WCOOP 1000 dollar Tourney Last Nite
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 1
This was a hand played by Negreanu on Stars; I just wanted to know what people think of it. Is this correct ? Please let me know any thing little or big about the hand. Blinds were 400 800 with 50 ante. Negreanu has 38 K, UTG +2 has 25 K, and the BB has 20 K. UTG +2 makes it 2 k folds to Negreanu on the button he calls the 2 K and the BB calls the 2 K. Flop is Tc Jc Qc. The big blind leads out for 5200 into the 6850 pot. UTG + 2 reraises allin for 25K. Negreanu pushes allin for 38 K. The BB thinks for a while; then folds. UTG +2 has QQ and Negreanu has Ac Js. BB says he folded 10 10. Is this a standard call if you have Negreanu's hand ? Please help me understand this hand better. What are the mistakes if any ?
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Up against a UTG+2 range of (KcK, TT-QQ, AK) he has 40% equity. With BB's money in there already + the chance he calls, its a call imo.
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 3,269
it's a shove because of BB's dead money.
Join Date: May 2008
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I dont think we can call BB dead money at all but yea hes folding a decent amount...