Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 43
I am mainly a Sng player.
Yesteray in a 6-max 30$ sng, i faced a very very weird player.
We were 3 left, he was chipleader, i had like 15% less chips, and shortstack was like 60% of me.
Every single time i had a playable hand things went like this :
He limps (or does nothing if on the BB). I raise.
The shortstack folds, he calls. (never folded to a standard size preflop)
I hit nothing, he donks 100 in like 600-800
If i call he minbets again on the turn.
If i raise low, he calls then donkminbet turn.
I tried to look him up 2 times by calling 3 min bets, 1 time he had top pair, other he had bottom pair.
So basically i cant C-bet, and he only folds if i raise big, which is kind of super risky considering the bubble effect.
I ended up calling on the flop, missing again on turn and folding to his 2nd minbet like 3 or 4 times. My stack melted then i lost on some flip.
Any idea on how to approach this dude ?
If deepstack i would just wait to flop something, but 3 handed if i keep folding and leaving blinds on the table it will start hurting very quickly.
Maybe im just very bad but i'm always a bit confused my minbets.
Thanks !