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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-17-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Its not like the wildling army was prepared. They were sitting around camp. Any army without guns would be devastated by a cavalry charge through their unprepared camps - even if they were trained and disciplined men.

Now consider both flanks of unprepared, undisciplined men who were probably eating, drinking, ****ing, etc getting surprise charged on by calvary. The fighting would not have lasted long as the wildlings would have routed very very quickly.
I agree w u 100 %. Also, do we know for sure if the wilding ARMY, is 100k strong, or are there 100k wildlings outside the wall? For TV purposes, we have been spoiled w giants, Thenn Cannibals, and Tormant(sp)'s bad ass crew. There is a chance there are a ton of cripples, elderly, and children in the group.
06-17-2014 , 03:15 PM
Tree guy implying Brandon stark will fly -> we had visions earlier that Brandon saw a shadow of a dragon flying over a major city(looked like KL) And a snowy throne which imply that the roof is gone most likely burnt.

The shadow of the dragon make sense even more if he saw a vision of the future with his own eyes, as the sun would be in his back/top of his body and therefor seeing his own dragon shadow as he flew over the city.

Man this is exciting!
06-17-2014 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
Team joffrey either you're trolling or idk but most of your posts are just wow.
It's always the person who pays the least attention and puts the least consideration into his opinions
06-17-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
I think you and I have very different opinions on what happens when you get warged. Its just the warger in their targets body, getting the features of the individual or species along with their own mind - nothing else happens IMO. Brandon Stark had some basic swordtraining/archertraining growing up in winterfell before getting impaired. HODOR is also referred as a "giant" (not a real giant, just big) by others all the time and him being slowminded suits his actions, not knowing his own strength being passive/weak/childish like not trying to break the chains for real and stuff. Brandon on the other hand pushes his body to the max.
Ah good point. I hadn't considered that warging controls personality. The editing of the previous times he did it suggests that Bran exited his warging state before Hodor exited his being-warged state. This suggested that the control is on a more primitive level that would set Hodor into a state of mind and let him still have the effects for a time period after Bran exits. The first time he did it was to calm him, the second to frenzy him. From these I thought it was about clearing his mind and focusing his mind

It looks like you're right though. It could easily be that the warger becomes the wargie
06-17-2014 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
I expect that first they have to deal with the White Walkers, then they will deal with the Boltons, etc. I bet the agreement is that the wildlings fight with Stannis / Night's Watch in exchange for getting some territory in the North.

I do think at some point we're going to see Stannis/Jon fight the Boltons, although I could see it being with or without support from Mance.

As for the lack of a Stark, perhaps Stannis can legitimize Jon.
I am certain u deal with the WWs by hiding behind the wall, not combat
06-17-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
And there are plenty of people getting what they want in the series, at least temporarily.

Also I think assuming Hound is dead is weak. He suffered no fatal wounds, just a broken leg or something. It's ten miles to "the bloody gate". There are many stories of people who survive in similar yet worse conditions.

I think Hound felt beaten and has always wanted to die. The way he told Arya he's "ready to die" looked more like it was something he decided, not something that he absolutely had to do.

This looks to me like somebody who breaks and hits his lowest point. He was shouting for Arya to kill him several times as she walked away. Was it because he was going to die anyways from his wounds? I don't think so. I think it was because he was done and wanted out. But now that she didn't kill him, he's not going to just sit there and let himself die of dehydration. Or maybe he will, but his wounds aren't fatal

I wouldn't necessarily say it's beyond the writers to kill him like this though. They have cut corners several times in the past, and we just move beyond it
06-17-2014 , 03:53 PM
Still surprises me that Stannis would go north after learning of Joffrey's death. Once he learns of Tywin's death how can he not descend on KL?
06-17-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
I agree about the Hodor thing, him becoming a proficient swordsman looked really weird. As far as I understand the warg actually takes control of his body though, which means if the warg is a skilled swordsman himself it would make sense. We know Bran sucks at fighting though, or at least that's the perception I got from the his bow practicing in s1, so him controlling Hodor in this way makes even less sense. Also, controlling a human is supposed to be difficult, which means a brute strength fighting style would make a whole lot more sense.
I don't think controlling a human is hard, just being able to warg into one is a rare talent that most cannot do. Once you warg, it seems a human is no harder to than any other beast.

Also, I don't think Hodor becomes a master swordsman. He parries a few blows - a skilled swordsman would have done much more. Given that Brandon certainly had some training, I don't think its that hard to imaging that he would have learned basic parrying technique.
06-17-2014 , 04:00 PM
Rewatched the Hound scene. I was a little wrong about his wound. If they want it to be fatal, it can be fatal. I didn't see the bone was sticking out and he had a gaping bloody hole.

If Hound is a protagonist, this would not be his death scene. However, if Arya is the protagonist, it is reasonable that this would be his death scene from her perspective, and it would be reasonable that we never see him again. I think I've been under the impression that Hound is on a more important arc than just being a prop for Arya

This isn't like the Breaking Bad nonsense. That person was killed on screen. Some people just don't know what an onscreen kill looks like.
06-17-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Yeah I'm coming around to this too. I mean true love and everything, but a whore really loved a dwarf that much? The only reason she was so insistent on staying in KL despite her life being in danger, Tyrion wanting her to leave and Vary's offering her boat loads of money is likely because she was working for Tywin all along. She knew her life wasn't in danger and she had a better offer for money. It's also nicely set up with the backstory with the previous whore.
I don't think she was working for Tywin until early this season when Cersei pointed her out to him at the breakfast before Joff's Wedding. Tywin ordered her to be brought to the Tower.
06-17-2014 , 04:37 PM
Hated that episode. Everything seemed like it was rushed together. Tyrion's escape and Stannis's attack should have both been 1000x more epic.

How is it that extremely powerful people that have made tons of enemies can so easily be killed by walking into their bedrooms when they're asleep (King of Qarth, Tywin)? Drives me nuts. Ned Stark had 50 men in his household guard. Tywin has none? Also, Tyrion either got extremely lucky with his timing or he has his father's nightly ****ting schedule down pat.

I do like where Stannis is placed for the future.

Jon Snow is prett likely to be Ned Stark's nephew. Whether his father is Robert or if he's the mad king's grandson I keep flipping on. Then again, Ned talked about his bastard's mother with Robert (kinda).
06-17-2014 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Hated that episode. Everything seemed like it was rushed together. Tyrion's escape and Stannis's attack should have both been 1000x more epic.

How is it that extremely powerful people that have made tons of enemies can so easily be killed by walking into their bedrooms when they're asleep (King of Qarth, Tywin)? Drives me nuts. Ned Stark had 50 men in his household guard. Tywin has none? Also, Tyrion either got extremely lucky with his timing or he has his father's nightly ****ting schedule down pat.

I do like where Stannis is placed for the future.

Jon Snow is prett likely to be Ned Stark's nephew. Whether his father is Robert or if he's the mad king's grandson I keep flipping on. Then again, Ned talked about his bastard's mother with Robert (kinda).
Tyrion came into the room through a trap door in the floor presumably via a secret passage.
06-17-2014 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Hated that episode. Everything seemed like it was rushed together. Tyrion's escape and Stannis's attack should have both been 1000x more epic.

How is it that extremely powerful people that have made tons of enemies can so easily be killed by walking into their bedrooms when they're asleep (King of Qarth, Tywin)? Drives me nuts. Ned Stark had 50 men in his household guard. Tywin has none? Also, Tyrion either got extremely lucky with his timing or he has his father's nightly ****ting schedule down pat.

I do like where Stannis is placed for the future.

Jon Snow is prett likely to be Ned Stark's nephew. Whether his father is Robert or if he's the mad king's grandson I keep flipping on. Then again, Ned talked about his bastard's mother with Robert (kinda).
Also Tyrion was Hand for a while and those were his chambers which explains his knowledge of the secret entrance.
06-17-2014 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by ChoiceAsBro
Tyrion came into the room through a trap door in the floor presumably via a secret passage.
Which he certainly would have known about since he stayed in that room while he was acting as the Hand.
06-17-2014 , 08:08 PM
The old man at the wall said he used to be a Targareon (sp) in a prior episode - does that mean he can't be killed by fire or is that just certain Targareons, since obv Danny's brother died? How does the fire superpower work exactly?

Do we know who Jon Snows mom is - I don't recall it ever being mentioned prior on the show but someone posted in the thread that we know its someone important?
06-17-2014 , 08:17 PM
the penny is beginning to drop for me (I know, 4 seasons in, congrats etc) and it's boiling down to a clash of ideologies for the ultimate prize of power.
Morality lost early when Ned got chopped, but Tyrion is still limping along
Bloodlines/Family still kind of represented by Sansa/Dany/Stannis
Brute force died with Drogo, but Stannis and Mance still in the game
Diplomacy/politics/duplicity lives on with Varys and LF
Money just took a crossbow bolt while sitting on the toilet, but the Iron Bank still represent
Strength in numbers failed for Robb and Mance, but Stannis and Dany still carrying that torch
Magical fantasy stuff still a hot favourite to prevail, with Bran/Dany/Lord of Light/Ice Zombies all still standing
A combo of tactics/strategy/magic and most recently money are beginning to pay off for Stannis

Plenty of other examples, but you get my drift. Multiple strats in play and we're seeing the strengths and weaknesses of each as the story unfolds. Those who adapt best and utilise the widest range are most likely to prevail.

Really enjoyed the finale, if only because that's when it all fell into place in my simple little mind. I've already begun the audio books, and will be joining the dark side for season 5, so gg all and thanks for the guidance. This thread def enhanced my viewing experience, even when taking into account the risk of spoilers.
06-17-2014 , 09:59 PM
does that mean he can't be killed by fire or is that just certain Targareons, since obv Danny's brother died? How does the fire superpower work exactly?
Whatever else happens, Nights Watch cannot let Aemon become a wight.
06-17-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
Tree guy implying Brandon stark will fly -> we had visions earlier that Brandon saw a shadow of a dragon flying over a major city(looked like KL) And a snowy throne which imply that the roof is gone most likely burnt.

The shadow of the dragon make sense even more if he saw a vision of the future with his own eyes, as the sun would be in his back/top of his body and therefor seeing his own dragon shadow as he flew over the city.

Man this is exciting!
Yeah that seems obvious now doesn't it. Hmmmm
06-17-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
The old man at the wall said he used to be a Targareon (sp) in a prior episode - does that mean he can't be killed by fire or is that just certain Targareons, since obv Danny's brother died? How does the fire superpower work exactly?

Do we know who Jon Snows mom is - I don't recall it ever being mentioned prior on the show but someone posted in the thread that we know its someone important?
No we don't know who his mom is just a lot of us speculating that he isn't Ned's Bastard.

Now that we got the Fire Priest at the wall maybe we get some more information about Jon.
06-17-2014 , 11:27 PM
1. I'm thinking Milisendre has some insight into Jon's mother (maybe her?)

2. Bran flying would definitely seem to indicate something to do with dragons, warg into them maybe?

3. The Tyrell's plan certainly backfired. YOU GET NOTHING .gif
06-18-2014 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
No we don't know who his mom is just a lot of us speculating that he isn't Ned's Bastard.

Now that we got the Fire Priest at the wall maybe we get some more information about Jon.
He's either Ned's bastard or nephew. He might not have the Stark name, but he has Stark blood.
06-18-2014 , 12:36 AM
My guess for Brann is that he's being groomed to take over for the old guy. This sets up a not so horrible deus, where the reason magic is spazzin out is because the old root wizard is in his twilight years and doesn't have the strength to hold it back anymore. This also means that while "you will fly" could refer to warging a dragon, it would mean he'd have the vision of a thousand ravens or whatever it is that the old man said.
06-18-2014 , 12:54 AM
Black of hair, brought home from a war suggests hes a bastard son of a baratheon as his pal the king Robert baratheon sure loved his whores. Ned on the other hand didnt.
06-18-2014 , 12:56 AM
That would be the "easy sell". We will probably see some sick plot of him being the love child of two very important persons.
