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11-20-2012 , 06:35 PM
Hello,i start play home poker 5/5cents with min 2,5 and 10max euro buy in.Live poker is not line online lol.
A was on button wil 9T 200bb.5 man on table one fold and one limps,i raise 30c and sb call,bb reraise 1 euro and i call with sb,limper fold.ES=200bb.Sb is super passive fish and bb is super loose super fish.
Flop 943 sb check,bb bet 2 intro 3 pot and a shove....
Well is that terible?I mean they NEVER fold AJ+ and they donks weak draws all day.They donks out small pp and weaker 9.Is that cool to shove there?If that a litlle +EV and high variance i dont want do that,cos i can better spot.But can be that a big +ev move?
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11-20-2012 , 06:39 PM
Don't go broke with one pair. You're way too deep to shove.

On the flop, people are more willing to gamble. On the turn, less so. Bet for value.
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11-20-2012 , 07:05 PM
So, noobis, you were the shover?

You pushed in 200bb to win around 12 bb? Does that feel as if it makes sense for you, as a general plan?

Also, stop writing these posts on your phone keyboard. It's REALLY hard to follow you when you're prtl txtg a pst.
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11-20-2012 , 08:53 PM
He's from Greece, english is not his first langauge
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11-20-2012 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
So, noobis, you were the shover?

You pushed in 200bb to win around 12 bb? Does that feel as if it makes sense for you, as a general plan?

Also, stop writing these posts on your phone keyboard. It's REALLY hard to follow you when you're prtl txtg a pst.
Ok my English is teribble i know that,this is a poker forum and not the University of Phoenix.
Did you read the hand?On flop is not 12bb but 100bb,so i shove 180bb to win 420 cos i shove for value and not as a bluff.
Anyway thnx
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11-20-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Don't go broke with one pair. You're way too deep to shove.

On the flop, people are more willing to gamble. On the turn, less so. Bet for value.
Thnk you dude,yes is deep and mistakes are match more,must be careful.
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11-21-2012 , 12:14 PM
If I follow the action:

sb = .05, bb = .05
utg folds
mp limps
hero/BTN raises to .30 with 9T
sb (fish) calls
bb (bad LAG) raises to 1
limper folds, hero and sb call 1
pot = 3.05, 3 to the flop
sb checks, LAG bets 2

summary: fold preflop. fold flop. IF you think this player is so aggressive that your hand is stronger than his range, calling on the flop is better than raising...

The preflop call is not great. You don't have deep enough stacks after the 3bet to play a suited connector well. 10x the bet is borderline at best, and you'll end up in spots like this where the correct play isn't obvious. Any time you find yourself in a tough position, look to earlier decisions to see if you could have done them differently.

When there is a 3-bet preflop, the hand plays very differently. It's like your stacks are much shorter. You have to play your hand much more according to basic hand strength, and don't have extra bets to develop a clever raise over multiple streets or get paid if a tricky draw comes in. With just two normal bets, you'll be all-in in this hand. (2 on flop makes the pot 7 with 7 behind).

On the flop, I can see an argument that you likely outflopped the guy. The problem is you don't really know if he has AJ, 68o, or TT-AA. Raising, especially shoving, allows him to play perfectly, though; He'll fold his bad hands and call with his overpairs or better. If you can't fold this flop because this player is extremely aggressive, just call and let HIM bet the turn, since he'll bet with more hands than he'll call a raise with.

I really don't like being in that position, since a lot of bad things can happen on the turn and river (an ace could come, some sort of draw will be out there, or he could check to you)

Last edited by gedanken; 11-21-2012 at 12:25 PM.
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11-21-2012 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by gedanken
If I follow the action:

sb = .05, bb = .05
utg folds
mp limps
hero/BTN raises to .30 with 9T
sb (fish) calls
bb (bad LAG) raises to 1
limper folds, hero and sb call 1
pot = 3.05, 3 to the flop
sb checks, LAG bets 2

summary: fold preflop. fold flop. IF you think this player is so aggressive that your hand is stronger than his range, calling on the flop is better than raising...

The preflop call is not great. You don't have deep enough stacks after the 3bet to play a suited connector well. 10x the bet is borderline at best, and you'll end up in spots like this where the correct play isn't obvious. Any time you find yourself in a tough position, look to earlier decisions to see if you could have done them differently.

When there is a 3-bet preflop, the hand plays very differently. It's like your stacks are much shorter. You have to play your hand much more according to basic hand strength, and don't have extra bets to develop a clever raise over multiple streets or get paid if a tricky draw comes in. With just two normal bets, you'll be all-in in this hand. (2 on flop makes the pot 7 with 7 behind).

On the flop, I can see an argument that you likely outflopped the guy. The problem is you don't really know if he has AJ, 68o, or TT-AA. Raising, especially shoving, allows him to play perfectly, though; He'll fold his bad hands and call with his overpairs or better. If you can't fold this flop because this player is extremely aggressive, just call and let HIM bet the turn, since he'll bet with more hands than he'll call a raise with.

I really don't like being in that position, since a lot of bad things can happen on the turn and river (an ace could come, some sort of draw will be out there, or he could check to you)
Thank you,i think fold pre is good and fold flop is better.Maybe i was on tilt cos few hands ago i fold best hand on river vs him.I must improve my mental game olso.Thnk guys
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11-22-2012 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by noobis
Ok my English is teribble i know that,this is a poker forum and not the University of Phoenix.
Did you read the hand?On flop is not 12bb but 100bb,so i shove 180bb to win 420 cos i shove for value and not as a bluff.
Anyway thnx
Ah, I see. I don't care about the english as much, but you need to be clearer about the action if you want people to easily follow it and response more effectively.

If you had made the bets and such in BB ratios, rather than changing values (I didn't translate the euro values very well... and it was hard to pick out, the way you'd written it, who was in the hand and what action they'd taken), the situation would have been clearer in my opinion.

You decide how you want to post.... but if you'd like to avoid posts such as mine in the future, or avoid people skipping your posts entirely because it's too much of an effort to weed out what's going on....maybe a little more effort on your part, initially, would help?

Your "Phoenix" excuse is weak- communication isn't dependent on the subject, nor should it be an excuse for poor execution of it... when simple methods exist to avoid problems, even if you're trying to communicate in a different language.

also noted- I get part of blame for not trying to read OP's post more carefully. I lost some details, when struggling with the jumble of info.

Last edited by Lottery Larry; 11-22-2012 at 07:49 PM.
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