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Yet another range question (shallow stacks) Yet another range question (shallow stacks)

09-18-2009 , 01:08 PM
So lately I find myself being good at pushbotting 10-22 bbs in the late stages (it aint too hard etc.), but have kinda hard time adjusting my calling ranges when I have 28-35 bbs. Lets say about 60 plyrs left, 1000+ start, stacks are really shallow. Avg. top 10 stax is 35bbs. We're sitting in that group.

UTG+1 on our right openshoves 9-11bbs. We have 2 30bb+ stax behind, 1 25bb stak behind...

I have found myself pretty clueless in this spot. I mean anything other than aqs+, jj+ in our range kinda puts us in an awkward spot. if we have say, 66-1010; a-10o thru a-q0; we could shove to isolate but any thinking player is not folding 99+, aq0+. And if we flat w/our range to rep. the monster, then shallow stax behind could wake up w/ the top5%er and make us throw up...

BTW im sure this is prolly 1st level strat. but ya Im a donk ...

EDIT: Image is unexistent, lets hypothetically say its the 4th hand after table change.

Last edited by sonnyalbo; 09-18-2009 at 01:14 PM.
Yet another range question (shallow stacks) Quote
09-18-2009 , 01:29 PM
If image is nonexistant, I would tighten my calling range slightly in general until you see which shortys seem to be shoving light. In your situation I am probably reshoving AQ+ 99+ as he is repping some strength UTG+1.
Yet another range question (shallow stacks) Quote
10-03-2009 , 01:07 AM
Yet another range question (shallow stacks) Quote
