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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-14-2014 , 10:32 AM
What's the policy on pre-series stuff that have not been in the series?
04-14-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
What's the policy on pre-series stuff that have not been in the series?
If it "series" related, show related, and out there its "fair game" HOWEVER I would run it past a mod first or a known book reader.

Have a clear "source" etc and likely going to make you use spoilers tags.
04-14-2014 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone

maybe it's too obvious, but that Prince Oberlin or w/e: shows up in Ep. 1 talking about wanting to kill a Lannister, Ep. 2 says "it would suck if some1 dies at a wedding", then a Lannister dies at a wedding.
He doesn't seem like the poisoning type. He seems more the 'I'm about to kill you so you should probably draw your weapon now' type.

LF kind of makes the most sense to me "creating chaos" and whatnot, but the king owes him a favor due to his perversion of liking to kill whores so he was in a good position with the king. Then again a king liking to kill whores may not be good for business for a brothel owner.
04-14-2014 , 10:46 AM
I think the Fool might not have been involved at all, but just took the opportunity of chaos to take off with Sansa.

What I found weird was Brienne going to Joffrey, what was her reasoning? She was like the only person going to him at that point(All others went earlier). Although she probably doesn`t have the reach to poison the cake.

Jamie didn`t seem to give much of a **** when Joffrey was dying and he even got pushed away by Cersei.

Oberyn doesn`t have the reach in KL either, he is going to be observed 24/7, doesn`t seem like his style to poison people too.

Pycelle is the Grandmaester, so he does have the poison. He does have motive and the reach to get to the pie(He was even send to the kitchen). He was big on assasinating Dany with Poison and he was suspected to have poisoned Jon Arryn. Everything about this guy is pretty much poison.
04-14-2014 , 10:48 AM
I rewatched the wedding scene and few times just rewatched this a bunch on HBO Go

"War is war but killing a man at a wedding. Horrid. Only a monster would do that."

I've rewatched this scene a bunch now and Lady Olynna is brushing Sansa's hair and grabs Sansa's necklace? I see no reason for the fool to be in Episode 1 if this isn't all related.

Could LF still be behind this?

Tyrion(or Sansa?) is ****ed, especially if the Fool escapes with Sansa, she and Tyrion will be blamed it seems.
04-14-2014 , 10:58 AM
Grunching a bit but read most of the theories. I just re-watched the scene again and I think it's the wine that's poisoned and I think Olenna is the one that puts the poison in the cup. I think it's poisoned while Joffrey is cutting the pie and I think the poison might have come from the necklace that the fool gave to Sansa per Thayer's post above.

Just my theory. Might have already been mentioned.
04-14-2014 , 11:11 AM
What motive do the Tyrells have though? They seem to lose the most from Joffrey's death.
04-14-2014 , 11:12 AM
Also, theory that involves an HBO promo, so I'll throw it in spoilers if you don't want to avoid any promos:


Bravos! Every single character got a poster just like that, but I'm going all in on Bravos being the driving force behind this season's main conflict with Joffrey's death being the first strike
04-14-2014 , 11:41 AM
Just rewatched the episode and rewound a few times during the cup/cake scenes and I noticed something...

The only person who handled the cup after Joffrey took his first drink from it was Queen Marg. Joffrey takes a sip after Tyrion and Sansa had the goblet and is fine. Then he hands the cup over to his queen. As she accepts the cup from him, it looks like she puts something in it with her left hand (index finger and thumb) before setting it down. After Joffrey eats the cake and drinks more wine, then he starts feeling the effect of the poison.

Could it be? It's hard to tell because they carry the pie off the screen in front of her at the same time, but rewatch and rewind/pause for yourself and lemme know what you think.
04-14-2014 , 11:43 AM
Great episode. Guys, I may be totally off, but I thought it was pretty clear who did the poisoning and how it was done. You have to watch real close. That's got to be one of the greatest moments in this entire series. I'm not going to say more because it might be considered a spoiler.
04-14-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
Great episode. Guys, I may be totally off, but I thought it was pretty clear who did the poisoning and how it was done. You have to watch real close. That's got to be one of the greatest moments in this entire series. I'm not going to say more because it might be considered a spoiler.
If its just your theory its fine...use spoiler tags anyway if you are worried
04-14-2014 , 12:11 PM
If it’s from the pie, then my money’s on the Iron Bank. It seems like the only ones who have motivation to cause the Lannisters harm and are capable to do so are the Martells and the Iron Bank. And since Oberyn comes across like a person that does his battles head on, I’d go with them if it’s pie, as the intended goal might have been to hurt as many high-ranking Lannisters/Tyrells as possible.

If it’s from the wine, then it must’ve happened from when Joff knocked over the cup because he was fine before drinking a second time. The last person I’d suspect is Sansa, because I don’t think she’s capable of executing something like that plus her reaction didn’t come across as the culprit. She was also about to leisurely leave with Tyrion pre-choke, so it kind of makes no sense. Don’t buy that Margaery would do it seeing as she wanted to be the Queen and was well on her way to controlling Joffrey/the Kingdom. So the only one from the table who would do it is Olynna, but from what I remember she was on the other side of the table so I don’t see how it was possible, plus like Margaery seemed to have reluctantly accepted the marriage.

On second thought, pie poison might be from Littlefinger. Haven’t seen his character in forever, so whenever re-introduced it would probably be made obvious he’s still got his whole chaos/ladder agenda going for him.
04-14-2014 , 12:12 PM
vixticator, I don't know what more to say. You're just wrong. Your going off of poor reads and have developed anti-Baelish tunnel vision. I'm not saying it's a lock to be Baelish, but everything you levy against the theory is weak at best.
04-14-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Dude no, Littlefinger is the one who had her killed. She was a double agent working for Varys to glean information about Littlefingers operations as per s2e10+.He found out and got her killed. This was the major reveal of The Climb episode. Ros did not work for him, lol.
Dude, you're like the 50th person to point this out. Unblock the thread, stop talking to yourself, and realize Littlefinger was involved.
04-14-2014 , 12:14 PM
100% disagree w/ Iron Bank theories. This is not an effective means of debt collection.
04-14-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n

Originally Posted by Our House
Theon = peen leech
No his father was the leech (and now the only one yet to be killed).
04-14-2014 , 12:33 PM
What is the basis for the LF theory?

I don't see what his motive for this would be. Is it that he is good in times of chaos, and thus he doesn't want there to be a time of peace following the marriage and the union of the Tyrells and Lannisters? I don't see how he gains in any way from Joffrey's death.
04-14-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Giroud
.. wonder how they wrote that in the books
for starters it was 5 kings
04-14-2014 , 12:42 PM

according to this, in the books, the dwarves were riding pigs, but for TV purposes that was unfeasible

regarding the dwarfs
For ppl wondering the above is a link to an article about the show, its really not a spoiler at all but an "interesting" change. Since it mentions the difference in the book vs show I will leave it spoiled.

Last edited by killa; 04-14-2014 at 01:06 PM. Reason: use spoiler tags
04-14-2014 , 12:49 PM

Last edited by killa; 04-14-2014 at 01:00 PM. Reason: come on
04-14-2014 , 12:51 PM
Sure is a lot of B word dropping ITT. Seems like someone was just banned for the same thing.
04-14-2014 , 12:52 PM
No bacon? Gtfo
04-14-2014 , 12:55 PM
When I watched I thought it was this person for sure and I have no information outside of watching the show. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

Who was the person with the greatest revenge reason to poison Joffrey?
When was the only time the King's cup was not publically visible to the others?
Who had access to the cup at that time?
Why did this person need to hold their right hand over the top of the cup other than to drop something into it?
Who wanted to suddenly wanted to leave the party shortly after the King put his lips to the cup for a little sip?

04-14-2014 , 12:58 PM
Everyone seems to be debating whether the poison was in the wine or the pie. How about both -- some combination-poison where something slipped in his wine reacted with an ingredient added to the pie?

Putting aside the "who's the regicide" question, this episode contained 2 long-term important scenes which are being forgotten in the carnage:

1. Obviously, Bran's tree-dream and the vision of dragons at Kings Landing (and the throne room missing the roof and covered with snow (or ash?). Dany had the same vision in the House of the Undying, didn't she?

2. Melisandre's theology lesson. All the stories about 7 gods, the new gods and the old gods, 7 heavens, 7 hells -- all crap. Only 2 gods exist, Melisandre's Lord of Light and a (previously undiscussed, if I remember) Lord of Darkness. I know for this thread there are no books, and I haven't read them, but I do know about the title "A Song of Ice and Fire". I think we got our first glimpse of the real story here, and the ultimate battle between the Lord of Light (fire) and the Lord of Darkness (ice; white walkers). I hope it doesn't turn out to be some Jacob / Man in Black - like disappointment when it ultimately comes.

More minor thoughts --

With Tyrion out of the way, Jamie and Bronn could be a fun pair to follow.

Jamie shouldn't try to out-snark the gay knight.

While the Braavos theory makes some sense, their goal is to get their loan repaid, and I don't see how doing this anonymously, and throwing blame on Tyrion, does it for them.

No Jon, Dany or Arya this week. Didn't much miss the first two.
04-14-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
What is the basis for the LF theory?

I don't see what his motive for this would be. Is it that he is good in times of chaos, and thus he doesn't want there to be a time of peace following the marriage and the union of the Tyrells and Lannisters? I don't see how he gains in any way from Joffrey's death.
You just explained how he gains, then in the very next sentence state that you don't see how he stands to gain... I don't even...
