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Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this.

09-11-2010 , 04:03 AM
I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about. If I want to use my time bank let me activate it please. Why does it start automatically. When I'm playing a ton of games I lose most of my time banks on stars. This is quite annoying.

Also once this happens I never know when the regular time runs out. Full tilt has the bar below the avatar that ticks down, but stars just flashes and then just folds you without warning. The warning beep they have is possibly the most offensive sound my ears have experienced in my life. I have to turn the sounds off this way my ears don't bleed.

I think the auto time bank start should be done away with and there should be some sort of countdown on the regular timer.

Is it possible there is a setting in the software that I could be switching on that I just don't know about?
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 04:11 AM
play less games or play on ftp?

and turn sound off? or make it a different sound .wav?
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by borderline
play less games or play on ftp?

and turn sound off? or make it a different sound .wav?
Is this a serious response? I play on both sites already. Why would I take down my volume? That would decrease my ev more that the timer situation does already.

This thread is about them fixing their timing system not about me changing my schedule. But thanks for the advice anyway.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 04:34 AM
Some ppl play multiple tables at the same time.

You can also change every sound on stars if the beepeeepeep annoys you.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 05:15 AM
yes i agree, i would rather just get my hands mucked at other tables than lose my timebank, +1 to op and congrats on the groundbreaking thread.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
yes i agree, i would rather just get my hands mucked at other tables than lose my timebank, +1 to op and congrats on the groundbreaking thread.

but anyways, i find this fairly annoying too It should be cut off after 10 sec or so

this is good for post flop tho if you are in a big pot
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 09:05 AM
pretty ******ed standpoint op.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 11:17 AM
Happens to me regularly
I would just rather be sit out
Even if you are grinding multi-tables or 1 at a time, you still want ur timebank late in tourneys, Im pretty sure somebody posted this on the changes to stars thread.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 11:28 AM
What wait, so your gettin annoyed when YOU forget your at a table and stars kindly starts the timebank for you, what your really asking for is them to somehow wen it goes into timebank to flash to the front of the screen so that you know.

Im sure we have all had it wen masstabling it suddenly pops up with 30 secs left on timebank and u have a monster with 12bb's. I dont think i could ever complain about this...
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 01:57 PM
i wish ftp did this
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 01:59 PM
the auto timebank is ok, but for the love of god put a timer on the wait before Time, kinda like FTP

and pls dont use the damn timebank for disconnects....I know once in a blue moon you will disc with a monster but that aint as agravating as losing your whole time bank at the start of the mtt or later due to a quick disconnect
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 02:05 PM
Personally I'd rather have a manually activated timebank too.. I hate coming back from a break and finding my timebank has been drained because my cigarette and piss took a minute longer than allocated. At least they replenish them now though!
A much bigger timebank issue is the lack of a visual countdown when you don't have a timebank, this really tilts me.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 02:42 PM
I've folded AA pre like 5x more on ftp than I have PS. I feel the exact opposite of op.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblero
I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about. If I want to use my time bank let me activate it please. Why does it start automatically. When I'm playing a ton of games I lose most of my time banks on stars. This is quite annoying.

Also once this happens I never know when the regular time runs out. Full tilt has the bar below the avatar that ticks down, but stars just flashes and then just folds you without warning. The warning beep they have is possibly the most offensive sound my ears have experienced in my life. I have to turn the sounds off this way my ears don't bleed.

I think the auto time bank start should be done away with and there should be some sort of countdown on the regular timer.

Is it possible there is a setting in the software that I could be switching on that I just don't know about?
Bolded for truth. It's such a **** quality sound, as well.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 03:32 PM
Totally agree, dont get all the hype with stars me.

Im not saying this problem makes stars a bad site, just find there software and many other stuff damn irritating.

Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dantes
I've folded AA pre like 5x more on ftp than I have PS. I feel the exact opposite of op.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 03:47 PM
I agree with op. Stars has the time bank start if you have action in the hand (ie. antes). It does not do this in the earlier rounds (ie. pre antes). I like that the time bank starts if i'm involved in a hand because I have called or raised, however, if I have only my ante in there I don't want my time bank to start. I would rather they just muck my hand 99% of the time.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
09-11-2010 , 05:29 PM
Agree autoactivate preflop is ******ed. More so given that poker shortcuts/table ninja will autoclick timebank if you ask them to, so the stars system is really only protecting the 1-tabling fish who are too busy watching tv or surfing the net. **** that.
Why does the Pokerstars time bank auto start when your regular time is done? I hate this. Quote
