Since I joined this forum I have been looking for ways to improve my game, there is so much information at this site it's overwhelming, but I feel it has improved my game.
The numbers don't lie, I've taken ROI from -14, to even, and I know there are some huge leaks that I need to fill the gap in order to become profitable at this game.
After viewing the thread brad2002tjpoker posted, I have come to the realization that maybe I have a talent to help this forum. I have seen some in here mention that they use Excel to keep records, and to help figure out complicated calculations, I would like to offer my services, not for money, or anything in return, but to help my own Poker knowledge, and where it applies to math, if I can program it, I own it in my head.
If you're using Excel, and would like something automated, like plugging in numbers to figure out a call or not, I can do that!
I'm really good with the creation of
Anyone have any ideas?