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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-06-2019 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1

What happened to Varys' spiders? How does this group not have any usable intelligence on the enemy? WTF.
I barely remember this so it's likely I'm not correct, but I think that there was a scene explaining that Qyburn had taken control of them.
05-06-2019 , 06:47 AM
Hated last weeks episode, but this i really liked. Some good character dialogue again (thanks Tyrion).

Sure, it feels rushed and some points, but its the endgame, do we really need to see a few episodes of how Dany makes her way to Kings landing?

Pretty hyped for the battle next week now that they will keep the light on. Just please don't make Arya assassinate Cersei.

Makes me wish they just left the whole WW story out of the show with how that ended for more focus on this story.
05-06-2019 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Jesus what happened to this show hahaha
Even the special fx look like ass. I almost wonder if the 2 year hiatus had more to do with internal fighting at HBO than some extra prep time to make the most epic episodes possible. Especially since these episodes have mostly just been fluffed up with tons of eye rolling pillow talk between heroes.
05-06-2019 , 07:19 AM
Meh episode. Didn't hate it, didn't love much of it either. Liked the Brienne/Jaime scenes. The dragon death was bizarre. When it happened I'd have bet everything it was a dream sequence. How the hell does Eurons fleet get within shot distance without Dany seeing him coming?
05-06-2019 , 07:58 AM
And to head OAK off at the pass. If the show had a bunch of backstory of the dragons and Daenarys being super short sighted and Euron having submarine ships that pop out of the water undetected, then this would almost be equivalent to what Arya did to the NK.
05-06-2019 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
And to head OAK off at the pass. If the show had a bunch of backstory of the dragons and Daenarys being super short sighted and Euron having submarine ships that pop out of the water undetected, then this would almost be equivalent to what Arya did to the NK.

Please don’t put out troll feed for that guy.
05-06-2019 , 08:21 AM
I feel like I am drawing super live on my preseason prediction that Sansa ends up on the Iron Throne.
05-06-2019 , 08:31 AM
I hate to sound like one of the whiners because I am enjoying this season. It's just that it's not at the standard it used to be.

In past seasons, you'd watch an episode and go "WOW! Can't wait til next week."

Now it's like, "Hmm. Not bad. But wait..."

This season is both slow in its slow segments and way too fast at other times. The pacing and planning is ridiculous.

In past seasons you'd have some sort of lie, indiscretion, foul deed and it wouldn't be found out by anyone for years. Look at how long it took Littlefinger to pay for his crimes. Or how long Olenna lived with the secret of killing Joffrey. FFS Jaime just now confessed to another person that he pushed Bran out the window, expanding the circle of people who knew from him, Cersei and Bran to include Brienne.

Now we go from, "You are my queen, your wish is my command." "OK don't tell anyone, I beg you." "OK"

20 seconds later, "You must swear not to tell anyone." "I swear."

45 seconds later, "Oh, Tyrion..."
05-06-2019 , 08:41 AM
it's the most realistic thing that's happened in two seasons

as if some teenage girls aren't gonna spread juicy gossip like that
05-06-2019 , 08:42 AM
Yeah lol, I was pretty amused when Sansa broke her vow after like 30 seconds. Those sort of vows are taken pretty seriously in Westeros.
05-06-2019 , 08:51 AM
maybe she had her fingers crossed

but it's pretty clear she wants to undermine dany and spreading word that jon has the rightful claim is the strongest way to do that
05-06-2019 , 08:53 AM
the most questionable part of the episode is how euron got his submarine fleet. dany was flying on a dragon, she could see anything lol

dany and jon are dumb and dumber. cersei deserves the throne
05-06-2019 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Yeah lol, I was pretty amused when Sansa broke her vow after like 30 seconds. Those sort of vows are taken pretty seriously in Westeros.
People have been making vows and then breaking them to get what they want for the entire series. This just shows Sansa is no different than Littlefinger and the others she has learned from. Pacing sucks on that, but hey we are out of time.

Overall I like the episode. Although Tyrion not getting killed by sis was laughable.

I think they have telegraphed the end game and I don't expect to be too surprised by anything.

Arya is going to KL to kill Cersei. She is the only one left on her list. Jamie probably ends up taking that away from her by killing sis himself in some twist.

Jon v Dany doesn't end well for Dany who is already showing to be more mad queen than savior of the masses.

My main Q is Jon or Sansa on the throne. Likely Sansa the way things are playing out.
05-06-2019 , 09:21 AM
Gendry on the throne now
05-06-2019 , 09:22 AM
How did they still have half their army left? Where were all the dothraki/unsullied/Northern troops/Knights of the Vale hiding during the battle last week?
At least they finally acknowledged the Dorne army again. That whole army has not seen any fighting during the entire show so that should be a pretty important force by now.

How did Bronn just walk into a room with Jaime and Tyrion in the middle of ****ing Winterfell? And how did they allow him to threaten them and get away, when they are in a castle full of soldiers at their command?

The scenes with Tyrion and Varys were the best part of the episode. The dialogue is not as good as it once was, but at least hearing them talk about plotting and thrones is more interesting than another scene with Tormund hitting on Brienne.

Varys seems to have a plot ready. Knowing these showrunners, I think the show might end with Varys orchestrating a plot that gets rid of Dany and ends with Sansa on the throne.
05-06-2019 , 09:23 AM
Liked ep4 except for the appearance of the Starbucks cup near Dany in the drinking scene between Tormund and Jon
05-06-2019 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
GRRM has publicly said that he loved Scouring of the Shire, the epilogue to "Return of the King." So I would expect some kind of tying up loose ends type of episode.
This is HBO so here's how it play's out:

Arya receives a raven notifying her that she Landed the Dream Job She's Always Wanted up in Braavos. She spends half the episode excitedly preparing for her new life in the Big City. A later raven arrives informing her that there was a mix-up; sadly, she didn't get the Dream Job after all. Despondent, she turns to Jon for advice. He tells her, "**** it, just go anyway! Why not?!?"

So that's just what she does. She loads up her belongings (i.e. Needle) into her Prius and the final scene, set to the music of Sarah McLachlan, is of her driving across Westeros toward Braavos. We see interspersed flash-forwards which reveal how all the remaining characters die: Sam succumbs to coronary artery disease and keels over at the Tarly family picnic. Tyrion, whose liver by now is pickled cirrhotic mess, ultimately gets tapped for a transplant but dies in a car accident on the way to the clinic. Davos dies from being poisoned by bad onions. Gendry drinks himself to death after a series of failed marriages rob him of his will to live.

Fade to black.

Directed by Alan Ball.
05-06-2019 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
I legit did not understand the last scene at King's Landing. You have Cersei who is known as always going against any truce or promise. Dany, Tyrion, and the dragon are on the ground there are like 10 dragon harpoons pointed at them. Hundreds of archers and maybe only 20 unsullied.

Uh just end the war right there by wiping out the dragon..worst case u miss but Dany and Tyrion are 100% killed. Was I missing some massive army? It seemed like all of the ships got wrecked by the arrow missiles and there were around 20-30 survivors.

Also is Jamie riding back to KL to save Cersei? To kill Cersei? How did Bronn ride to Winterfell in like 2 days?

Seems almost impossible that the remaining Jon army can overcome a fleet of Euron's ships, the GC army, the lannister army and co. even with one dragon.

Really feels like this season should have been 8-10 episodes.
Also, WTF is Tyrion thinking that Cersei might surrender. She just ambushed your fleet and killed one of your dragons. She has a bigger army and has been fortifying her position for a year or so, but he thinks he still needs to give her a chance to surrender? Good thing Dany made sure to save him so he could provide top-notch advising.
05-06-2019 , 10:12 AM
its been established that cersei won't just ignore all protocol and wipe out a small convoy sent to negotiate, otherwise she would have done it when they brought the wight. tyrion thinking there was any reason for her to surrender was obviously stupid but "lul why didnt she kill them" is not a legit complaint among all the actual silly things that happened.
05-06-2019 , 10:15 AM

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05-06-2019 , 10:16 AM
Def had a Walking Dead, characters doing things that don't make any sense vibe. At about 25 mins and they're still hanging around drinking. All I could think was, you've got a few hours to wrap this giant story up and we're still drinking and being emo?

And why did they not show Jon telling his sisters his true identity??? To save time for Tirions super lame speech at the wall? just wtf.

Also, did anyone report Euron for aim-botting?
05-06-2019 , 10:17 AM
If Tyrion was actively trying to undermine Danyeris from the start and working for his sister all along would he have done a single thing different?

Lol Tyrion

WOAT strategy mind
05-06-2019 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by MontyBurns

And why did they not show Jon telling his sisters his true identity??? To save time for Tirions super lame speech at the wall? just wtf.
This didn't bother me at all. It is the worst story telling to repeat a story the audience already knows. The later scene of her trekking Tyrion tells us all we need to know about her reaction to the news.
05-06-2019 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by antneye
People have been making vows and then breaking them to get what they want for the entire series.
It's a bit different when the vow is to her brother and also the person she considers to be her king.
05-06-2019 , 10:27 AM
Enjoyed the Brienne and Jaime scenes, one of the few remaining plotlines where I feel like a lot of time and care has been taken over the way it's played out.

The Bronn scene was pretty ****ing dreadful but was nearly saved by the sheer level of Bronn-ness it provided

It's been pretty obvious since the early days of the show that Tyrion and Varys would be instrumental in guiding the eventual 'winner' of throne, I quite like that they seem to be splitting their allegiances in the final stages (although think it'd have been even more interesting if Cersei had just arrowed Tyrion to pieces at the gate, leaving Dany with her main adviser being potentially treasonous)

Why did Dany dive bomb Euron's fleet without just burning them? Everyone just seems to be making awful decisions all over the place
