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Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool!

11-09-2011 , 04:38 AM
$350 Venetian Deepstack. Down to ~65/336, top 36 pay. Villain is a mid-late 30's woman, has had a bigish stack since I was moved to her table. She was playing fairly loose pre, something like 28/18 at a full table. She would open-limp on occasion and would rarely fold pre when she did. She seemed capable of taking some aggro lines postflop. Basically your stereotypical "playing like she has to prove she can hang with the boys" if you get what I mean. Hands of notice I played w/ her.

-I open UTG, she flats in MP, BB flats. Flop A65dxx checked around. Turn 4d I bet, she folds, BB calls. River 7d I bet, BB folds.
-I open 77 2.5x UTG+1 @ 500/1000 w/ a 60K stack, she flats in MP w/ 86, SB flats. Flop J75 I bet 4.8K into ~10K, she moves all-in (~120K), I call and hold.
-I open in HJ, SB flats, she flats in BB. Flop T84ssd checked around. Turn 3d she bets 1/2 pot, I flat. River 8s she bets 3/4 pot, I fold, and she shows 97cc for a busted straightdraw.

I had been somewhat active, but hadn't really got out of line at all.


1000/2000/300. I got 120K, she has ~100K.

she limps UTG+1, I make it 7K OTB w/ 99, she calls.

Flop QQ5 (pot 20K)

she checks, I check

Turn 4 (pot 20K)

she checks, I bet 7.5K, she calls.

River 4 (pot 35K)

she checks, I bet 14K, she makes it 32K, I?

Thoughts on my line and river spot?
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 04:49 AM
I like to bet the flop vs. a limp/call but dont think it makes that big of a difference if u bet flop or turn. River sucks but I guess I fold bc she bet the turn with a draw in the 97 hand so I expect her to bet spades ott
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by The_Stro_Sho
I like to bet the flop vs. a limp/call but dont think it makes that big of a difference if u bet flop or turn. River sucks but I guess I fold bc she bet the turn with a draw in the 97 hand so I expect her to bet spades ott
reason i decided to check back flop was because i wasn't sure how to proceed vs. a c/r. i thought she was capable of c/r the flop here w/ draws, Q's and the occasional air. i think live, people are less likely to c/r turn w/ a draw/air so i would been more ok about bet/folding turn. might also induce some bluffs by checking flop. downside is giving a free card or losing value, but like you said, doubt it makes that big of a difference, because we're prob not getting 3 streets of value here anyways.

valid reasoning?
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 05:46 AM
i like your line/reasoning and fold river
river sizing is a tell as well since she bluffed with a 3/4PSB when she missed the draw
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 06:01 AM
I am fine with the flop check. I'm calling river and feeling pretty good about it. You are repping pretty thin (check flop, smallish turn and river bet), and she seems decent enough to know that.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 06:06 AM
In a game I probably call that because nothing makes sense here, except some random QJ, and not even that. Must be close though. I think we can call given that she has proven she can make moves.

I would bet the flop though, not so much for value as for protecting our hand. I doubt she folds 88-66 on that flop too. However on turns like A, K, we lose value from those hands.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by swede554
reason i decided to check back flop was because i wasn't sure how to proceed vs. a c/r. i thought she was capable of c/r the flop here w/ draws, Q's and the occasional air. i think live, people are less likely to c/r turn w/ a draw/air so i would been more ok about bet/folding turn. might also induce some bluffs by checking flop. downside is giving a free card or losing value, but like you said, doubt it makes that big of a difference, because we're prob not getting 3 streets of value here anyways.

valid reasoning?
ya sounds good we wont get 3 streets ever unless villain is a huge fish. You had any reads on her limping range ?
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 07:42 AM
I'm looking this up
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by JITxpert
I am fine with the flop check. I'm calling river and feeling pretty good about it. You are repping pretty thin (check flop, smallish turn and river bet), and she seems decent enough to know that.
Were not repping thin at all. We have a lot of pps we we play this way + were checking back Ahis almost always. Actually were not bluffing a lot when we c flop b turn and b river
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 08:16 AM
I mean, what is she repping, quads and A4 since I expect A4 to bet the flop, and she probably isn't playing A4o too often? Maybe like 54ss?
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 09:47 AM
Yeah I'm calling, you bet small I doubt you are checking Qx often on the flop and she's shown to be aggro before
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-09-2011 , 01:17 PM
like your line and sizing and think the river is close with a default of calling
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 01:27 PM
is anyone else by the 3.5x pre flop sizing...?

as played, look this up
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 01:33 PM
I'm pretty much a cash only player so I apologize if this isn't the best reply. You mentioned she showed you her busted draw earlier. Had she shown a bluff to any other player while you were there? If so, how was her play against that player in other hands? Did she bust someone later after doing that?

Obvious statement is obvious, but normally if someone shows you a bluff, they don't intend on doing it again anytime soon.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dicky Smalls
I'm pretty much a cash only player so I apologize if this isn't the best reply. You mentioned she showed you her busted draw earlier. Had she shown a bluff to any other player while you were there? If so, how was her play against that player in other hands? Did she bust someone later after doing that?

Obvious statement is obvious, but normally if someone shows you a bluff, they don't intend on doing it again anytime soon.
This can go both ways... It's one of the biggest levelling spots and it makes me want to die die die.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 02:08 PM
Depends on how hot she is and odds of getting laid later, folding could be very +ev... Jk, I call here like 100% this is a good board to bluff on, and she could be doing this trying to take away what she thinks is a chop pot.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:32 PM
Fold. Villain isn't capable of bluffing here.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 05:14 PM
I think since we checked flop behind, V understood we don`t have a spades combo there, so it looks like a good line to play Qx.
And considering that, board was looking very dry in V`s eyes, which make her think raise ott for value would create a lot of FE.
But, if so, I can`t understand c/r for value otr, where boat draws have opened.
After betting smallish ott, does she expect us to bet again otr?

Much sooner she has, like Canoodles says, A4s type hands w the read she tends not to fold open limping pre.
Prolly V was unsure if we would bet otf or risk slowplaying the Q-set, but our small bets on later streets told her it`s too thin to rep Qx.
It also makes c/r otr much more understandable.

So it looks a fold to me, but I missed that, what was the plan otr?
Was it b/c for value or b/f for thin one?
Do we lose a lot of value checking river behind?

And I think 3.5x pre and cbet on wet board could win us the pot good % of time (or at least made the hand easier for us). And if V told us we`re no good otf we could fold the hand right there, since not many cards improve us and there`re a lot of action-killing ones.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
11-10-2011 , 05:27 PM
Soul read.

Sounds like I really want to call, but I'm not right as much as I wish I was in these spots.
Venetian 0, getting c/r'd on the river is not cool! Quote
