two pair, board pairs bottom card, do we still value bet river?
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 422
1k guaranteed on Ignition
about ten before cash
HERO CO (34 bb's) I open 97hh in co
VILLAIN BB (44 bb's) callls
FLOP (2,120) 6h 7d 4h
Villain checks
Hero bets 1,113
Villain calls
TURN (4,346) 9c
Hero bets 2,817
Villain calls
RIVER (9,980) 4d (hero has 9,000 left)
Villain checks
are we value betting? If so, how much?
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 4,493
I don't think he's checking the river with a monster, and there aren't many overpairs in his range that pulled ahead on the paired river. TT definitely in his range, and maybe JJ, but I think you would have heard from QQ-AA already.
I think the rest of his range is made up of hands that can't call a river bet (busted heart draws) or hands he's hoping to get to showdown and might call another bet (55/88/33/A6/A7/K6/K7).
Since the threat of a big hand is minimal, I think you can go for a value bet. Maybe 1/3 pot?
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 758
I agree with Darth that a smallish value bet is in order here.
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 1,830
small value bet for sure, something like 3/3.5k