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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-16-2014 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by blastoff
lord of light still undefeated at westermania, tommen better bring in brock lesnar as kingsguard
Yeah it will be interesting to see if Balon Greyjoy gets got in the next few episodes. I don't think it's coincidence we see our first F'ed up Lord of Light/Stannis scene in this episode and then see Joffrey dying. It's only been 4 episodes since the leech burning scene and 2 of the 3 named have now died. Balon getting killed battling the Bolton's could easily be soon.

You gotta figure something intersting will happen with Stannis sometime soon, he's been all emo'ing in his castle for a whole season now.
04-16-2014 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by Michael888
Jeffrey started choking so of course he put his pie down. I'm not sure how that qualifies as a red herring. Cersei sending Pycelle to the kitchen builds on a minor storyline that has been going on for awhile so I don't really understand how that is relevant to this discussion either.

Have you rewatched any of the seasons. You've never noticed any implicit shot framing? How many times has there been an irrelevant story told?
Huh. The cut to Tywin picking up his fork was also framing it to look as it is the pie; what's the purpose of the cut otherwise? Why the decision to specifically show pie being served with nobody eating it only to show Tywin almost eat it? This is the same thing you're saying with the wine. We're clearly supposed to be wondering, that's why each of these has these framing devices. One of them is there to throw us off the true delivery system. That makes it a red herring.

Pycelle is sent to the kitchen... you not seeing any relevance here means you're being intentionally obtuse.
04-16-2014 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by STA654
if no-show martell doesnt come then myrcella probably doesnt either, considering she's his ward.
Duh, I meant if he did show would she be in his company or would it just be a quick diplomatic visit where all the children are left behind. The answer is possibly unknowable and uninteresting just if we knew for certain she would've been there it adds a little bit of... something... to what happened. Kinda.
04-16-2014 , 05:06 AM
Agree that whoever clipped Joff needs to whack Tywin quick. If that happens then Cersei becomes the defacto leader of House Lannister (w/ Tyrion jailed and Jaime in the kingsguard) and she is not capable of effectively leading under normal circumstances, let alone now. Tywin GOAT house leader obv.
04-16-2014 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by Nandos v2
No more of this please. I don't want to know whose speculation is accurate.

If anything has to be done, do it behind the scenes.
Well it seems in my grunching to avoid spoilers the post I was referring to got the delete button.

Last edited by DoGGz; 04-16-2014 at 06:30 AM.
04-16-2014 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
Sorry if I'm missing something, but I've been following the thread and I've seen the episode 4 times already (and the poisoning part 8 times).

How sloppy do you think the Tyrells are? Even if you ONLY count on the fool being in on it and Sansa wearing the necklace, your plan could easily disintegrate. What if the fool tells someone else about this? What if Sansa didn't wear the necklace?
I'm assuming the Tyrells have promised the fool a great reward, he's not getting along with the Lannisters so he's got everything to win.

They had the fool convince Sansa to wear the necklace, I don't see why she wouldn't, but if she didn't the Martells could have any number of plan B's.

Originally Posted by Our House
Not only that, but suppose Sansa did get captured by the Lannisters. How long do you think it takes to break her into saying who she got the necklace from? So she gives up the fool in like 30 seconds. Now they capture the fool. How long do you think he gets tortured until he gives up Olenna? Game Over.
Getting rid of the fool can't be hard if they need to. Perhaps that was Tyrells' plan all along and why he plans to escape with Sansa.

Or killing Joffrey is part of a greater plan to overtake KL and they're planning to quickly kill off Tywin as well, in which case they wouldn't need to kill the fool.
04-16-2014 , 06:48 AM
Anyone else feel lost in all this circular discussion over events?

I don't really care who poisoned Joffrey, or why, or how.

Using my keen knowledge of deduction, I assume we will find out shortly.

The more interesting topic is how Joffrey's death affects each individual and their houses/alliances.

Please shift it that way.
04-16-2014 , 07:19 AM
Yeah that's been discussed and is obviously closely linked to who did it and why.
04-16-2014 , 07:56 AM
If people want to say "it could be little finger" based on the chaos stuff that's fine, though still very likely wrong.

The people saying "it's definitely LF" or "it's got to be LF" are a special breed of ******.

If it turns out to be LF there are a bunch of names to add to the ignore list. Not necessarily the speculators but anyone with this idiotic confidence it was him without any evidence since he hasn't made one appearance this season.
04-16-2014 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
If people want to say "it could be little finger" based on the chaos stuff that's fine, though still very likely wrong.
i guess this is where i'm at now. although it's more than just the chaos. for one, LF is extremely ruthless. as has been stated itt, varys says he's the most dangerous man in KL. also, if you think about how joffrey's death might play out and the different degrees/ways it affects each character down the line, LF has the highest ceiling as far as how much he can gain as well as the least to lose. especially if he's not there and has the lowest chance of being caught.

The people saying "it's definitely LF" or "it's got to be LF" are a special breed of ******.

If it turns out to be LF there are a bunch of names to add to the ignore list. Not necessarily the speculators but anyone with this idiotic confidence it was him without any evidence since he hasn't made one appearance this season.
agreed. i said this earlier itt but i just dont get the ppl who are overly confident in pretty much any scenario. there are arguments you could make for & against just about any of the suspects (lf/sansa/tyrion/tyrells/tywin/etc). i think this show has shown it would be silly to write any of them off and its even sillier to proclaim things like "this show has jumped the shark if x did it" or "if you think y did it you are bad at watching tv. it could be any of the suspects and i would trust GoT to have an awesome and reasonable explanation for it.
04-16-2014 , 10:49 AM
I remember thinking after LF's first scene in the show what a horrible fake accent Tommy Carcetti was trying and failing to pull off. Then I found out that the actor playing him is actually Irish and the Carcetti role was where he was faking it. lolme
04-16-2014 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator

Pycelle is sent to the kitchen... you not seeing any relevance here means you're being intentionally obtuse.

The worst theory I've read here is that Pycelle might have poisoned the pie when he was sent to the kitchen. There's no way he would know which tiny piece Joffrey would end up eating. That pie was already baked for hours, so how could Pycelle slip poison into the entire thing? Spritz the outside with a spray bottle?
04-16-2014 , 10:54 AM
Lol the relevance for pycell going to the kitchen is to re establish cersei as a horrible person?
04-16-2014 , 11:16 AM
I guess it was an attempt at being too obvious, but does no one remember the scene between Loras and Jamie? Before Jamie tells Lora's how he'll never touch Cersei, there's that shot where Loras is hanging out around the drinks and Prince Oberyn (w/e the name is) makes eye contact with him giving the slightest of nods with that awesome smirk.

Like I said, I'm guessing this was an attempt to throw us off by making it that obvious. Sry if this was already mentioned. Started reading around pg 112 after watching the episode.
04-16-2014 , 11:32 AM
Yeah, these 100% confident type posters here are the worst.

If you are that confident either you are a) missing details, facts, and subtleties from the show, or b) gambling hoping if you happen to be right you gain internet cred, or c) a bookreader
04-16-2014 , 11:37 AM

this kind of reminds me of you and this thread:

not a bad thing per se, but not really a good thing either har
04-16-2014 , 11:50 AM
or this?

04-16-2014 , 12:00 PM
hahaha yes
04-16-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by RT_437
I guess it was an attempt at being too obvious, but does no one remember the scene between Loras and Jamie? Before Jamie tells Lora's how he'll never touch Cersei, there's that shot where Loras is hanging out around the drinks and Prince Oberyn (w/e the name is) makes eye contact with him giving the slightest of nods with that awesome smirk.

Like I said, I'm guessing this was an attempt to throw us off by making it that obvious. Sry if this was already mentioned. Started reading around pg 112 after watching the episode.
That look was nothing more than a non-verbal acknowledgement that they want to **** each other.
04-16-2014 , 12:31 PM
Wonder if we see Blackfish next Episode, really rooting for him. I assume he is alive as it would be kinda stupid to kill him offsceen and it was just to convenient that he went for a piss at the redwedding(Highly doubt he was involved though, like 0% Chance).
04-16-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Completely agree. Her arc since she left Qarth has been was too slow and repetitive. It feels like she's been wandering around freeing slaves and sacking slave cities and doing and saying the exact same **** for 2+ seasons now.

It's clear she's one of the most important storylines in the overall story but it's just way too much of the same stuff over and over and nothing she's done or said has been remotely interesting for some time, as opposed to Westeros which is a non-stop thrill ride of interesting.
Even more painful when shes not getting drilled on the reg
04-16-2014 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Even more painful when shes not getting drilled on the reg
04-16-2014 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Even more painful when shes not getting drilled on the reg
Truther ITT
04-16-2014 , 12:56 PM
Isn't she 13 in the books? Surprised the world apparently wasn't ready to see a 13 year old getting pounded by Khal Drogo.
04-16-2014 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Wonder if we see Blackfish next Episode, really rooting for him. I assume he is alive as it would be kinda stupid to kill him offsceen and it was just to convenient that he went for a piss at the redwedding(Highly doubt he was involved though, like 0% Chance).
Bolton said to Walder that he escaped.

I assume he's alive somewhere in the Riverlands.

Seems like he's a prime candidate to join and potentially lead the BWB
