Trying to figure out if this is a push or fold
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 288
ICM calculators dont seem to work because its to many people left... also tried pokerstove but couldnt figure out how to get push ranges based on calling ranges...
is there something online i can plug this in and see
50/50 there are 35 players left
in cut off+1 with 33 folded to me, tight image with a M of 5
cant raise/fold
dont want to raise/call
so either fold or push
i think its a fold but dont think it is by much
blinds 1200/2400 240(i think ante)
Hero in c/o + 1 34000
C/o 50000
Button 61000
sb 19000
bb 52000
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you can use SNG Power Tools (which costs like $70-80) to calculate chip EV based on pushing/calling ranges. You obviously have to decide the ranges yourself though, a program can't decide that for you.
I think a push is fine here with the antes, although it's close.