experience, cheap sluggos stack poorly because they are too slippery AND because they have a high percentage of spinners (non-flat chips). If you got lucky and there aren't many spinners in your set, then you could probably stack them 30 high without a problem.

Just don't bump the table.
This is a solid point. We're lucky enough to have a sturdy table, which helps prevent stacks from collapsing. For the price, these chips are a great value if you're looking for something better than the dice chip sets you buy at the grocery store.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Mattyspin
This is a solid point. We're lucky enough to have a sturdy table, which helps prevent stacks from collapsing. For the price, these chips are a great value if you're looking for something better than the dice chip sets you buy at the grocery store.
This may be true but there are far better deals out there...
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by djexacto
This may be true but there are far better deals out there...
Such as...

When I bought my set, I wanted to get two thousand chips and 20 racks for <$250. I got everytihng for $230 and change. Where could I have found similar chips and racks for less than that? Next time I make a cheap chip purchase I'd like to find the best deal.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mattyspin
Such as...

When I bought my set, I wanted to get two thousand chips and 20 racks for <$250. I got everytihng for $230 and change. Where could I have found similar chips and racks for less than that? Next time I make a cheap chip purchase I'd like to find the best deal.
One way that I saved money was to optimize my chip set size. I decided what games and # of players I reasonably expected to host, and then built a set that would allow me to do so with a minimum total number of chips (but still giving a decent number of starting chips to each player). My 1000 chip set can handle a reasonable variety of tourney formats and even low-stakes cash games for up to 30 players.

You're talking about a cash game set, but the principle is the same. Reduce the number of chips you buy and you can spend more per chip to get better quality.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
10-23-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mattyspin
Such as...

When I bought my set, I wanted to get two thousand chips and 20 racks for <$250. I got everytihng for $230 and change. Where could I have found similar chips and racks for less than that? Next time I make a cheap chip purchase I'd like to find the best deal.
If the only thing you are concerned with is number of chips you can get for a buck, then I'm pretty sure you can get Bicycle interlocking plastic chips for less than 2cents a pop. Plus, imagine how many can fit in a rack.

To me, these Kings Crown, and all the other versions are really just glorified dice chips. In fact much of the time, dice chips will in fact stack and play better than these chips. The cheap plastic labels add to the slipperiness and cause more of the chips to be spinners.

For the bottom end of the money scale, I would recommend getting some Soprano's. Make sure to get the 9-10g version. They stack and play very well for their price, and while they don't have different colored edge-spots or any other bells and whistles, they have more of a simple-class about them. Call me what you will, but I even prefer Sopranos to Nexgens which are like twice the price.

Just saying, there's more to a chip than a tacky label, obscene color combos, and a theme made up by a 5 year old.

Fugly IMO, tacky and over the top.
King's Casino Poker Chips Quote
