When to fold on the stone money bubble - is there a threshold?
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 66
Generally speaking, my question is very simple: When you are on the stone money bubble, do you fold a premium with less than 8 bigs IF you know by folding you make the money?
Discount smaller MTTs like $565s, $1ks, and even $1500s. Only $3k and up where the minimum payout will be $6k+.
I had this situation happen recently where I had 6.5 bigs and we were essentially hand for hand...I could easily fold up to 18 hands and with 13 tables in action, surely someone busts in those 18 hands...but in these MTTs (maybe $10ks being the exception) we shouldn't look to just be barely making the money so do you fold a premium range of A10suited +, 77+ with the 6.5 bigs even on the stone bubble? Also consider in the hand I am thinking of I was in middle position so it's not like we are shoving A10 into 7 players who have to act.
Also assume the money of course is nice, but does not dent your BR by missing the money.
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 1,435
I'm actually curious to this question as well.
What about an online HSMTT (buy in $109-215), you're a few spots away from the money, you have something like 10-15 bigs, you're BB blind vs bind against the chip leader who shoves. Your hand is something like A6o or any Ax and the chip leader shoves. You KNOW you crush his range. You know he's doing this with ATC. Folding guarantees you the $. But how many times have we called in this spot to face two random napkins and get sucked out.
So what's the calling range?
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 177
66+,A-10s + it s to tight?
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 177
I think the calling range depends a lot of our oponent behaviorismul and his stack, big stack a low range for call something like any ace , any pair, k-10+, qjs; and If our oponent is med , short stack i think we should narrow our range to aj+88 +
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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As a rule of thumb, you can take ((starting chips) * (min cash)) / (buyin) and add that to what you lose, and then make calculations based on modified cEV. There are issues that if you fold, you will need to fold future hands to fold your way in, so you may need to play looser than that.
If a big stack is raising light, you may have FE for like a 10xBB reshove and be way ahead of his range if called. You may also have a lot of FE for open shoves, as some people will have a hard time calling because they are short, and people will put you on a strong range.
In general, it is bad to gii against a raise with little FE unless you are way ahead of the opener’s range or the average stack is so short that your equity in just the mincash is not that significant compared to your equity in taking higher places.
Obviously, buyin is irrelevant to $EV+ decisions, but it is OK to play a little tighter than optimal $EV right on the bubble if cashing has financial and/or psychological importance.