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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-11-2019 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by BenStiller69
it's just disrespectful to the audience, we've invested all this time and emotion only to be given a 1 shot kill. It's a classic low IQ writers solution to conclude any tricky scenario. Like Jeff Goldblum destroying the mother ship, or Tom Cruise taking out the aliens in War of the Worlds. You have all this buildup for a seemingly invincible foe and not only does our hero defy the odds, they do so with ease. It's the lack of struggle in the final moments and a simple "1 hit kill button" that vanquishes the foe. The protagonist should not be able to just press E and use his Ultimate ability to kill the endboss.

As opposed to what, some stupid Hollywood scene where the hero gets knocked out three times only to rise from unconsciousness to vanquish a foe that is standing over him floating? The actual death was fine IMO. The setup was poor, ie the Theon/bran/NK dramatic pausing an speechifying
05-11-2019 , 11:12 AM
Bran at the war council: The NK is vulnerable to VS, maybe dragon fire. The hard part is getting close enough to kill him. He'll come to kill me personally, because reasons.
05-12-2019 , 02:11 AM
Does anybody think Jon will be dead at the end? I haven’t seen many comments saying this but I’m sure that will happen because he is living on “borrowed time” being resurrected by the LoL, just like Beric.

Also it would make sense that he survives all these battles somehow being as dumb and honorable as he is only to fall at the end when his purpose has been fully served.
05-12-2019 , 12:50 PM
05-12-2019 , 02:23 PM
the "nk is arrogant" turn with him smirking and **** is really really REALLY bad anyway

arrogance is a trait/weakness which is purely based on ego
the night king is supposed to be death, death DOESNT HAVE A FRIGGING EGO FFS
05-12-2019 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Arito.v2
Does anybody think Jon will be dead at the end? I haven’t seen many comments saying this but I’m sure that will happen because he is living on “borrowed time” being resurrected by the LoL, just like Beric.

Also it would make sense that he survives all these battles somehow being as dumb and honorable as he is only to fall at the end when his purpose has been fully served.
I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point. GRRM allegedly said that "Jon Snow is not the hero of this story."

I doubt that it will end as Jon being the clearcut prophesized legendary hero who wins the throne and gets the girl.
05-12-2019 , 03:29 PM
I'm guessing that the wheel will be broken, somehow, but we might not get all of that until next week, which will be the "Scouring of the Shire" episode.

I think we will have some sort of ending that implies that most magic will be leaving the world, another Tolkienesque device. Dragons dead, Dany dead, WWs dead, most of the agents of R'hllor dead.
05-12-2019 , 06:06 PM
Only way you break the wheel is bring in democracy or wipe out the human race from my studies. I'm curious how they will break the wheel in a medieval world.

I'm totally ready to watch all my heroes die at this point, it would be better then the stupid dragon death from last ep. It was the most completely implausible death ever, lets have a fleet of ships hiding behind an island that can bend giant arrows to hit the target like it's a heat seeking missile.

I think if you bashed in the heads of all the writers with a baseball bat you could come up with better storyline.
05-12-2019 , 07:43 PM
For most of the past two seasons, the show has forgotten about stuff like developing characters and subplots and making characters responsible for their actions and instead focused on getting all the characters from Point A to Point B. Everyone's now at Point B, so let's hope it was all worth it.
05-12-2019 , 07:51 PM
it won't be
05-12-2019 , 07:56 PM
GRRM must be distraught and crying into his millions with what D and D have done with his baby. How are people defending this season? I've defended the show again and again but I don't think I can anymore. Straight garbage ****ting on everything which had been built up to this point. This is what happens when you give the keys to bad writers in general who also don't understand the source material at all.
05-12-2019 , 08:08 PM
At this point it's kinda standard in TV writing history. At most we can hope for a half satisfying conclusion or a monstrous ending.

Also after rewatching last ep I think Dany is a sociopath, she didn't feel anything about the dude she was banging in the other continent and the last ep confirmed it with the way she talked to Jon in private. She's like a ****ing robot for power, funny cuz she was in a Terminator movie. Maybe they will split her skull open to realize she's a robot. She gonna go mad Terminator queen in 3...2....1......
05-12-2019 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Straight garbage ****ting on everything which had been built up to this point. This is what happens when you give the keys to bad writers in general who also don't understand the source material at all.
It's ironic that D and D are moving to Star Wars next, because this describes the current iteration of that franchise as well.
05-12-2019 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sir Huntington

Also after rewatching last ep I think Dany is a sociopath, she didn't feel anything about the dude she was banging in the other continent and the last ep confirmed it with the way she talked to Jon in private. She's like a ****ing robot for power, funny cuz she was in a Terminator movie. Maybe they will split her skull open to realize she's a robot. She gonna go mad Terminator queen in 3...2....1......

egoist=! sociopath
05-12-2019 , 09:09 PM
i'm just watching for the memes. r/freefolk has been amazing lately.
05-12-2019 , 09:17 PM
Literally nobody is acting like their actual ****ing character. The writers are so terrible.

Lol they have literally forgotten last episode.

Last edited by Clovis8; 05-12-2019 at 09:41 PM.
05-12-2019 , 10:34 PM
i'm giving this series one more chance next week, but then that's it
05-12-2019 , 10:37 PM
nitpicks aside, that was actually a very well-done episode.
05-12-2019 , 10:37 PM
There seems little doubt that Arya will keep her promise to kill "the Queen".
05-12-2019 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
nitpicks aside, that was actually a very well-done episode.
Technically it was brilliant. Narratively it was an absolute dumpster fire start to end.
05-12-2019 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by BilldaCat
i'm giving this series one more chance next week, but then that's it
05-12-2019 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
nitpicks aside, that was actually a very well-done episode.
Agreed. It was the best episode since Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Technically it was brilliant. Narratively it was an absolute dumpster fire start to end.
The key to deciphering this episode is discarding all the epic fantasy tropes about honor vs power. The revelation about Jon has robbed Dany's regime of all of the legitimacy she had and gained from the Battle of Winterfell. She literally just helped save the world, and most of her inner-circle advisors are betraying her. However, the Targs don't rule because people love them, they rule because they have dragons and they can incinerate anyone who messes with them. The burning of King's Landing was a deliberate display of the power of dragons to stabilize her regime and, as a narrative device, show up Jon's dull protestations of loyalty and Arya's juvenile obsession with personally murdering Cersei.

Last edited by bobman0330; 05-12-2019 at 10:51 PM.
05-12-2019 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
There seems little doubt that Arya will keep her promise to kill "the Queen".

I enjoyed this episode. Didn't love the J&C ending, but it's not my show to write. I would have given it a little more weight than just him running back to die in the arms of the woman he loved. Felt he should have killed her to close out his redemption arc. Instead he finishes right where we met him.

T&J final scene was great imo.
05-12-2019 , 10:48 PM
I loved it. I've loved this whole season tbh, even though parts have been glossed over big time. Ya'll need to realize the difference between books and movies I guess.
05-12-2019 , 10:50 PM
Arya killing John Snow to wear his face and kill Khaleesi 1 time
