Where is the promised Leaderboard?
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 2,876
Can we have some updates on this?
PS representatives said first week of April...
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 169
I think it may be the end of the first week, around the 6 or 7 April.
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 17,745
LuisGallo, others,
ok no I'm not going to allow a 17th thread to be started on this.
it is very clear that stars is either doing something to set it up, or ignoring 2+2. either way, we're not getting answers here, so making a new thread as opposed to the 10 people bumping the old one's won't do anything but cloud the forum with crap more than it already is.
E-mail stars. Not that their customer service is even good anymore, been waiting on my money for close to a month now, but it's your best shot. If you can't resist keeping it off the forum, keep it in the old thread(s) or the general discussion/**** thread, I simply don't see a point in continuing to bump and bump and create new threads when this is not the pokerstars support hot spot and they *clearly* have not responded to recent attempts on here.