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Weird minbets Weird minbets

01-02-2014 , 10:05 PM
I am mainly a Sng player.

Yesteray in a 6-max 30$ sng, i faced a very very weird player.
We were 3 left, he was chipleader, i had like 15% less chips, and shortstack was like 60% of me.

Every single time i had a playable hand things went like this :
He limps (or does nothing if on the BB). I raise.
The shortstack folds, he calls. (never folded to a standard size preflop)

I hit nothing, he donks 100 in like 600-800
If i call he minbets again on the turn.
If i raise low, he calls then donkminbet turn.

I tried to look him up 2 times by calling 3 min bets, 1 time he had top pair, other he had bottom pair.
So basically i cant C-bet, and he only folds if i raise big, which is kind of super risky considering the bubble effect.

I ended up calling on the flop, missing again on turn and folding to his 2nd minbet like 3 or 4 times. My stack melted then i lost on some flip.

Any idea on how to approach this dude ?

If deepstack i would just wait to flop something, but 3 handed if i keep folding and leaving blinds on the table it will start hurting very quickly.

Maybe im just very bad but i'm always a bit confused my minbets.

Thanks !
Weird minbets Quote
01-02-2014 , 10:33 PM
It was normal/turbo speed format? Hard to know without hard numbers, but you need to raise/fold more flops instead of just floating. Obviously you don't want to get into a big hand with him considering chip stacks, but if you're deep enough you can try making a decent raise on the flop a time or two.

The thing I can't stress enough is definitely don't just call his minbet without a plan though. Since you know (think) he's going to minbet the turn and river, have a plan with your hand going forward. What I mean is don't just call his minbet with the plan to check/fold.
Weird minbets Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:00 PM
Yes it was turbo format.

And now that i think about it you are right.
I'm just confused and calling flop minbets with no plan then i'm still confused on the turn and keep bleeding my stack.
I'll go through the hands again and look how to stop calling.

Thanks for the answer !
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