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Dealing Cards Dealing Cards

03-30-2012 , 09:39 AM
This is somewhat off topic and it doesn't fit in the "other topics" section of 2p2, so I thought I would try here.

I have been playing home games for a while now, but my dealing was poor. Gradually the dealing has gotten better through practice. Then I visit the casino and the dealers deal so fast and flawlessly. I know this is due to practice but there has to be some trick. My cards keep floating and flipping. Maybe only 1 out of 20 but they still flip, especially true when I go faster. Does anyone know the trick to this? There are a ton of youtube videos, but it is hard to separate the good from the bad. It seems like the professional dealers use a lot more spin and speed. Any help is appreciated.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:43 AM
Check out the free training videos on True Poker Dealer. Very good instructions on proper dealer mechanics.

Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:43 AM
If you are playing in the game and not dealing for it, as you suggest, you are not expected to deal as fast as pro dealers. Take you time to lower your mistakes. Flipping 1 in 20 is a bit ridiculous though. Are you playing outside or by a fan where some wind is catching these cards or is the table 20 yards long? Maybe slowly deal out the cards and let people pass them down if this remains an issue.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 12:56 PM
those videos are worth checking out for sure.

as for the specifics of delivering a card to the far side of the table, a few tips:

-- don't try so hard. a casino dealer is in a position where he doesn't have to pitch any cards terribly far. If you're on the corner or end of an oval table, it's extremely difficult to toss cards to the opposite end without flipping some. just get the cards halfway and make the players reach a little.

-- stand up. another big advantage casino dealers have is altitude. they sit on a taller chair and/or cushion so their elbows clear the table. This makes the angle they hold their arms better for the pitch.

-- "low and level" is the pitching mantra. release the card close to the felt and level. It should glide along the felt, not fly through the air.

-- practice. dealing 10 hands in a row will do a lot more for your technique than a whole month of dealing once per orbit. If you can find a way to do a little practice every day for a week or so, that will also develop the skill.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 01:45 PM
Spin. It's what keeps frisbees flying level and bicycles from falling over.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
If you are playing in the game and not dealing for it, as you suggest, you are not expected to deal as fast as pro dealers. Take you time to lower your mistakes. Flipping 1 in 20 is a bit ridiculous though. Are you playing outside or by a fan where some wind is catching these cards or is the table 20 yards long? Maybe slowly deal out the cards and let people pass them down if this remains an issue.
1 in 20 is ridiculous, but that's when I am going fast. When I slow it down I am accurate and don't expose the cards. I am an average dealer now, but I want to get faster, just for the hell of it.

MtPavster I will check out your link.

Thanks for your tips gedanken!

pfapfap, as for spin I am trying, but I can't even approach the rotation speed of casino dealers. Even just a little bit would be nice.

Thanks for the advice all.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by MtPavster
Check out the free training videos on True Poker Dealer. Very good instructions on proper dealer mechanics.

OK, OK, This is what I was looking for. The video on poker pitch shows a method of kicking the card with the middle finger. Just five tries and I'm already "pitching" faster.

Thanks a bundle.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:27 PM
Accuracy before speed. Work on being accurate, and the speed will come naturally.

Something I do, which helps a lot, is counting as I deal. It sets a rhythm (like dancing), and allows my hands to anticipate future actions more quickly.

Look at your target, not at your hands. First card aims for the stack, second card aims for the first card. Once you release a card, move onto the next one. You don't have telekinesis: you can't control where they land once you've pitched them.
Dealing Cards Quote
03-31-2012 , 11:02 AM
Which cards are you using?
Dealing Cards Quote
04-02-2012 , 06:29 PM
ok I watched some of the videos, they are great.

1st problem, I have been dealing for 25 years with my 2 fingers, no thumb. In the video, they show you how to use your thumb and first finger. After 25 years, I may not be able to break the habit. Has anyone else had this habit to break?
Dealing Cards Quote
04-02-2012 , 06:36 PM
Even though I was taught to pitch entirely properly, I unfortunately started with some bad habits that twist my wrist a bit. I can't do the totally open-palmed laser pitch.

If you've been doing something for a quarter of a century with no problems, and you're happy with what you're doing, no reason to change.
Dealing Cards Quote
04-02-2012 , 07:51 PM
Its been awhile yea, but I like how the local dealers ( and some players) can just fire the cards across the table. I seewm to struggle lately but the video should help in that area abit.
Dealing Cards Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by MtPavster
Check out the free training videos on True Poker Dealer. Very good instructions on proper dealer mechanics.


Wow thats a great tool, I almost feel like I can walk right into a casino and sit down and deal a game already after watching a few of those. Great stuff.
Dealing Cards Quote
04-07-2012 , 10:55 AM
If you practice something enough, you get good with it. Only a few people are "naturals" or "savants". You do have an advantage, you actully WANT to get better, that's important as hell!!
Dealing Cards Quote
