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WTF is this river bet? WTF is this river bet?

11-08-2011 , 05:30 PM
This was live at Parx.

The SB was a loose player, seeing alot of flops. He was more passive than aggressive. My image was loose aggressive, especially in this spot.

Level 3 - 100/200

Hero - Button - 12k - 33
SB - 6k
BB - 7.5k

Preflop (300) - 6 folds, hero raises 500, SB calls, BB folds.

Flop (1200) - A J 2r - SB checks, hero bets 600, SB calls

Turn (2400) - 5r - 2 checks

River (2400) - 5 - SB bets 200 ... WTF is with the sizing? I even asked him, "why so small?" This isn't even large enough to be a blocking bet or are there players out there who try this as a blocking bet.

My read on him is for a pair as played. Not sure if he has AX, JX or something like 66, but most likely my 33 is behind, but if he has any bluffs in his range a call is required, ... but does it look like too much bull to raise here and how much do i have to raise to get a near calling station off (or is that too much).
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-09-2011 , 02:32 AM
I personally consider any minbet on either turn/river as essentially a check, so I would raise here with all my value/bluff hands. The raise should be something standard you would bet if he checked (maybe 3/5 pot).
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11-09-2011 , 07:38 AM
From my experience, this is usually Ace rag or something like KJ. I think it's possible its air enough for you to call, but even if it wasn't I'd probably still call because folding would absolutely destroy your image.
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11-09-2011 , 09:39 AM
Feels like an Ace rag to me, but certainly You gotta be there to feel it.

...or, then its an inducer with some A5 cards. Indeed, if you have an aggro image, then this would make sense. He might simply not know how to value bet.

Prolly paying with 33 is a bit of a spew and then there is the wholer image thing.

Btw, my best inducer was with a T-set on river. Pot was like 1800, I was supposed to bet 800, but mistakenly typed 80. Villain was so tilted that he snapshoved 3000 chips and I snap called and could not stop laughing =)

Prolly just call and make some funny observation.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-09-2011 , 10:30 AM
My image is something I did not even consider in the hand. I'm glad I posted this ridiculous hand now as I have something to think about in my game.

I did have him on the ranges already said, a weak A or a J or maybe something a little weaker even. But my 33 was behind almost 100% in my mind. I wasn't even sure I had the ridiculously low 8% equity to catch a bluff. BTW, he flashed an A after I folded.

As for the "check" theory as posted above, I did seriously think about raising him here. I was looking at this as either really strong and not understanding value or a really bad attempt at a blocking bet. Typically if your hand does not have showdown value, you are supposed to raise these. But, he was slanting more toward the calling station side of the scale and I was't sure I could bet enough to get him to fold A4. I might be able to get him off his JX hands though with about a 3/4 pot sized bet.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:33 AM
question should be why did you check turn?
r/f river 1.4k ish. its a blockerbet with a PP that wants to get to showdown or weak ace/good J.
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11-09-2011 , 11:58 AM
+1 to barrel turn, good chance he'll fold a Jx and some KQ QT type hands that can make life hard for us if they lead river.

IMO you should be double barreling A K/Q/J/T x (where x is less than 8) A whole load of the time because people fold 2nd pair to a 2nd barrell a lot. Obviously we should not do it vs mega fishes, but vs someone with stats that look normal.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:52 PM
If I double barrell in this situation I think I am -EV in this spot. There are many more AX hands in his range that he's probably going into c/c mode. His logical JX range is KJ - J7(s). So there's roughly twice as many hands in his range that he's calling. Of course a 3 or 4 hitting will be a surprise hit, but he is LP most likely in call down, so I get one more bet in implied odds.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 01:19 AM
yah you have to act like this is a check i mean your pot odds for calling are 12:1 so you are never folding...
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11-10-2011 , 01:27 AM
He will sigh call river with Ax every time and Jx sometimes. I don't know why you folded, trivial call for information
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
He will sigh call river with Ax every time and Jx sometimes. I don't know why you folded, trivial call for information
This + he can have the occassional lolKQnutnopairIminbet. Raising is terrible
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by The_Stro_Sho
Raising is terrible
so you dont think some fish takes this line and mb/c OTR with an A or J?
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by furo
so you dont think some fish takes this line and mb/c OTR with an A or J?
he is calling way too often given action on previous
streets thats why raising is no good.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by The_Stro_Sho
he is calling way too often given action on previous
streets thats why raising is no good.
lol nevermind my comments ITT. i thought we had AK.
obv he will not fold Ax (and Jx) OTT often/OTR. so just give up/try to get to showdown. call river since he can have QT/QK or some ****

WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
He will sigh call river with Ax every time and Jx sometimes. I don't know why you folded, trivial call for information
I didn't need information on this player. I always consider options of calling for info with river bets I can afford to call, however, I only do so when the player is either good or hard to read. This player was actually neither of those.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 08:28 AM
If you didn't need any information regarding this player why this thread?
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11-10-2011 , 08:30 AM
Players who are good or hard to read wouldnt make this bets for 8% of the pot in the first place.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by furo
lol nevermind my comments ITT. i thought we had AK.
obv he will not fold Ax (and Jx) OTT often/OTR. so just give up/try to get to showdown. call river since he can have QT/QK or some ****

I was gonna say...double barrel really?

Just call river and ask him how much he's lost online when he shows KJ.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by iceviper
Just call river and congratulate him on his stellar play when he shows KJ.
fyp - keep the fish fishy.

Spent 5 minutes trying to work out furos r/f post

Just call obv.
WTF is this river bet? Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by davethedave2
Spent 5 minutes trying to work out furos r/f post
whats your conclusion?

i had no idea either wtf was going on ITT and why everyone wants to check turn and just call river
WTF is this river bet? Quote
