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The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS!

02-15-2011 , 04:37 PM
It's strange how no one is putting any weight into the respected posters vouching for Mer just because they can't be certain beyond any shadow of a doubt or show you proof of anything. I understand why people are suspicious, but take 10 minutes and think things through.

I've spoken with Mer many, many times. Though I've also never met her, I'm not a stupid person. I would be completely shocked (less than .5%) if she weren't who she claims to be, and she wasn't the one playing on her account.

I'm not sure what incentive she would have to be lying to me, as I've never given her anything in the 2-3 years I've known her, including poker advice. She's never asked. I've spoken with her for countless hours on skype and aim. I can hear tables in the background too. Was some kind of fake girl stand-in really sitting at a computer 10 hours a day and talking to everyone so that one day people like me could come into a thread like this and defend her?

Daut, Mig, among others, have come into this thread defending her, and I'm sure would be as confident as me. These are intelligent people.

How likely is it that this isn't really a girl playing on the account, and that me, Daut, and Mig (and many more more) were all fooled by a fake person? .2%? Let's be generous to the doubters and say 2%

Now how likely is it that that person would risk their master scam for whatever it pays to be a PokerStars Online Pro? 10% (10% of 2% = .2%)

Next, how likely is it that a billion dollar company like Pokerstars, would either knowingly hire a cheater for whatever small gain in publicity it gets them, OR would not be able to tell through investigation that multi-accounting or a fake identity kind of thing was going on? 1%? (1% of .2% = .002%)

I know 2+2 loves scandals, and I think it's the online poker community's duty to investigate suspicious activity. But let's have some kind of evidence to start, or at least, let's not drag someone's name through the mud before some kind of investigation.

Let's find and prosecute cheaters, absolutely. But come on. As far as I can see, there is no more evidence than Mer is in any way a cheater than any other reg in the 2+2 community. The dates of her and BradL's accounts playing MTTs seem more like evidence against anything shady going on than the other way around.

She seems dumb in an interview so she can't be decent at poker? I know she might not sound it, but Mer is extremely smart (just in different ways than your average poker player).

She has legitimate reasons for wanting her privacy, and for not travelling to live events. She's shared those reasons with me. I obviously won't betray her trust, but I hope my reputation in the community is at least strong enough that this will satisfy some of you.

On top of that, she's a really good person. I know nothing will come of any investigation into her, and she won't lose her Stars deal or anything, but I still hate to see her name getting trashed and her being forced to defend herself in the meantime. It must be miserable for her.

Look, if she wanted to pull some kind of scam, should could have easily borrowed $100k from me and run away. Probably could have gotten at least $500k between all the people who trust her fully. Unless she's working on the longest and most complex con I've ever heard of, it's not possible that me and so many others are being tricked.

I don't hope to stop you guys from looking into things, but please stop the bashing until you have any kind of real evidence, and be respectful to someone who's never done anything negative to you.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by redirkulous
dude Peachy's been a member here since 2004 and has heaps of posts here.

how could p5s be considered her homeforum to the point where she wouldn't know what 'the other site' was?
If there was someone else behind this, they would've also know about 2+2. The only way the comment about 'the other site' means anything is if different people were posting on the forums w/out collaborating with each other.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Daut44
shes met people, its her choice to name them, not mine.

i havent skyped with her in a while, prob about 2 years, but it was generally like 3 or 4 people talking about stupid **** while playing, mostly me her and balla-b13. mer would talk to her dogs, they would bark, we would taunt the dogs by screaming "TREAT TREAT TREAT" or "OUTSIDE OUTSIDE OUTSIDE OUTSIDE" and make them go nuts. the poker talk would basically consist of her saying "ugh GOOD LUCK ME IM GONNA BUST ROAR", no joke 100% serious.

strategy talk was almost non existent on skype but we have talked about stuff before, but not much in the past couple years when i didnt play a lot of tournaments. it was mostly early on back in mid 2008 before she was good at tourneys. and then when i tried to learn limit holdem for a stint id open her tables up and talk on skype about hands that came up. nowadays occasionally she shows me a hand on aim.

since 2009 ive probably looked at a couple hands a month but nothing more than that, and i remember telling her my thoughts on the wcoop main event hand she played to bust in 9th afterwards and that i didnt like it and i had a piece of her in that. i remember feeling pretty bad about telling her it was bad right after she busted, was a pretty dick move by me, but i wasnt helping her or sweating her or on skype with her when she final tabled the biggest tournament of the year so you can have a pretty good idea that i dont do it any other time either

So who were you really skyping with for LHE advice?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jason Young
i guess its also normal that peachy signed up for 2+2 in 2004...the same time as some other people were getting started and didnt play on stars until 2007.
Not taking sides or anything but Pokerstars didn't have a Mac client until 2007.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
It's strange how no one is putting any weight into the respected posters vouching for Mer just because they can't be certain beyond any shadow of a doubt or show you proof of anything. I understand why people are suspicious, but take 10 minutes and think things through.

I've spoken with Mer many, many times. Though I've also never met her, I'm not a stupid person. I would be completely shocked (less than .5%) if she weren't who she claims to be, and she wasn't the one playing on her account.

I'm not sure what incentive she would have to be lying to me, as I've never given her anything in the 2-3 years I've known her, including poker advice. She's never asked. I've spoken with her for countless hours on skype and aim. I can hear tables in the background too. Was some kind of fake girl stand-in really sitting at a computer 10 hours a day and talking to everyone so that one day people like me could come into a thread like this and defend her?

Daut, Mig, among others, have come into this thread defending her, and I'm sure would be as confident as me. These are intelligent people.

How likely is it that this isn't really a girl playing on the account, and that me, Daut, and Mig (and many more more) were all fooled by a fake person? .2%? Let's be generous to the doubters and say 2%

Now how likely is it that that person would risk their master scam for whatever it pays to be a PokerStars Online Pro? 10% (10% of 2% = .2%)

Next, how likely is it that a billion dollar company like Pokerstars, would either knowingly hire a cheater for whatever small gain in publicity it gets them, OR would not be able to tell through investigation that multi-accounting or a fake identity kind of thing was going on? 1%? (1% of .2% = .002%)

I know 2+2 loves scandals, and I think it's the online poker community's duty to investigate suspicious activity. But let's have some kind of evidence to start, or at least, let's not drag someone's name through the mud before some kind of investigation.

Let's find and prosecute cheaters, absolutely. But come on. As far as I can see, there is no more evidence than Mer is in any way a cheater than any other reg in the 2+2 community. The dates of her and BradL's accounts playing MTTs seem more like evidence against anything shady going on than the other way around.

She seems dumb in an interview so she can't be decent at poker? I know she might not sound it, but Mer is extremely smart (just in different ways than your average poker player).

She has legitimate reasons for wanting her privacy, and for not travelling to live events. She's shared those reasons with me. I obviously won't betray her trust, but I hope my reputation in the community is at least strong enough that this will satisfy some of you.

On top of that, she's a really good person. I know nothing will come of any investigation into her, and she won't lose her Stars deal or anything, but I still hate to see her name getting trashed and her being forced to defend herself in the meantime. It must be miserable for her.

Look, if she wanted to pull some kind of scam, should could have easily borrowed $100k from me and run away. Probably could have gotten at least $500k between all the people who trust her fully. Unless she's working on the longest and most complex con I've ever heard of, it's not possible that me and so many others are being tricked.

I don't hope to stop you guys from looking into things, but please stop the bashing until you have any kind of real evidence, and be respectful to someone who's never done anything negative to you.
ask her to take sheets' offer, problem solved and 2p2 will have the egg on their face and not her, but if she doesnt then she basically adds fuel to an already raging fire ...

also FWIW tweets and tourney overlaps are kind of iffy dont u think?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
It's strange how no one is putting any weight into the respected posters vouching for Mer just because they can't be certain beyond any shadow of a doubt or show you proof of anything. I understand why people are suspicious, but take 10 minutes and think things through.

I've spoken with Mer many, many times. Though I've also never met her, I'm not a stupid person. I would be completely shocked (less than .5%) if she weren't who she claims to be, and she wasn't the one playing on her account.

I'm not sure what incentive she would have to be lying to me, as I've never given her anything in the 2-3 years I've known her, including poker advice. She's never asked. I've spoken with her for countless hours on skype and aim. I can hear tables in the background too. Was some kind of fake girl stand-in really sitting at a computer 10 hours a day and talking to everyone so that one day people like me could come into a thread like this and defend her?

Daut, Mig, among others, have come into this thread defending her, and I'm sure would be as confident as me. These are intelligent people.

How likely is it that this isn't really a girl playing on the account, and that me, Daut, and Mig (and many more more) were all fooled by a fake person? .2%? Let's be generous to the doubters and say 2%

Now how likely is it that that person would risk their master scam for whatever it pays to be a PokerStars Online Pro? 10% (10% of 2% = .2%)

Next, how likely is it that a billion dollar company like Pokerstars, would either knowingly hire a cheater for whatever small gain in publicity it gets them, OR would not be able to tell through investigation that multi-accounting or a fake identity kind of thing was going on? 1%? (1% of .2% = .002%)

I know 2+2 loves scandals, and I think it's the online poker community's duty to investigate suspicious activity. But let's have some kind of evidence to start, or at least, let's not drag someone's name through the mud before some kind of investigation.

Let's find and prosecute cheaters, absolutely. But come on. As far as I can see, there is no more evidence than Mer is in any way a cheater than any other reg in the 2+2 community. The dates of her and BradL's accounts playing MTTs seem more like evidence against anything shady going on than the other way around.

She seems dumb in an interview so she can't be decent at poker? I know she might not sound it, but Mer is extremely smart (just in different ways than your average poker player).

She has legitimate reasons for wanting her privacy, and for not travelling to live events. She's shared those reasons with me. I obviously won't betray her trust, but I hope my reputation in the community is at least strong enough that this will satisfy some of you.

On top of that, she's a really good person. I know nothing will come of any investigation into her, and she won't lose her Stars deal or anything, but I still hate to see her name getting trashed and her being forced to defend herself in the meantime. It must be miserable for her.

Look, if she wanted to pull some kind of scam, should could have easily borrowed $100k from me and run away. Probably could have gotten at least $500k between all the people who trust her fully. Unless she's working on the longest and most complex con I've ever heard of, it's not possible that me and so many others are being tricked.

I don't hope to stop you guys from looking into things, but please stop the bashing until you have any kind of real evidence, and be respectful to someone who's never done anything negative to you.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by jiggybluff
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:44 PM
How can you have followed this thread and still think the issue is whether or not a girl exists? even for most doubters it's clearly a question of at what point did she or did she not play on the account.

none of the vouching answers any of those questions.

a "reasonable" attempt to explain the early opr is that she was taught by BradL (offered by one of those vouchers), except it appears she doesn't acknowledge his existence in her poker learning world and didn't offer that herself, and it looks like there are conflicting posts by her as to whether they even dated.

Simple consistent explanations other than an inordinate number of people saying "oh I'm sure it's her but yeah never met either" are the only way this gets answered- and that hasn't really been attempted in a thread that at its core is attempting to market someone nobody in the poker world appears to have met.

Okay she exists. That still leaves the same unanswered questions.

Last edited by apefish; 02-15-2011 at 04:49 PM.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Barbegris
Not taking sides or anything but Pokerstars didn't have a Mac client until 2007.
full on double rainbow
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by JMaster130[\/url]

QFunrealirony...vwp sirswish

And you're right, that thread has an incredible amount of gold in it, including more Daut condescension and 100% guarantees of Peachymer's legitimacy.
from quoted post peachymer says:

Complain all you want, please email the sites, numerous people sponsored at both sites know me personally so Im sure your opinion will outweigh the information they have, including my IP information. I just really cant believe this is even being implied

who these people man?? or is personally= skypelly ??
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:48 PM
Jman, why receive transfers and be outted as a scam artist when you can pose as someone you aren't and play undercover and make bank off of mtts from idiots instead where you can't be outed?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:48 PM
Jman, obv think you're the sickest, blah blah. I'll offer you the same bet I made to Nano though earlier in the thread if you'd like to book.

Originally Posted by AK87
Nano not trying to call you out or anything but I'll take my 1k to your 20k that Mer Brit (or whatever the actual girl's name is) is not the one controlling the PeachyMer account. I don't want to escrow seeing as this could be a long bet, but if it is not proven that she is not the one controlling the account by the end of 2012 (we all gonna die anyways), the bet is no action. If it is proven that she is the one controlling the account before then, I pay you 1k. If something happens where it is proven she is not the one on the account, (Stars bans PeachyMer, she admits it, some other form of proof) you ship me 20k. I assume by 2012 I will have 1k to my name and you will have 20k to your name. A lot of people can vouch for me not needing an escrow. LMK if you want this.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
It's strange how no one is putting any weight into the respected posters vouching for Mer just because they can't be certain beyond any shadow of a doubt or show you proof of anything. I understand why people are suspicious, but take 10 minutes and think things through.

I've spoken with Mer many, many times. Though I've also never met her, I'm not a stupid person. I would be completely shocked (less than .5%) if she weren't who she claims to be, and she wasn't the one playing on her account.

I'm not sure what incentive she would have to be lying to me, as I've never given her anything in the 2-3 years I've known her, including poker advice. She's never asked. I've spoken with her for countless hours on skype and aim. I can hear tables in the background too. Was some kind of fake girl stand-in really sitting at a computer 10 hours a day and talking to everyone so that one day people like me could come into a thread like this and defend her?

Daut, Mig, among others, have come into this thread defending her, and I'm sure would be as confident as me. These are intelligent people.

How likely is it that this isn't really a girl playing on the account, and that me, Daut, and Mig (and many more more) were all fooled by a fake person? .2%? Let's be generous to the doubters and say 2%

Now how likely is it that that person would risk their master scam for whatever it pays to be a PokerStars Online Pro? 10% (10% of 2% = .2%)

Next, how likely is it that a billion dollar company like Pokerstars, would either knowingly hire a cheater for whatever small gain in publicity it gets them, OR would not be able to tell through investigation that multi-accounting or a fake identity kind of thing was going on? 1%? (1% of .2% = .002%)

I know 2+2 loves scandals, and I think it's the online poker community's duty to investigate suspicious activity. But let's have some kind of evidence to start, or at least, let's not drag someone's name through the mud before some kind of investigation.

Let's find and prosecute cheaters, absolutely. But come on. As far as I can see, there is no more evidence than Mer is in any way a cheater than any other reg in the 2+2 community. The dates of her and BradL's accounts playing MTTs seem more like evidence against anything shady going on than the other way around.

She seems dumb in an interview so she can't be decent at poker? I know she might not sound it, but Mer is extremely smart (just in different ways than your average poker player).

She has legitimate reasons for wanting her privacy, and for not travelling to live events. She's shared those reasons with me. I obviously won't betray her trust, but I hope my reputation in the community is at least strong enough that this will satisfy some of you.

On top of that, she's a really good person. I know nothing will come of any investigation into her, and she won't lose her Stars deal or anything, but I still hate to see her name getting trashed and her being forced to defend herself in the meantime. It must be miserable for her.

Look, if she wanted to pull some kind of scam, should could have easily borrowed $100k from me and run away. Probably could have gotten at least $500k between all the people who trust her fully. Unless she's working on the longest and most complex con I've ever heard of, it's not possible that me and so many others are being tricked.

I don't hope to stop you guys from looking into things, but please stop the bashing until you have any kind of real evidence, and be respectful to someone who's never done anything negative to you.

It's strange how everyone who has skyped/close with her still can't take a step back and at least comprehend that something doesn't add up.

Also as far as she told you reasons for not wanting to play live and wanted to keep privacy... just lol. She can't at least say the reason, one that makes logical sense?

Also what about the tweets/OPR stats???

Also there are ways to confirm its her pretty much without invading privacy to try to end this but nothing has been done, and her responses have been not good for her case.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:53 PM
Sounds like your freerolling in that bet AK. How will we ever find out 100% that she is controlling the account?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:54 PM
Everyone who is coming to defend "her" has never met "her". What they know about "her" is what "she" told them.

To borrow from Jman, I'll give it a 1% chance that a poker player could play for 3+ years, talk to all these top pros, and yet never meet any of them in person.

I'll give it a < 5% chance that "Mer" talking in that interview is the one controlling the Peachy account. She apparently has an unbelievable memory outside of poker but when poker comes up she can't remember screen names or even FTs from less then a week ago. That is some type of amazing feat.

Just use a little common sense. Nobody has met her, all they know of her is what they she told them. I'm not saying BradL is playing that account but no way Peachy is the girl in that interview, "Mer Brit"
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
Jman, obv think you're the sickest, blah blah. I'll offer you the same bet I made to Nano though earlier in the thread if you'd like to book.
I'd be happy to bet if there were an actual way to prove you wrong. If you went to her house and watched her play for 2 weeks, you could still claim she was being ghosted in the past and now has learned a little bit.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
Sounds like your freerolling in that bet AK. How will we ever find out 100% that she is controlling the account?
She does some kind of interview where her poker talk is sufficient, she shows up at a live tourney, she actually meets someone who can vouch for her being the one clicking buttons, etc.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
It's strange how no one is putting any weight into the respected posters vouching for Mer just because they can't be certain beyond any shadow of a doubt or show you proof of anything. I understand why people are suspicious, but take 10 minutes and think things through.

I've spoken with Mer many, many times. Though I've also never met her, I'm not a stupid person. I would be completely shocked (less than .5%) if she weren't who she claims to be, and she wasn't the one playing on her account.

I'm not sure what incentive she would have to be lying to me, as I've never given her anything in the 2-3 years I've known her, including poker advice. She's never asked. I've spoken with her for countless hours on skype and aim. I can hear tables in the background too. Was some kind of fake girl stand-in really sitting at a computer 10 hours a day and talking to everyone so that one day people like me could come into a thread like this and defend her?

Daut, Mig, among others, have come into this thread defending her, and I'm sure would be as confident as me. These are intelligent people.

How likely is it that this isn't really a girl playing on the account, and that me, Daut, and Mig (and many more more) were all fooled by a fake person? .2%? Let's be generous to the doubters and say 2%

Now how likely is it that that person would risk their master scam for whatever it pays to be a PokerStars Online Pro? 10% (10% of 2% = .2%)

Next, how likely is it that a billion dollar company like Pokerstars, would either knowingly hire a cheater for whatever small gain in publicity it gets them, OR would not be able to tell through investigation that multi-accounting or a fake identity kind of thing was going on? 1%? (1% of .2% = .002%)

I know 2+2 loves scandals, and I think it's the online poker community's duty to investigate suspicious activity. But let's have some kind of evidence to start, or at least, let's not drag someone's name through the mud before some kind of investigation.

Let's find and prosecute cheaters, absolutely. But come on. As far as I can see, there is no more evidence than Mer is in any way a cheater than any other reg in the 2+2 community. The dates of her and BradL's accounts playing MTTs seem more like evidence against anything shady going on than the other way around.

She seems dumb in an interview so she can't be decent at poker? I know she might not sound it, but Mer is extremely smart (just in different ways than your average poker player).

She has legitimate reasons for wanting her privacy, and for not travelling to live events. She's shared those reasons with me. I obviously won't betray her trust, but I hope my reputation in the community is at least strong enough that this will satisfy some of you.

On top of that, she's a really good person. I know nothing will come of any investigation into her, and she won't lose her Stars deal or anything, but I still hate to see her name getting trashed and her being forced to defend herself in the meantime. It must be miserable for her.

Look, if she wanted to pull some kind of scam, should could have easily borrowed $100k from me and run away. Probably could have gotten at least $500k between all the people who trust her fully. Unless she's working on the longest and most complex con I've ever heard of, it's not possible that me and so many others are being tricked.

I don't hope to stop you guys from looking into things, but please stop the bashing until you have any kind of real evidence, and be respectful to someone who's never done anything negative to you.
Did she actually talk about poker in an intelligent way? No one is arguing that a girl who claims to be peachy exists. It's whether she plays on her account especially at fts.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
I'd be happy to bet if there were an actual way to prove you wrong. If you went to her house and watched her play for 2 weeks, you could still claim she was being ghosted in the past and now has learned a little bit.
I mean I assume discretion will be used like in all disputes on 2p2. If it ever reaches a point where we are in dispute about some technicality we can leave it up to popular opinion on who is right.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by WiCane
To borrow from Jman, I'll give it a 1% chance that a poker player could play for 3+ years, talk to all these top pros, and yet never meet any of them in person.
that is ridiculous...I have talked to a ton of players virtually for years and have met almost none of them in person (I am smart though...the only one I have met is Todd so I am safe from him investigating my realness)
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jman28
She has legitimate reasons for wanting her privacy, and for not travelling to live events. She's shared those reasons with me. I obviously won't betray her trust, but I hope my reputation in the community is at least strong enough that this will satisfy some of you.

I thought witness protection might be a possibility, but...

Originally Posted by Jman28
On top of that, she's a really good person. I know nothing will come of any investigation into her, and she won't lose her Stars deal or anything, but I still hate to see her name getting trashed and her being forced to defend herself in the meantime. It must be miserable for her.
She shouldn't have started multiple wells then and now when it was everything that everyone wanted to know was not something she wanted to discuss.

If she wanted privacy, then she shouldn't have joined 2+2 / P5s... Or, she shouldn't have started a well, then another, the apply for Team Online, accept and start another well.

If she wanted to remain private, she shouldn't have created the PeachyMer 2+2 account There were many times that she couldn't ceased the communication, but it was not too intelligent to become a member of Team Online and then start a well if you wanted to remain anonymous.

Exercise common sense or prepare to suffer the consequences. The consequences may not be just, but what was she to expect to come of the choices she made in the last week? When did you purchase your first camera? What part of photography fascinated you into it becoming a fixture in your life? Favorite pic that you've ever taken?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 05:00 PM
I mean if she wants to settle this, she needs to do some sort of live interview soon, where discusses several different poker hands/ situations. I'm guessing this should be sufficient, based on the pokernews interview
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-15-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
She does some kind of interview where her poker talk is sufficient, she shows up at a live tourney, she actually meets someone who can vouch for her being the one clicking buttons, etc.
She'll never have an interview where she sounds like she knows how to play. She probably will show up at a live tourney in the next few years, but I'm surprised you'd take that as proof.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
