Originally Posted by Schmendr1ck
From a pure poker standpoint, I agree with Pali. You buy in to cover (probably the full $300) and play your best game with no regard for the cooling-off period between rebuys.
But as an "entertainment" player who only gets to play live once or twice a week, this strategy doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm not going to want to get coolered the first hand and go home for a week, so I'm likely to buy in for half and keep a second bullet in my pocket.
If there's another game that doesn't impose the limit, I'm probably going to choose that one instead.
Well, there an an opportunity cost to calculate. If you know you make $10/hour in this game on average, and the game goes for 10 hours, busting out on the first hand costs you $100. Getting $300 in on the fist hand of the night 70/30 is worth $110. From a pure poker standpoint, it's worth it.
Of course, those might not be your numbers...
And, yes, there's the esoteric cost of playing poker. It's worth $10/hour to me to play in some games. I like poker -- with the right games, right people, etc.