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why would a thread get locked? why would a thread get locked?

05-25-2008 , 11:57 PM
i dont get it and not sure who to ask so here a thread asking why a thread would get locked... I think there was still room for discussion in my other thread...

also, Im new around here so go ez pls
05-26-2008 , 12:00 AM
It may have just been too general (or unappropriate) for STTF. You may want to post that question in either the beginner forum (not that you're a beginner or anything) or in the BBV forum.
05-26-2008 , 12:01 AM
05-26-2008 , 12:04 AM
dunno what ibl is, but im not asking when ur running bad in general, im asking about when ur running bad in multitabling stt's. Its not like this is a super high traffic forum like NVG....
05-26-2008 , 12:33 AM
most likely because you last thread was about a question that has been asked millions of times already. You can find some threads on it by using the search I'm sure.
05-26-2008 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by swd805
dunno what ibl is, but im not asking when ur running bad in general, im asking about when ur running bad in multitabling stt's. Its not like this is a super high traffic forum like NVG....

Running bad is running bad. Do you think one person takes a break for the day when they're 10 tabling MTTs, but plays through it when they're 15 tabling STTs? Or listens to music when hes losing money on a 20 buy in downswing in cash but plays in silence when down 37 buy ins in stts? of course not, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?....

Your last thread was mainly locked because running bad is running bad, and we gave you the tools that you need to answer it. the FAQ paints a picture of possible swings and variance, and this forum paints a good picture for the strategy part of it. Again, hearing 20 replies about how people handle their own variance won't really help you. All the ideas are out on the table. Take a break, or don't. Study more or less, play more or less, talk about/think about poker more or less, whatever the case. There are some hugely long threads about some regular posts that have run bad and asked for advice about how to improve (I believe mattiesmat had one not too long ago).
Use the search function for those threads to help give you more of an indicator, but again, this is a very 'to each his own' thing and everyone sharing their bad-run stories is more reserved for a story time atmosphere and not a strategy forum, but I believe we've still been of help on the matter and, if you read all of the replies from your first thread and from this one, you should be well on your way to figuring out what makes you tick, and how to fix it. The begginer's questions forum (or perhaps the psychology forum) might also be of help to you regarding handling downswings and running bad in general (the process to figuring out your emotions is no different than in STTs specifically), as it's a topic often dealt with in that realm. good luck.

If you have anymore questions on this matter, feel free to PM a moderator listed in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Last edited by AMT; 05-26-2008 at 02:28 AM.
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