What would you do? Playing th Board.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 288
I was playing a $70 daily in AC last weekend. In the second level, there was a moderate size pot of about 2K chips (blinds were 100/200----chip stacks were 25K to start, and we are in the second level).
There was two pair on the board with an ACE. It seems that both players were drawing or bluffing because they both checked the river. Player 1 tables hand with 10-9, and player 2 states "you have me, I only have 9-high", and then mucks his hand. No one said anything, and dealer awards pot to Player 1.
I was sitting on the other side of the table, and I ask the players next to me....did I see what I think I saw, and both other players confirmed.
I know that once Player 2 mucks, Player 1 gets the pot......
1. My etiquette question is -------if you were Player 1 and you KNEW it was a split pot, would you say anything before he mucked his hand?
2. My procedural question is-------should the dealer have announced anything like "two pair with ace kicker", or did the dealer do exactly what he was supposed to do (which was stay silent, and award the pot).
3. Last question------if you were me, would you have told the guy after he mucked, that he mucked a "winner"? I did not, mainly because I did not want to embarrass him, and there was nothing he could do at that point anyway----plus then I did not want to start a scene where the floor may have to be called to retrieve cards from the muck, etc.
Just to give a last follow up, I spoke to Player 1 at the break and asked her if she knew it was a split pot, and she did not see the second pair on the board either.
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,666
Did player 2 show and muck, or announce and muck? If he didn't show, he can't win, no matter what anyone says.
If he shows but doesn't muck (leaves cards exposed) and dealer starts to muck them, someone should speak up and tell the dealer he's misread the board.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 288
Player 2 never tabled his hand. He was in the 10-spot, so the dealer may have seen his cards, but no one else at the table saw his hand.
I realize he cannot win the pot, but am interested in thoughts on my other questions.
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,666
Generally the dealer doesn't announce the hands verbally, he puts the tabled cards next to the board and pushes the winning hand forward for the security camera. Not much he can do if only one hand is tabled.
Most people in player 1's spot would shrug take the pot.
Usually someone would tell player 2 it would have been a chop and/or that they should always show in case they've misread their hand.
I wouldn't worry about embarrassing the player or slowing down the game by calling the floor. Most people would rather it be fair. For example if player 1 is better than average, the mistake doesn't just hurt player 2, it hurts everyone at the table.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 288
Good points.....
I really thought Player 2 was the better poker player.....until then. His betting was aggressive and well-timed. After that hand, I realized he was not very good.
I got moved to a different table soon after, but during the break I did not see him, so he probably busted.