I was curious about this because I got an email detailing some of the small bugs that were fixed recently:
I’ve been focusing on bug fixes and some small enhancements lately. Checking off some of the small things that have been on my development plan for a while, but not a high priority. Here are some updates that have been added recently:
- Fixed the bug where the “Change Level” sound did not play going from level 1 to 2
- Added player “actions” from seating screen (Elimination, rebuy/addon, unregister)
- Added K and M notation on clock for big blind levels
- Cleaned up some inconsistencies with structure and break updates displaying on the clock
- Fixed bug where club members designated as Staff could not create tournaments
- Fixed issue where the number of registered players was not updating in the poker lobby
- Fixed issue with adding break between two identical levels
- Fixed display issue when editing a blind level
- Additional fixes related to role permissions
- Added confirmation/warning when switching blind structure calculator to Automatic mode
- For some non-standard parameters, the blind structure would not generate enough large blind levels, this has been corrected.
- Fixed sorting of member list on club page and the Add Player to tournament pop-up
- Fixed display of some pop-up windows on mobile (notably the draw seats dialog)
- Added Facebook Like and Share buttons to home page. Please like and share, it helps more than you know!