Like others, I rarely needle, and never a player who has just lost a hand. The friendly trash talk that does occur in my group tends to be very general - you're short, you're stupid, you're a terrible poker player, etc. I don't needle a player for how they played a specific hand, and I rarely see it from those in my poker circles.
Originally Posted by eneely
Someone might say, "maybe he only wins because he gets lucky" when I don't hit my huge draw.
like it when a player says this type of thing about me. DUCY?
Originally Posted by eneely
I don't reply, but it does tend to tilt me and effect my game. Maybe some players do it for that very reason. But I do not suspect my friend of that.
Any advice here is appreciated.
Like others have said, you can either ignore it or find some way to defuse it before it tilts you.
When I get needled after losing a hand, I often smile and agree with the needler. "Yeah, you're right, I couldn't have played that hand much worse, eh?" If he's trying to get a rise out of me, it gives him the opposite reaction. And if if I really
did play the hand badly, it helps me acknowledge it to myself and move on.