Originally Posted by oldsilver
Shove pre
Only 24bb effective and we block AA KK and BTN v BB ranges are super wide.
Your thinking around Ah seems a little backward btw. If you shove turn you want him to have hands like AXhh in range which we have good equity against if he calls.
I dislike the flop call with Ah blocking some hands we might beat, and dislike the turn shove with close to zero fold equity into a strong range that is almost never folding.
Thanks, fantastic analysis!!
My most important question is about your first two words "shove pre": when you say shove pre, do you mean I should have immediately reraised all-in after button's open pf bet of 2 bb? Or did you mean I should 3bet (as I did, or maybe with slightly higher sizing) and then if/when they 4-bet I should have 5-bet all-in?
My thinking for why I would three-bet rather than go all-in immediately is that many worse hands can call the three-bet, then I can get even more money from them than just the 2 bb the button raised with - i.e. if I immediately shove the twenty-two bb effective stack, then I lose out on a chance to get my threebet called by lots of hands that I can get more value from if I hit a king or ace (examples: AT, AJ, AQ, KQ, KJ, KT, K9, and if I hit an ace or king all pocket pairs might still pay me off a bit if I play my cards right. That's why I didn't think about shoving immediately. i.e. since button raises super wide versus the big blind, I should get value from more of that range than I could if I immediately reraise all-in... Like, why get only 2 bb of value when I could get 3 in the cases where I have them crushed but they would fold to my all-in but could still call a smaller 3bet pf?
and you're right I could have my analysis backwards. Fundamentally I didn't realize that I have "close to zero fold equity into a strong range that is almost never folding" versus the range that would four-bet. I thought that QQ, KK, AQ, AK can all four-bet preflop as they did but still lay it down to my turn shove. Are you saying people are never laying down hands like QQ to a shove on 89T7 in that situation as played? (i.e. zero fold equity versus that range)
But anyway it sounds like you are advocating that in a bb versus the button raise I should just go ai with AKo. I'm curious what else I should shove with in that situation: AQs? AQo? TT? QKs? AJs?
I understand that my thinking about the Ah might have been backwards. I guess what I was thinking of is that sometimes it is easy to bluff as though we had a nut flush if there are three or four to a flush on the board, so holding the Ah might potentially let me make that play if more hearts come, even if I don't actually have a flush since I only have one heart not two. Like, I was thinking that if another heart comes villain won't believe I am shoving with a flush if villain holds the ace of hearts, so villain will call instead of folding as I would want them to in that situation, so that is why it is better if I'm the one holding it, under the specific scenario that I am bluffing a flush due to three hearts on the board. I see now that it is actually better if villain has that card than me, since it means villain is chasing nut flush to chase and if villain doesn't have the right price to hit it I can get a fold more easily. (I hope I got that right). So thanks, I really had that backwards.