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Visual Basic Programmer- not looking for work. Visual Basic Programmer- not looking for work.

01-28-2010 , 07:41 AM
Since I joined this forum I have been looking for ways to improve my game, there is so much information at this site it's overwhelming, but I feel it has improved my game.

The numbers don't lie, I've taken ROI from -14, to even, and I know there are some huge leaks that I need to fill the gap in order to become profitable at this game.

After viewing the thread brad2002tjpoker posted, I have come to the realization that maybe I have a talent to help this forum. I have seen some in here mention that they use Excel to keep records, and to help figure out complicated calculations, I would like to offer my services, not for money, or anything in return, but to help my own Poker knowledge, and where it applies to math, if I can program it, I own it in my head.

If you're using Excel, and would like something automated, like plugging in numbers to figure out a call or not, I can do that!

I'm really good with the creation of

Anyone have any ideas?
Visual Basic Programmer- not looking for work. Quote
01-28-2010 , 12:09 PM
glad to hear the forums have helped you. good luck with this.
the maffs, they elude me.
Visual Basic Programmer- not looking for work. Quote
01-28-2010 , 01:35 PM
I should have reposted this,

Visual Basic for Applications.

Excel is a great tool, I am advanced beyond even the most advanced user. If you press Alt-F11 in excel this takes you into VB, which is where the real power of excel is hidden.

I just thought it might be useful if as an example, you type in or click in your hole cards, postion, stack, opppents stack, M, and other relational data to give you an instant evaluation of your hand. I think there is a way of grabbing the data from the screen, to help figure out pot odds and such.

It's just an idea....but I would need help in creating it.
Visual Basic Programmer- not looking for work. Quote
