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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-15-2014 , 03:48 PM
04-15-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
It's possible the gem didn't dissolve but like I said before, all they need to do is to find the necklace with six poison gems and one missing.
Or someone just remembers the necklace that she wore to the wedding

Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Sansa handles the cup after Joffrey dumps the wine over Tyrion.
ya this
04-15-2014 , 03:53 PM
Why all this talk about a game of hot potato with the poisoned gem? The fool gives it to Sansa last episode. Then Olenna takes it from Sansa, passes it back to the fool, who passes it to Brienne, who passes it to Marg, who puts it in Joffrey's drink. WTF? Why not just have Marg show up with her own poison and skip the 17 middlemen?

I still maintain that we can see Marg putting something in Joffrey's cup when Joffrey hands it to her. Rewatch the scene and watch Marg's left hand. I don't care that nothing was in her index fingertip for that one screen capture. That handoff was done for a reason.
04-15-2014 , 03:54 PM
Been waiting what feels like an eternity to read reactions to this scene, it's a lot of fun reading the speculating keep it up.
04-15-2014 , 03:58 PM
Truth is I don't really care who exactly did it (although the more I think about those screenshots, there's no way that theory would go so viral without it being from a douchebag bookreader). I'm much more interested in the chaos that it causes everywhere else in the world. Like, what does Stannis do now? End of last season it seemed like they were gonna focus on beyond the wall, but now with this does he go back to trying to take the throne? Does Dany speed up her trip to KL because of this?
04-15-2014 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
Or someone just remembers the necklace that she wore to the wedding
Yeah I was talking about if the gem had dissolved.
04-15-2014 , 04:05 PM
That scene where Olena could have taken it is incorrectly shot.

When the camera angle switches, her left hand goes from mid chest to pressed onto the table.

04-15-2014 , 04:06 PM
Also...I thought it was the cake until I read this thread. Prob some tmi going on.
04-15-2014 , 04:07 PM
old lady passes to daughter daughter put in his bite of food or wine. easy game.
04-15-2014 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Why all this talk about a game of hot potato with the poisoned gem? The fool gives it to Sansa last episode. Then Olenna takes it from Sansa, passes it back to the fool, who passes it to Brienne, who passes it to Marg, who puts it in Joffrey's drink. WTF? Why not just have Marg show up with her own poison and skip the 17 middlemen?
To frame Sansa.
04-15-2014 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
Truth is I don't really care who exactly did it (although the more I think about those screenshots, there's no way that theory would go so viral without it being from a douchebag bookreader). I'm much more interested in the chaos that it causes everywhere else in the world. Like, what does Stannis do now? End of last season it seemed like they were gonna focus on beyond the wall, but now with this does he go back to trying to take the throne? Does Dany speed up her trip to KL because of this?
Joffrey dying doesn't weaken King's Landing defenses. Stannis' plans shouldn't change at all based on this news, maybe Davos will finally be convinced that the LoL is the real deal though. I suppose Balon is gonna bite the dust next ep? Same goes for Dany imo

Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Yeah I was talking about if the gem had dissolved.
ah, my bad
04-15-2014 , 04:11 PM
Yeah it doesn't weaken KL defenses but wouldn't he feel a greater sense of urgency since the throne is kind of up for grabs? Maybe he's more likely to get some more people on his side now too. Idk.
04-15-2014 , 04:15 PM
The stone stuff is weird for sure. How did The Fool know that Sansa would actually wear it? She seemed reluctant at first and he didn't really force her to do so.

Perhaps the stones are super magical and needed to sit on the body of a Stark before they actually became poisonous, so that's why The Fool couldn't just directly give them to Olenna or Margery.
04-15-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Yeah it started with those screen caps which probably shouldn't have been posted and most likely originated from some book reader. I'd prefer if we kept speculating limited to stuff we see ourself and theories we come up with within this thread.
So following Custer's request for unbending moderation I will be banning Custer shortly for posting spoilers in the thread that weren't previews. Beyond just ignoring the rules he so desperately wants upheld, posting that was a straight up bs move and just really, really dumb.

Please refrain from posting anymore spoilers that are not previews of next week. I will be updating OP if necessary, but I think its pretty clearly spelled out as is. Will check though.

EDIT: well, it was pretty clear in the OP, not sure what you people are thinking. just deleted all spoilers from last ~4 pages indiscriminately and will begin banning all spoiler posters on sight. that includes joke spoilers, empty spoilers, etc IDGAF.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 04-15-2014 at 04:38 PM.
04-15-2014 , 04:26 PM
Thread feels familiar.

04-15-2014 , 04:50 PM
omg there were bookreaders in the BB thread all along :O
04-15-2014 , 05:06 PM
The Lord of Light works in mysterious ways.
04-15-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
To frame Sansa.
And introduce a million ways for their plan to go wrong? I think the Tyrells would be more careful than that.
04-15-2014 , 05:26 PM
Speaking of the LoL, why are they all still in Dragonstone? At the end of season 3, Lady Melissandre said how important it was to go fight the war against the walkers in the north. Now they're just sitting around and burning people without doing anything about it? Makes no sense.
04-15-2014 , 05:29 PM
Someone has to take the fall, the Tyrells would be pretty high up the list of suspects. And I don't see how it introduces a million ways for the plan to go wrong. I'm more interested in what their motivation would be because I don't think that's clear.
04-15-2014 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Someone has to take the fall, the Tyrells would be pretty high up the list of suspects. And I don't see how it introduces a million ways for the plan to go wrong. I'm more interested in what their motivation would be because I don't think that's clear.
The fool has to be in on it. So does anyone else who passes the gem along. Sansa has to wear the necklace that day. Sansa has to keep it on long enough for someone to see the missing gem. Sansa can't discover the poisoned gems ahead of time, or the missing gem that day. Etc. etc.

EDIT: Plus, Sansa only had opportunity when Joffrey randomly kicked the cup to her. The Tyrells didn't know that was going to happen. Even at that, Joffrey didn't die after drinking from the cup after Sansa had it. It was only after the Pie or the 2nd time he drank that he was poisoned.
04-15-2014 , 05:41 PM
Anyone watching the whole time would be able to clear Sansa. No way she was meant to be the fall girl.
04-15-2014 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
Truth is I don't really care who exactly did it (although the more I think about those screenshots, there's no way that theory would go so viral without it being from a douchebag bookreader). I'm much more interested in the chaos that it causes everywhere else in the world. Like, what does Stannis do now? End of last season it seemed like they were gonna focus on beyond the wall, but now with this does he go back to trying to take the throne? Does Dany speed up her trip to KL because of this?
NOTHING CHANGES ANYWHERE. A Lannister is still king. The family gets stronger via addition by subtraction. Tywin will continue to call the shots unabated . Maybe Margery will agree to marry Tommen and gets some strange til he's ready. This does nothing for Stannis . For all intensive claim purposes KJ and Tommen are the same
04-15-2014 , 05:55 PM
This is better than " who shot JR?"
04-15-2014 , 06:00 PM
A few notes on the Lannisters.
-Cersi proved her inability to head the family with her rash, emotional snap-conviction of Tyrion
--How does the relationship between Cersi-Tywin-Jamie move forward without Jamie being forced to pick between common spence and his cock? Cersi wants Tyrion hung for this yesterday while u can bet Tywin will leave no stone unturned to expose the plot, not for Tyrion's sake, but to root out any play being made at the Lannisters. Jamie I just got check raised on the river when a brick hit
