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Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood

06-07-2021 , 11:45 PM
In January 2020, myself and PenelopeCruz had action in Peter Wasworth’s package below:

Peter ended up coming in 6th in $3,500 WPT Championship in Hollywood
The total returns for the package were $16,876 to PenelopeCruz who had 15% of the package and $4,782 to me who had 4% of the package

Shortly after the event, Peter Walsworth told PenelopeCruz and myself that he has lost the funds as he was investing in volatile crypto instruments and the cryptos crashed while he was on the flight. Regardless of the objective merits of his crypto investments, we were not his buddies, backers or long term investors. We were solely investors in Borgata and Hollywood packages and therefore our returns from the package should have never been invested in crypto or any other financial instruments. Rather these funds were supposed to be returned to us immediately after completion of the tournament package.

On March 19th 2020, we signed the following repayment agreement with Peter:
The purpose of this document is to outline payment terms between Peter Walsworth, PenelopeCruz, and AALegend. Peter acknowledges that he has failed to pay, and continues to owe, PenelopeCruz and AALegend as follows:

PenelopeCruz: $16,876
AALegend: $4,782

In order to satisfy these outstanding debts, Peter agrees to pay according to the schedule below.

Payment 1
Approximately 25% of balances owed to each party. These payments will equal $4,219 and $1,195 to PenelopeCruz and AALegend respectively. These payments will be made on or before April 1, 2020.

Ongoing weekly payments
Following Payment 1, Peter will make ongoing weekly payments of $350 and $100, to PenelopeCruz and AALegend respectively, each Friday, beginning on April 10, 2020. This requires 35 weekly payments to each, followed by a final (36th) payment of $407 to PenelopeCruz and $87 to AALegend.

Peter did make some payments, however he came nowhere close to the payment schedule discussed
Currently he owes us the following balance owed as of Feb 5th:
$10,445 to PenelopeCruz (about 38% paid so far)
$2,757 to AALegend (about 42% paid so far)

The last payment received was on January 22nd
This lack of progress is particularly alarming considering the fact that Peter had another six digit score in December 2020:
Lack of substantial repayment after a large score like this leaves two likely explanations:
a. Peter is not making a good faith effort to repay the debt
b. Peter owes large sums of money to multiple people in the poker community, in which case we have the responsibility to let the community know about the ongoing situation

We are creating this thread to track the repayment progress and we will update it as Peter continues to repay his outstanding debt.
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
06-11-2021 , 10:44 AM
Peter made a partial repayment on 6/10/2021

$125 to AALegend
$375 to PenelopeCruz

Thank you, Peter!

Updated Balance:

$10,070 to PenelopeCruz
$2,632 to AALegend
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
06-14-2021 , 01:27 PM
Confirming the above posts are correct
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
06-14-2021 , 01:48 PM
He still has marketplace approval despite not settling up a score from 18 months ago. Hopefully he didn't get anyone else in the time it took you to out him. Not that im blaming you nearly everyone would keep quiet hoping to get paid but outing him 18 months after the fact is hardly to protect the staking community.

Last edited by U shove i call; 06-14-2021 at 01:57 PM.
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
06-14-2021 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
He still has marketplace approval despite not settling up a score from 18 months ago.
Good catch. I had seen this thread before, but for some reason never thought to check on that. Thanks!

To all, post reports (red triangle to the left of every post) are a great way to bring mod attention to things like this. Not every post will be seen by a moderator.

Originally Posted by U shove i call
He still has marketplace approval despite not settling up a score from 18 months ago. Hopefully he didn't get anyone else in the time it took you to out him.
Thankfully, he hasn't even logged on since January of 2020.

Originally Posted by U shove i call
Not that im blaming you nearly everyone would keep quiet hoping to get paid but outing him 18 months after the fact is hardly to protect the staking community.
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
06-14-2021 , 06:14 PM
It's a fair criticism and obviously the explanation is the perception of EV in terms of likelihood of recovering any funds. I certainly would not have sat on the sidelines were he to have made new threads looking for backers, but otherwise have little to offer in my defense.
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
06-15-2021 , 12:14 AM
Yeah, I try not to be too judgmental on this stuff, as I can't say for certain what I would do if I was owed $16,000. And obviously the more significant the money is to a person's own well-being, the higher the likelihood of doing whatever it takes to get the money back. If you were at least keeping an eye on his forum presence, that's good to hear.

And regardless, I'm always thankful when someone posts info even if it is later than might have been hoped for. So thanks for that.
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
03-03-2022 , 01:41 AM
Just an update that Peter Wasworth has not been making payments or responding to our messages...
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
10-30-2024 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by AALegend
Just an update that Peter Wasworth has not been making payments or responding to our messages...
Did Peter ever make good on these debts?
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
03-17-2025 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by GT30
Did Peter ever make good on these debts?
no, Peter Walsworth aka Peter James has not made good on any of these debts and still owes the amounts above (at least to me but would be shocked if AALegend has been paid).
Peter Walsworth/FearTheSpear outstanding balance to investors in January 2020 WPT Hollywood Quote
