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05-06-2015 , 01:40 PM
The odd thing about Arya is that she's been on the periphery for of the main events for ages. She's awesome and all so I'm sure at some point shell be dragged back into the thick if things.
05-06-2015 , 02:24 PM
Consider that everyone on Arya's list may die. Remember, the Faceless Man is nobody. Does that mean that she doesn't have to be the one who kills them?
05-06-2015 , 03:06 PM
if arya becomes "nobody" then surely she has to leave her grudges in the past as well, no? upon further thought i can see how tyrion could potentially be useful to dany in a strategic sense, but arya joining the faceless men just seems so wtf
05-06-2015 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Altheimer
-- Regarding Melisandre, we now have seen another fire-god priestess who backs Dany, and we already saw how she was surprised by Thoros' resurrection power. Maybe she doesn't know everything she thinks she knows about her visions in the fires.
We've seen what now?

Originally Posted by Altheimer
-- Will Tormund and the other wildlings help Stannis in exchange for land south of the wall? I think most of them will.
They seem pretty stubborn, according to Jon there's no way they're following Stannis. I think they might follow Jon if he somehow can get in charge. Which, I guess, makes Stannis dying more likely, because I doubt the wildlings are just going to hang out at the wall from now on.

Originally Posted by Altheimer
-- I don't even want to speculate about what Ramsay (or his girls) might do to Sansa. I hope that Sansa's knowledge of the castle (and Theon's?) and the support of the staff (the North remembers) will help her. Maybe Brienne and Pod show up at the right time, but that's too typically cinematic for this show.
I don't think Ramsay will hurt Sansa, that girl they zoomed in on looked pretty pissed though. She's also hot, I'm glad she hasn't been flayed yet.

Originally Posted by Altheimer
-- The religious army will turn on Cersei soon, having already shown that they don't respect King Tommen. Who can she then turn to? She's called on Littlefinger, but he's already gone behind her back. Franken-mountain might help, if Qyburn has enough dwarf heads and rat innards.
My impression was that they didn't respect Tommen because their loyalty is to Cersei, and that they don't have the man power to actually do much should Tommen decide to do something about it.
05-06-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Altheimer
Also a bunch of thoughts, starting at the wall, and working south and then east:

-- Jon's parentage is certainly an issue, and the Targaryen angle is open. Melisandre was clearly trying to make another shadow-assassin (to kill Roose Bolton?) with kings "blood". Does it matter, though? Even if he is royalty, he would still be a bastard and/or bound by vows, like Aemon, with no claim to the throne.
I think it does matter because right now he believes himself to be a bastard but finding out who his parents are (assuming Rhaegar/Lyanna) then he will know that he's not a bastard and that would change everything. He's got the offer on the table from Stannis to become Jon Stark.
05-06-2015 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
We've seen what now?

asian girl, with the crowd listening to her in the streets, who looked at Tyrion before Tyrion and Varys found the brothel
05-07-2015 , 01:05 AM
Anyone get the rhaeger and Lyana angle fron little fingers story? Rhaeger was married to Oberyns sister, so giving the flowers to Lyana started a war???
05-07-2015 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
asian girl, with the crowd listening to her in the streets, who looked at Tyrion before Tyrion and Varys found the brothel
Ahh, right. Makes sense given her immunity to fire.
05-07-2015 , 02:32 AM
It seems pretty clear that LF may also have some inkling of the backstory with Jon Snow. His recap for Sansa makes it clear that there are some others who might have known the truth as well (given that he observed this interaction between Raegar and Lyanna in public). We've really only heard that story from the perspective of the Starks and Baratheons, IIRC, since most of the people who would be interested in telling the other side (if it exists) got killed. I bet LF and Varys both know, and I could see Varys telling Dany. Hell, Jamie might know.

Plus it seems like Melisandre can see visions and **** so she probably knows as well. She could never prove it through direct testimony the way Jamie or LF or Varys potentially could, but I have a feeling that "proving it" won't really matter anyway.

If Stannis were to know or find out who Jon is (if the theory is right), couldn't that also be a flashpoint for conflict between them, since Jon might have a real claim at that point?
05-07-2015 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by ShowUthExit
asian girl, with the crowd listening to her in the streets, who looked at Tyrion before Tyrion and Varys found the brothel
Super hot Asian girl...
05-07-2015 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
It seems pretty clear that LF may also have some inkling of the backstory with Jon Snow. His recap for Sansa makes it clear that there are some others who might have known the truth as well (given that he observed this interaction between Raegar and Lyanna in public). We've really only heard that story from the perspective of the Starks and Baratheons, IIRC, since most of the people who would be interested in telling the other side (if it exists) got killed. I bet LF and Varys both know, and I could see Varys telling Dany. Hell, Jamie might know.

Plus it seems like Melisandre can see visions and **** so she probably knows as well. She could never prove it through direct testimony the way Jamie or LF or Varys potentially could, but I have a feeling that "proving it" won't really matter anyway.

If Stannis were to know or find out who Jon is (if the theory is right), couldn't that also be a flashpoint for conflict between them, since Jon might have a real claim at that point?
Yeah, Varys and LF are pretty likely to know.

I don't think there would be a conflict. Dany is the daughter of the Mad King. Jon would still be a bastard and not even the bastard of a king, just the bastard of a prince.
05-07-2015 , 12:28 PM
I would love to see some flashbacks showing guys like Robert, Rhaegar, Ned, and Selmy fighting in their prime.
05-07-2015 , 02:33 PM
Super hot indeed

Originally Posted by +rep_lol
if arya becomes "nobody" then surely she has to leave her grudges in the past as well, no? upon further thought i can see how tyrion could potentially be useful to dany in a strategic sense, but arya joining the faceless men just seems so wtf
Completely with you here
05-08-2015 , 01:04 AM
For how badass the faceless men are, seems weird that he was caught in the first place and in the process of being taken to the Wall like all the other common criminals when Arya met him/freed him.
05-08-2015 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
For how badass the faceless men are, seems weird that he was caught in the first place and in the process of being taken to the Wall like all the other common criminals when Arya met him/freed him.
I thought he was acting as a soldier in Tywins army
05-08-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
For how badass the faceless men are, seems weird that he was caught in the first place and in the process of being taken to the Wall like all the other common criminals when Arya met him/freed him.
This always kinda bothered me too.
05-08-2015 , 01:55 PM
Unless he intended it all along for whatever reasons.
05-08-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Connissuer
I thought he was acting as a soldier in Tywins army
That was after Arya, Hot Pie, and Gendry were captured by Tywin's men. He was in the cage with two other prisoners on the way to the wall when Tywin's men attacked, and Arya let them out when it caught fire.
05-08-2015 , 09:25 PM
One other thought: the Asian red priestess was going on about the Mother of Dragons, so presumably Stannis' red priestess is also going to end up on Dany's side. She'll get Jon Snow on board somehow, presumably by telling him about his parentage, and then maybe Bran will join the team as dragon controller. All of this works much more smoothly if Stannis dies! I'm therefore making Stannis my Lock Of The Season for a gruesome death.
05-08-2015 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by MortalWombat
That was after Arya, Hot Pie, and Gendry were captured by Tywin's men. He was in the cage with two other prisoners on the way to the wall when Tywin's men attacked, and Arya let them out when it caught fire.
Oh yeah
05-09-2015 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Characters that may or may not be dead.

The Hound: With each passing episode I guess the chance he's dead is increasing, especially since we've had that part of Westeros in the story plenty already and there's no sign of him. I still don't think he's dead though.

Benjen Stark: I expect him come back and give us a report about the White Walkers any time now. I don't think he's dead, he wasn't found when the other dudes he was with were found dead. I give the White Walkers a pass on moving slowly btw. I mean, they've slept for 4000 years or something, give them a break. It's not like they're up to date on the politics of Westeros in the last 3 years and are staging a coup d'etat, they're just doing their zombie thing which is to turn humans and walk slowly. They're a bit like Stannis except they're excused because they're zombies.

Blackfish: He could show up in the Sansa storyline, but I wouldn't hold my breath. There's no real reason for him to come back other than being a cool character.
I would bet even money individually that all three are alive, and my sense is Blackfish>>Benjen>Hound.

It would have been so easy to kill Blackfish at the Red Wedding and make that scene an even more epic OMGWTF moment, but they made a point of mentioning that he escaped (I guess outside chance the Freys caught him and Walder was keeping that from Roose), plus like you say, he's a badass. I think he's forming a rebellion, and will be a player. Have we heard anything about his relationship with LF? No way they aren't familiar with each other, given LF's background with the Tullys.

The other two, I agree. They can even be missing for the whole season and still come back later.
05-09-2015 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
Anyone get the rhaeger and Lyana angle fron little fingers story? Rhaeger was married to Oberyns sister, so giving the flowers to Lyana started a war???
I don't think it was the flowers as much as that he kidnapped (and apparently raped) her at some point after that. I'm not entirely sure what LF's angle was telling that story, other than to teach her sometimes you have to forgo love for the sake of politics, or some such whatever.
05-09-2015 , 05:50 PM
The thing is, in the same episode Selmy made it seem unlikely that Rhaegar would be the type of person to kidnap a girl. It seems far more likely that Lyana ran away with Rhaegar and they made passionate love. Even in the LF Sansa scene, LF shrugs off the rape comments.
05-09-2015 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
The thing is, in the same episode Selmy made it seem unlikely that Rhaegar would be the type of person to kidnap a girl. It seems far more likely that Lyana ran away with Rhaegar and they made passionate love. Even in the LF Sansa scene, LF shrugs off the rape comments.
Agree it was meant to be ambiguous and that's probably the truth of it, but he could have just dispelled that myth altogether if he wanted to.

And we know there's some serious mental illness running through probably both the Targaryens and the Tullys.
05-09-2015 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
The thing is, in the same episode Selmy made it seem unlikely that Rhaegar would be the type of person to kidnap a girl. It seems far more likely that Lyana ran away with Rhaegar and they made passionate love. Even in the LF Sansa scene, LF shrugs off the rape comments.
yeah i thought this was the clear subtext. not even subtext. it was the clear... point ... of the thing.
