Originally Posted by BartJ385
There needs to be a rule against people who don't give a damn about what someone meant and just take everything literally.
Here is the basic rule. Let's say we are in the middle of a tourney. We have a 1/3 chance to win, and our only opponent went all in and gave us 3/1. And if we lose, we still have 75% of your stack. So do we call?
Of course not. The idea is that your skill will present you with opportunities where your odds are better than the chances. If you take 1/3 vs 3/1 chances, where's the skill? (Of course if you had an additional incentive like the table image, things would be different.)
The OP is such a situation. If Hero does not fold, the tourney will be over two of three times for him. If he wins, he will be the CL. So it depends on the way you look at tourneys. One player will say "Winning is most important because the prize money goes up dramatically on first rank", so they will gladly be CL once and broke twice in this spot. Others would say "I fold here, make it to the FT all three times, and use my skill to win one, or even two!" And of course, even if you take this 1/3 chance and win and become CL, that does not automatically mean you will win the tourney.
It all depends on personal style.
Ok, first of all, I'm going to interpret you literally again, because if you fold getting 3 to 1 when you are a 2 to 1 dog, you're a fool.
Now, since what you clearly meant is "if you win 1 time in 4 and are getting 3 to 1 should you call," I'll answer that, because it's obvious. It doesn't matter whether you call or fold, from a pure EV standpoint you're indifferent. From a tournament EV standpoint you should probably call, because it's the middle of the tournament and blinds go up fast. Actually, considering you won't be knocked out in the situation you gave above, I'd call pretty much every time, as having a big stack often allows you to create more +EV situations.
As for the OP, I'll just repeat what everyone else said, if you aren't going to get it in on this flop with great odds, why are you calling preflop? I read his answer, "to outplay people," and that's not a reason. The pot is already multiway and after his call will represent about 1/5 of his stack, 1/4 after the BB comes in. And then there is the matter of the original raiser having a 15 bb stack. There is no room to outplay anyone here.
This is not a style question. This is a making the final table in the first place question.