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TS 0 satellite - shoving range over Button 5x open? TS 0 satellite - shoving range over Button 5x open?

06-25-2008 , 11:16 PM
(First MTT post of any kind, figured the structure and field made it more SSMTT than HSMTT. Might be overly descriptive, I'm just writing out what went through my head at the table.)

Turning Stone satellite. 49 entrants, 9 $1650 seats + some cash. Started with 6k at 25/50, but levels are 20 minutes, and I'd say 1 out of every 3 levels you'd see in an "Event" structure are removed.

Villain is middle-aged guy on the button with 12k~. He's been straight-forward, neither nitty nor loose, mostly opens to 3x with the occasional 4x from EP, and hasn't faced a 3-bet yet.

Weird note on him: an orbit earlier he shoved for 18BB in SB over a 6bb MP push w/ AA to "deny the BB odds if he just flatted". So he thinks he knows pot odds, but is really just a lost middle-aged man imo.

300/600/75, w/ 14 minutes left in level, next two levels are 400/800/100 and 600/1200/200, and 30 people left. My stack is 10.2k, so M of 6.5~, and villain is button with 12k~.

Folds to button who looks at cards, fiddles with chips for a few seconds, and raises to 3k (5BB). He's never opened that big from any position, and hasn't opened bigger than 3x from LP.

SB folds, Hero to act in BB (2.4k to call, all-in would be additional 7.2k w/ 7.05k dead in pot). What's your shoving range?
TS 0 satellite - shoving range over Button 5x open? Quote
06-26-2008 , 07:10 AM
In fact you have good FE here, there are 30 players left and only 9 seats (avg 9k?).
here i shove 88+, ATs+
TS 0 satellite - shoving range over Button 5x open? Quote
