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I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back

08-03-2010 , 08:49 PM
My friend introduced me to a homegame last weekend that was pretty fun and juicy. It was 5-5nl and everybody was like 40+ and were friends. I was definately the youngest in the game. Anyways, it was a nice game with good dealers and drinks were served. By 11pm everybody was hammered and I ended up winning about 3 or 4 buyins. I was on little sleep and left around 2am because I had about an hour drive to get back home. The people running the game said it runs every week and invited me back which I said I will see them next week and they suggested I bring a friend. When I spoke to my friend the next day he said that "if I brought a friend that person would be REALLY good" and that they didn't want me to come back. I asked him if they were serious and he said "only half serious."

So if you are in this situation do you return to the game next week or not? I am thinking I shouldn't go this week but maybe in the week after or 3 weeks from now or so. The game was incredibly juicy, the people were relatively friendly, and the location is way closer than any casino.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:58 PM
The people running the game asked you to come back. I would go back. Make sure to be friendly with everyone and have a few drinks.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:34 PM
Find a friend who's a bit of a fish. Take him with you.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-03-2010 , 11:56 PM
Drop a BI within the first 10 minutes to get people to believe that the previous session you were lucky.

Then grind it back, plus more over the remainder of the session.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 12:08 AM
/\ HORRIBLE idea imo. I'd rather try a random 3 barrel bluff that has a chance of winning than to purposely drop a buyin calling it off or shoving preflop or on a flop with nothing.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 12:10 AM
Do you want to be invited back or not?

Throwing around an image of gamboool in a coinflip situation can be an impression that lasts a long long time.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 12:49 AM
shooting it all in on a coin flip and say you like to gamble - imo anyways
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 01:41 AM
Be cool-older people like younger people who share common interests. If its a friendly game and you can be personable with the others playing, they will like you and invite you back. They are likely even ok with you profiting from the game as they share an interest in poker with you and enjoy seeing a younger, better player they like do well. If this game is what I suspect it is, all you have to do is not be a typical internet douche and you are in. In addition to your profits, you get to hear interesting stories and enjoy being the young guy in your new game.

Bringing a fish will help, but not as much as you want. In my experience with games where your buy-in means more than money, the regs respect what you bring to the game more than how much you bring. They will enjoy the sucker, but if you want to be a reg yourself, you need to make them like you.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Find a friend who's a bit of a fish. Take him with you.
and a bottle of scotch. everybody wins!
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by jmccarthick
Be cool-older people like younger people who share common interests. If its a friendly game and you can be personable with the others playing, they will like you and invite you back. They are likely even ok with you profiting from the game as they share an interest in poker with you and enjoy seeing a younger, better player they like do well. If this game is what I suspect it is, all you have to do is not be a typical internet douche and you are in. In addition to your profits, you get to hear interesting stories and enjoy being the young guy in your new game.

Bringing a fish will help, but not as much as you want. In my experience with games where your buy-in means more than money, the regs respect what you bring to the game more than how much you bring. They will enjoy the sucker, but if you want to be a reg yourself, you need to make them like you.
Well said.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 02:25 AM
Just leave the sunglasses and FTP jacket at home and bring some booze.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by gedanken
and a bottle of scotch. everybody wins!
Easiest way to get invited back to my game. And make it single malt.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:32 AM
It sounds to me that these guys aren't very result-oriented and the game is more of an excuse to socialize, drink and have a good time. Now if you're sitting there with a hoodie, ipod and don't say a word (and hopefully didn't drink since you were driving) you're not the one they want to "party" with even if you're spewing chips. If you're folding 9/10 hands and crushing them, whining when sucked out, etc, you're definitely at the bottom of the list.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by jmccarthick
They will enjoy the sucker, but if you want to be a reg yourself, you need to make them like you.
This is a really important skill for the the cash game pro who doesn't go on the road. I've spoken to a few guys (one reasonably well-known) who made a living at poker in the same venue and managing his table image and personability was one of the most important tools.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Find a friend who's a bit of a fish. Take him with you.
This fits the theory of poker best by getting someone else to make a mistake.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:36 AM
go back! juicy 5/5 games are like a gift to your bank account. Worse case scenario = they were serious and you have to leave. 1% chance this is the case and 0.1% chance of this if the game is raked.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 01:01 PM
Go back. They were obviously just joking when they told your buddy they didn't want you back. Plus, the invited you already!
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 01:06 PM
Your buddy was joking.... Usually the host will step the person aside and tell them politely to GTFO.

They won't wanna get ride of you after one winning session either as they'll wanna get their money back.

I'm feeling this way atm about a home game I play... 20-player SnG and I've finished first 3/3 times that I've played it..... I'm still going, but I'm just gunna keep quiet and not mouth off at all.... Normally I'm moderately involved in banter/rivalries.... but I'm just gunna concede to confrontations and take a more passive approach.

NEVER drop cash on purpose.... and probably don't have a flipament for it either... if you win, they'll get super more pissed off.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 01:08 PM

If you think they're serious... or you know you're not welcome, do this:
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 02:30 PM
Imo, you should go back. You were invited.

I agree with most posts above that being friendly and fun to play with is most likely your biggest asset in being invited back.

Don't worry about dumping money or even bringing a fish. Just play the game straight, don't be a douche and you should be fine.

Edit: Gav, your link doesn't work. Please re-post as I'm interested in your solution to OP's dilemma.

Originally Posted by gav800
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 03:15 PM
I just clicked the link and it worked fine...
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by gav800
I just clicked the link and it worked fine...
DOH! Had lost connection to the intertubes for a moment right when I'd clicked it. It works, Mi Malo.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 04:58 PM
ok game is tomorrow I will probably stop by and play a few hands. I only had 1 beer last time and I doubt I'll drink much this time since I have an 45 min to hour long drive to get home but I will have some drinks and try to be more friendly this time around. Last time I was really tired and my friend told me I didn't say a word the whole time, which is an exaggeration because I know I said a few things when I was there. I just get really quiet during hands because I don't want to give off tells.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-04-2010 , 05:02 PM
Return to the game. You'll know or not this Friday if you're actually not welcome, or were just "Whew, don't bring HIM back, he's too good, lol." not welcome..

As other have suggested a bottle of single-malt goes a long way toward staying in the good graces of those whom you're fleecing. You could win PLENTY from me, but you'd be welcome back every time as long as you were polite and brought cigars. ...good cigars, damnit.
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
08-05-2010 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by gav800

If you think they're serious... or you know you're not welcome, do this:
Run someone over?
I beat a homegame, now they don't want me back Quote
