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Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!**

08-18-2014 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by lisamp24
It seems obvious that english is not the 1st language of anyone posting here. Scam-a dishonest scheme; a fraud. Calling an honest mistake a dishonest scheme is not the same in the english language. Please no more responses from zachvac as i can't figure out why you make no sense since you seem to grasp the english language.
Jfc the scam terminology is irrelevant. There is no one reading this that thinks "hmm seems like an honest mistake until I saw the word scam now I think Zach is a pos".
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 01:32 PM
It seems like there are three groups of people chiming in here.
Group 1...Zach, his friends and his family....This group thinks Zach is in the right and should not have to pay the 4k for multiple reasons.
Group 2....A handful of people who think Tomas should get no additional money because he was dumb enough to enter into this deal, even though they probably agree he is owed the 4k.
Group 3...Everyone else....Anyone who looks at this situation can see that Zach owes the money and should pay up.

So, if this was originally a misunderstanding, it is now clear that Zach needs to come clean and pay off the remaining funds. If he is busto, no problem...he can work out a payment plan. No one wants to be labeled as a scammer. Zach, I know you are reading this. Do the right thing and work out a deal with Tomas.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:00 PM
Thank you for this thread Tomas. As Deurdy previously stated, this thread is the result of non-payment. Non-payment is not the result of this thread. It's interesting how the fear of taxes can warp a person's judgement. I suppose Zach's mental illness(es) heightened this effect.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:09 PM
It seems obvious that english is not the 1st language of anyone posting here. Scam-a dishonest scheme; a fraud. Calling an honest mistake a dishonest scheme is not the same in the english language. Please no more responses from zachvac as i can't figure out why you make no sense since you seem to grasp the english language.
I completely disagree. This is a straight up $4,000 dollar SCAM. It's not an honest mistake, it's not a mis-communication.

The SCAMMER, Zach, figured out a way to keep $4,000 of Tomas' account balance on FTP. He used completely fabricated lies in order to do so by claiming a false tax liability. He then further scammed his friends by lying to them and claiming that Tomas' actions were somehow ruining his mental stability thereby enlisting their help to argue his side of things on 2+2 for him (LOLOLOL). He then took the scam one step further and tricked 2+2 members into (unbelievably) justifying his actions by sending just the right amount to Tomas so that Tomas received something (instead of nothing) thereby enlisting some 2+2 members to further attempt to justify his scam and not label him an outright felonious scam artist.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:27 PM
At this point I think it can be argued that kartinken needs to be outted as well. His delusional justifications are beyond stupidity at this point and are increasingly showing some sort of involvement/guilt in this situation imo(if it's not Zach himself).

As a 2+2 member who relies on the community for various support in my profession, I never want any sort of dealings with this person, directly or indirectly. I wouldn't trust kartinken in any sort of transaction, dealing, etc., as he clearly has a very misguided set of morals he operates on.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
So you agreed with him to settle at 12k and immediately after being paid you reneged on that agreement and continued pursuing the last 4k?
Originally Posted by kartinken
New post of the thread.
I was obviously just trolling not sticking up for your scamming loser of a friend
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:45 PM
I call and order 16 pizzas and pay with my credit card. When the driver arrives I only receive 12 pizzas, after paying for 16. Would this be anything less than a scam because I still received SOME pizza?
Depends on the mental stability of the delivery boy. Also, if you decide to "harass" the company about their non-negotiable policies on only delivering 3/4 of what was agreed on, you automatically forfeit your remaining 4 pizzas. Remember this is a *wonderful* company that is able to deliver 95% of the time but should not be trusted with any financial dealings and possibly any sort of social interactions.

BTW - Be happy you got any food at all you idiot. Why would you give your credit card to someone you never met over the phone? Take it as a cheap "life lesson".
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:56 PM
all the trolling and sarcasm just obfuscates the thread

has anyone talked about going on a payment plan with the IRS? It's a pretty common thing. When you get a collection letter from the IRS it gives you the option to negotiate your liability and the timing of the payments. That said, it's pretty clear he pretty clearly knows nothing about taxes and should probably spend the $300 and go to HR Block.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:09 PM
Thread delivers for sure

Agrees to pay 16k, pays 12k and says tough luck on the other money but yet this isnt scamming? Not sure if serious....

+1 to all of Zachav's posts
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:09 PM
has anyone talked about going on a payment plan with the IRS? It's a pretty common thing
Do you honestly believe that this guy actually kept this money for tax purposes?
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:11 PM
It's unlikely H&R Block will know how to handle this situation correctly. He needs a tax preparer who specializes in this stuff.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:16 PM
It's unlikely H&R Block will know how to handle this situation correctly. He needs a tax preparer who specializes in this stuff.
Continuing to advise the scammer on how to handle his "tax problem" also obfuscates this thread. Let's not be naive here folks.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:18 PM
Seems pretty clear the tax excuse was just that....a lie and an excuse. It is pretty black and white when it comes to taxes. Obviously Zach wouldnt pay tax on the entire 16k when he received 8500.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
I was obviously just trolling not sticking up for your scamming loser of a friend
New post of the thread.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Seems pretty clear the tax excuse was just that....a lie and an excuse. It is pretty black and white when it comes to taxes. Obviously Zach wouldnt pay tax on the entire 16k when he received 8500.
A lot of people are under the false impression that they have to pay taxes on anything that is reported to the IRS. You should see the things people say about taxes at the final tables of mid stakes live tourneys.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 03:59 PM
Zachary is clearly responsible for the remaining $4000. Arguing otherwise is pretty ridiculous.

Dissecting the word "scam" to see if it applies to this situation doesn't change the fact that Zachary owes the money.

That ItsMeMaix created this thread doesn't change the fact that Zachary owes the money.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 04:06 PM
It's not a scam.
It's plain theft.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 04:37 PM
Rather than posters around the workplace, the community should out him to IRS for not paying tax on the 8500 dollars a few years ago.

Are we going to hear ITT that he has agreed
a) he still acknowledges he owes the 4K.
b) he has stated a reasonable timeline for paying it.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by kartinken
He directed them to this thread, you car rest assured they will hear Tomas's side. I am friends with both of his bosses as well. They have known Zach since he was a child, as have I. There's no way you are going to turn a single person who knows Zach well against him. It's impossible. Zach is an amazingly wonderful person, and that's not a secret.

He ****ed up in this situation (as did Tomas, only Tomas ****ed it up worse and certainly did the scummiest single action of the whole scenario), but there was no malicious intent at any point. Someone ****ing up does not warrant this response, but this response warrants completely cutting off communication with this person who initiated it.
Characteristics of an "amazingly wonderful" person:
1. Someone who attempts to change terms on an agreement.
2. Someone who tells a victim to "**** off" when he tries to assert his rights
3. Someone who uses a mental illness as a preemptive threat to legal action
4. Someone who blocks all contact with his victim.
5. Someone who lets his friends try and explain his thievery.
6. Someone who justifies theft because his victim sought public opinion (After he was the one who cut off contact with said victim)

It's always tough when you realize a friend is a lying scumbag.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by kartinken
I'm one of *very* few in this thread thinking critically. When Zach told me a small amount about it my advice was "It sounds like there was a miscommunication, I hope you can work it out." No more advice came til this thread was posted and you volunteered to give up your money. If you don't understand why posting this forfeits your money, you, like your rabid dogs, have no critical thinking skills.

I wouldn't criticize Zach for taking this issue to arbitration, but he would definitely be doing it as an undeserved favor to you.

Posting this is so much more wrong than Zach holding some of the money longer than you expected, it's not remotely comparable.
I don't understand how you can say something like that, literally WAT? What about...

Tomas Samol
I see, I still dont agree. Its not fair position. I can go for 2k and you will pay me the last 2k in 1year time as a loan with no interest. I know you are only saying these things because you are desperate. But I still think this is a fair offer. Since you did not pay taxes for the first 8.5k...

Very next exchange...

Zachary Parker
I think you failed to read the non negotiable part. I am taking 4k, non negotiable. You can talk at me, but it won't change the fact. No goofy loans, nothing like that. You pay the taxes, and you get the leftover money. That's the deal, take it or leave it. You are in fact paying the full taxes on that money, not me. Sorry if you don't like this, but I've explained my position and it is not changing, so, as I said, take it or leave it, but stop trying to negotiate a non-negotiable deal. I will be the one getting paid the money, the ball is in my court. Your options are get 12k or get nothing, it's up to you and how you handle these messages. There is no way you are getting 14k.

These two above posts show the true character of both parties involved. This is not hard. Zach, you made a deal that ended up being bad for you. Your taxes are no one else's concern and it's very childish of you to think otherwise. It's none of his business. You should have thought of and planned for that before you offered the deal. He even offered to pay SOME and go to an arbitrator! Ridiculous on your part.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 05:55 PM
I want $5 sent to me by everyone who responded in this thread. Non negotiable.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 05:58 PM
Well, I can't say anymore without continuing to repeat myself. I think you should all congratulate yourselves for teaming up to beat up a mentally ill person while having no actual evidence to convict, and most of the circumstantial evidence points *away* from shady dealings.

I haven't been around here in several years because of how disgusting, narrow-minded, and unthinking this community tends to be, and I see nothing has changed.

I'm sure this thread will see many more posts trying to boil this down to some simple black and white when it's clearly not.

Tomas, you are a monster, and it's a tragedy that your appalling actions are being endorsed by so many.

Enjoy your party, boys. It cost Tomas 4k, so make it a good one.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 06:10 PM
The party cost nothing. Its free and everybody is invited. Getting my money stolen costed me 4000$.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by kartinken
Well, I can't say anymore without continuing to repeat myself. I think you should all congratulate yourselves for teaming up to beat up a mentally ill person while having no actual evidence to convict, and most of the circumstantial evidence points *away* from shady dealings.

I haven't been around here in several years because of how disgusting, narrow-minded, and unthinking this community tends to be, and I see nothing has changed.

I'm sure this thread will see many more posts trying to boil this down to some simple black and white when it's clearly not.

Tomas, you are a monster, and it's a tragedy that your appalling actions are being endorsed by so many.

Enjoy your party, boys. It cost Tomas 4k, so make it a good one.
I have a cousin who has schizophrenia, and I can only imagine his reaction when he hears about this thread where someone is using his mental disease as a mitigating factor for not following through with an agreed upon deal.

By and large, the community of people suffering with mental illness are a great group of people who work tirelessly to not be defined by their mental illnesses.

Your buddy Zach was perfectly happy to take $8,500 when it appeared that there was no way he was getting $16,000. Was his state of mind affected then?

Using the mental illness angle at this point to evoke sympathy is childish, irresponsible, and certainly is all the evidence that anyone needs to see that Zach is a scumbag, liar, and a thief unable to take accountability for his mistakes. Too bad you've fallen for it too.

Good riddance.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Munchkins Hero
I want $5 sent to me by everyone who responded in this thread. Non negotiable.
I would, but you see Im dead broke and mentally challenged ATM. When I get my 401k I will send you 3.50 $ ( I need to pay taxes and this is non-negotiable)
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
