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The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS!

02-12-2011 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Daut44
agame here is a good nerd example for you.



in book 6 of harry potter, remus lupin tells harry that he fully trusts severus snape despite all of harry's intuition against it because dumbledore trusts him, and to not trust severus means you do not have faith in dumbledore.

well when severus appeared to backstab dumbledore harry looked to be right, however at the end of the 7th book we find out lupin was right all along, and they should have never doubted the judgment of the most powerful and good wizard of all time.

pokerstars = dumbledore
mer = severus snape
jjprodigy = he who shall not be named
all of you = harry potter
me = lupin, im a badass werewolf hero
So PokerStars dies?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:42 PM
Why do people think its not you playing? Do you think they are assuming based on your answers on interviews and posts, that your poker intelect is not equal to your results online?

Do you think its just males with egos trying to say a female cannot have these results?

Your results online seem to points towards you having a deep understanding of the game and a pretty decent edge? What part of your game do you feel is your biggest edge? Where did you gain your understanding of MTT poker? Books etc? Coaching? Raw ability?

I read one of your posts saying you rated your poker ability at a 3? Do you really believe this? And if so, how do you think you have had the results you have had with such a low poker ability?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:43 PM
lol was wondering why I was still reading this thread, ty daut
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:46 PM
yep thats pretty good, wp
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18
Who are you online? (What are your names on the sites?) How many tourneys have you played online?

I feel really dumb responding to you, but since you won't go away......

Time restraints and not being familiar in a live setting are horrible excuses for not ever playing a live tournament. She has the time to play all these tourneys online evidently so she doesn't have one day to play one live tournament once? The unfamiliar part is just pure crap. She already claimed she plays live cash so to insinuate that the non playing dynamics of the two are so different is not only wrong but ridiculous.
Once again you gloss over the substance of a post and focus in on one part. I don't blame you for glossing over my posts, I gloss over low post counts, too. Doesn't help that I rush a lot of my posts and often don't make sense! :P (then there's the times I'm actually wrong ) It's peachy's posts I think you should pay more attention to.

She seems to know her personality well enough that if she's not willing to dive in and devote a ton of time to her live game, she'll be unsatisfied. Her talking specifically about 10ks probably lends credence to Nano's point that those are the only events that she's interested in (not to mention a lot of the posters ITT that think it's SO RIDICULOUS that someone who's played a ton online hasn't played live, specifically mentioned they'd at least want to play a 10k like the wsop ME).
I didn't go find where she talked about this stuff, I just wrote it up from memory -- another reason I suck at posting

lol, being tied up for 12 hours straight doesn't strike you as a reason for someone (who may not be all that interested in live tournament poker in the first place) to put off playing a tournament? What about potentially being tied up for 12 hrs/day for 4-5 days? We (those of us reading her whole posts) also have some reason to assume the only live tourneys she's interested in are 10ks(far from conclusive, but w/e).

I've played a few thousand mid-high stakes online mtts as well as ~1.5yrs of micro cash before hand. I'm probably one of the best tourney players in Queens county, PEI, Canada. If you're interested most of my sns are listed over at p5s, with the exception of a few euro sites.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Well, I'm only 100 posts through but just wanted to say what a special person I think you are. Looking forward to reading more when I have time and hope you're not dissuaded by the torches

I do notice this thread got pretty long too and I saw someone said you did an interview etc... I've seen people say all kinds of things. If I was leveled, then I was leveled. I would be really surprised and for probably the first time ever would question my "read" as I'm usually spot on when it comes to reads on people. I hope it's true lol or it's gosna twist me hard.

If Mer is anything close to what she exudes, she deserves a lot better guys. I understand the old "fear that which we don't understand" but I also am completely aware of "one in a million".

Thank you very very much. And no, none of it dissuades me! It hasnt for years, it wont now! It also wont force me to change anything about myself, so they can love it or hate it, this is who I am!

The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Daut44
agame here is a good nerd example for you.



in book 6 of harry potter, remus lupin tells harry that he fully trusts severus snape despite all of harry's intuition against it because dumbledore trusts him, and to not trust severus means you do not have faith in dumbledore.

well when severus appeared to backstab dumbledore harry looked to be right, however at the end of the 7th book we find out lupin was right all along, and they should have never doubted the judgment of the most powerful and good wizard of all time.

pokerstars = dumbledore
mer = severus snape
jjprodigy = he who shall not be named
all of you = harry potter
me = lupin, im a badass werewolf hero
I believe this is conclusive proof that Draco Malfoy is the one playing on Snape's account.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by mullen

No clue why she answered Todd's questions in that way instead of just saying her name was some sort of alias. There's clear evidence that her name is not Mer Brit.
I answered his questions honestly, as I have stated.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:58 PM
mig is clearly ron weasley

**** gingers
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
qft, I don't think the interview was suspicious at all, just really weird in the same way that all her posts about poker are
Thank you!!!
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by mc4chess
Sorry if this has been asked but are you backed? If so by who?
No, I am not. But people do have percents of me.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:06 PM
I suggest the 1k turbos at EPT's if you don't wanna be tied up for multiple days.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:14 PM
Who cares if she's clicking the buttons? Let me reiterate my position here.

Mer Brit is almost definitely a real person. Mer Brit is very likely clicking the buttons when she plays poker online, at least some of the time.

It is very likely that Mer Brit is not making all if any of the decisions on the account that she is clicking the buttons for, that is in her name. And I'm not talking about being ghosted every now and again when she makes the final table. I'm talking about the person who gave the interview for Pokernews knowing very little about high level poker and not being good enough to profit from the games she plays in.

Last edited by AGame18; 02-12-2011 at 08:19 PM.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by highlandfox
I suggest the 1k turbos at EPT's if you don't wanna be tied up for multiple days.
that's what she said, but...

Originally Posted by JMaster130
You can't honestly believe there's THAT significant of a difference between online and live tournaments where you'd be "setting a lot of money on fire" by playing them with no live experience. Any semi-competent low/midstakes online mtt reg has a better shot at winning a wsop 1k (let alone ANY smaller buy-in live tournament) they play, even if its their first ever live event than well over half of the mouth-breathers in the field...and your online game is like at least 10x better than most ls/msmtts regs. I can't fathom you not understanding that, especially given all of the people you seem to know in the poker world, one way or another.
Originally Posted by AGame18
Time restraints and not being familiar in a live setting are horrible excuses for not ever playing a live tournament. She has the time to play all these tourneys online evidently so she doesn't have one day to play one live tournament once? The unfamiliar part is just pure crap. She already claimed she plays live cash so to insinuate that the non playing dynamics of the two are so different is not only wrong but ridiculous.
I could really dig a response to these two posts.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18
You do realize there are live tournaments you could play that don't cost 10k to enter and wouldn't take more than a day or two to play don't you?

You say you play live cash, where do you play?
Yes, but why travel to play those? (when I am pressed for time to get back here). I dont get why I would play small things when I can play quite a few online mtts in that same day, plus also play the 2+ days I lose in travel time? Also, Im throwing away money for travel, lodging, etc.

I have played in AC, FL, river boats, Paris, various places. The laws have slowly been changing to up the limits in places around the south so I might try to fit in some more.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by jcsmitty22
You conveniently skipped over this post where you contradict yourself, so I'll just post it again. Why say two different things in two different wells?
I did NOT skip this post, I am answering in order as best as I can, and had not got to your post yet (which I have answered by now). I mean I get its all pitch forks, fire, and brimstone, but stand in line!!!
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by JMaster130
I started reading this thread being about 85% confident that you are who you claim to be, and everything you're doing is on the up and up. After reading several of your responses, listening to the pokernews podcast, and hearing/reading some theories from people I respect itt and irl, I can't say I'm more than 50% confident now. Obviously, this may mean nothing to you and there isn't any reason why it necessarily should, but I can definitely say I'm not nearly the only one isn't buying some of your reasoning.

Case in point, the bolded sentences above. You can't honestly believe there's THAT significant of a difference between online and live tournaments where you'd be "setting a lot of money on fire" by playing them with no live experience. Any semi-competent low/midstakes online mtt reg has a better shot at winning a wsop 1k (let alone ANY smaller buy-in live tournament) they play, even if its their first ever live event than well over half of the mouth-breathers in the field...and your online game is like at least 10x better than most ls/msmtts regs. I can't fathom you not understanding that, especially given all of the people you seem to know in the poker world, one way or another.

I honestly couldn't have cared less about your identity, gender, etc. as of a couple days ago, but now I'm intrigued about this situation as I see it has the potential to be something pretty epic if any of the various conspiracy theories turn out to be true.
I appreciate your point of view, but please dont take what I have said out of context, which I now see others have run with as I am working my way through these questions.

I said "If something comes up, or I have something scheduled in another area of my life, I could be flushing 10k down the drain." Never did I say me playing any live event period would be a bad move. I clearly said with how my time frame, personal affairs, business obligations, etc. are set up this year that trying to squish in a live mtt would be impractical for me, thus a waste of money.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by eatSfrishSfrieS
what are you planning to do first,

play a live mtt or go to Antarctica?!!!!??

Maybe play some live mtts on that side of the world and see Antarctica before or after?!?!

hehe I honestly dont know. If my photography takes me to Antarctica first, so be it. I cant know what opportunities are coming!!
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Gaston117
hey peachy congrats!
I have to admit i was not very familiar with who you were but have become a fan thanks to the well and podcast.

I only have 1 questions. What is your favorite coen brothers movie?

btw i own a male chihuahua, would you be interested in procreating?
The Big Lebowski

haha no
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:51 PM
So how about, the next time you go to play live cash, you tell someone who lives in the area to come by and meet you and you can prove that you are who you are!

If that's not agreeable, then how about this. In interest of just putting this whole thing to bed, silencing the doubters, and getting a formal apology from myself, you agree to a one-time live appearance somewhere if I can raise a certain amount of money to donate to your favorite charity. I for sure would donate and have talked to several already who would also happily donate as well. If you have problems with stalkers, we'll even pay for your security to and from! All you'd have to do is come somewhere to meet a group of people agreeable to both of us, (doesn't even have to be a live tournament fwiw it could be lunch or something) talk enough about poker so that we are confident you are good enough to be the one playing the account you claim to be playing, and end the suspicions once and for all. This way you get to make us all look dumb, we are satisfied with our "investigation", and the less fortunate gets a nice check in the mail! What do you say?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by cgcct
I'm sorry people. I don't even see this as the same person responding to these posts now. The tone is so innately different now. The first several posts match the pokernews interview. The posts after the interview do not.
I have already addressed this statement, if you would like to make further implications please be more direct in what you are implying and then please ask questions. Quite a few people think my interview matches my posts perfectly....opinions opinions!
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18
So how about, the next time you go to play live cash, you tell someone who lives in the area to come by and meet you and you can prove that you are who you are!

If that's not agreeable, then how about this. In interest of just putting this whole thing to bed, silencing the doubters, and getting a formal apology from myself, you agree to a one-time live appearance somewhere if I can raise a certain amount of money to donate to your favorite charity. I for sure would donate and have talked to several already who would also happily donate as well. If you have problems with stalkers, we'll even pay for your security to and from! All you'd have to do is come somewhere to meet a group of people agreeable to both of us, (doesn't even have to be a live tournament fwiw it could be lunch or something) talk enough about poker so that we are confident you are good enough to be the one playing the account you claim to be playing, and end the suspicions once and for all. This way you get to make us all look dumb, we are satisfied with our "investigation", and the less fortunate gets a nice check in the mail! What do you say?
Interested in seeing a response to this...
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:00 PM
you are really curious enough to spend $$$?
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jason Young
by far....the absolute most direct, normal, non shady response i've seen from you yet. thank you for that.

not sure what your immediate plans are for the future...but im co-hosting a tournament in the dominican republic from march 23-28 the main event is a
1k with 100k guarantee and the field is going to be full of beginners and people just looking to have a good time....obv its in dominican republic its beautiful there. i'd love to freeroll you in the tournament, pay for your airfare, expenses, put you up in a suite at the all inclusive resort, and just talk some poker. you can even bring a friend. i'm going to be there with my gf so its not some kind of creepy come on or w/e. this just seems like a good tourny for you to get your feet wet live...let me know

this offer is still on the table as well.

and i'll donate 5k to a charity of your choice if you come as well.
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:07 PM
this latest turn baffles me more than the original issue
The Well: PeachyMer - Post #3792 - INTERVIEW HAPPENS! Quote
