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what do ya think of this hand?? what do ya think of this hand??

03-13-2011 , 05:30 PM
party poker 250k gtd. blinds are 100 200, i have 7500k. am on the button with j10 spades. player flat calls under gun(suspicous i thought), then another flats so do i. then both blinds come along. flop comes j 10 9 rainbow. sb checks, bb leads out for 625 utg calls other player folds. so am thinkin hmm i dont like this half as much as i did a minute ago so i decide to flat and see what happens on turn. then the sb calls aswell! so turn comes a complete brick 2. sb checks bb checks utg checks. so i make it 1800 into 3500. thinkin this will let me know where i am. sb calls bb folds utg calls. hmmm. rivers an 8 so completes the straight. sb checks utg shoves 6500k and im like damn has he just made the straight? course he could have a set but why would he shove with it here? anyways i felt i had to pass and then so did sb. so am thinkin wtf did the sb call with? anyways i think utg must of had qk and was milkin it. i would like to know what people think and also what you think of how i played it, thanks
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03-13-2011 , 05:34 PM
I like your play, I think it is a fold on the river. You could consider a check on the turn, but I think betting is fine. I like your flat on the flop, but it does make it tough to figure if someone has kq or not.
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03-13-2011 , 11:23 PM
bit bigger on the turn, def fold river

think you probably had them before the river
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03-13-2011 , 11:31 PM
Gotta raise that flop, especially multi-way. And fold river.
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03-15-2011 , 03:06 PM
yeah i was kinda thinkin after the hand that i shuda made it like 2500 on turn or maybe a little more, coz once the sb calls then utg is gettin value. but raisin the flop i think loads of draws are gona call plus i cud be up against a set, and if they flat then what am i meant to do on the turn? check? and give them a free card? cause if i bet im pretty much commited to the hand and could be way behind to a straight or a set. i was trying to use a little pot control.
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03-15-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by phos77
bit bigger on the turn, def fold river

think you probably had them before the river

Also raise quite a few of these flops in many of my tournaments
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03-15-2011 , 08:46 PM
yes, reraise flop, and bet turn a little stronger, but fold river if he shoves like he did
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