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Is this truly multi accounting Is this truly multi accounting

10-14-2010 , 04:08 PM
So hey guys I have created a new handle in order to get an answer to an honest question without getting my account closed and all my monies seized by over zealous 2+2 detectives. So quick back-story played on one account for a couple of years mainly recreational, one night I stayed up all night and did not not study for my exams so the next night I inst 6-month banned myself from playing on all the sites. obviously I got over that I never want to play online poker again feeling and found the only way to get decent games(tourneys) was to use my friends account. now I am crushing and got like a nice bankroll going. now I have never used two accounts same time or anything obviously illegal, but i was wondering in the eyes of the community if I never switch my accounts and keep playing on this new one permanently am I multi account scum?????????

GA banned myself from playing on all major sites
regretted decision started playing on friends account (he never plays)
am crushing and dont want my 5 figure bankroll confiscated
Am I scum or just a deg en regretting a six month ban?
please be honest and constructive with comments if you think I am a cheating douche-bag though and that is what you really think please let me know I am weighing the ethical nature of my situation. Thanks guys.
10-14-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by MULTIACCOUNT
So hey guys I have created a new handle in order to get an answer to an honest question without getting my account closed and all my monies seized by over zealous 2+2 detectives. So quick back-story played on one account for a couple of years mainly recreational, one night I stayed up all night and did not not study for my exams so the next night I inst 6-month banned myself from playing on all the sites. obviously I got over that I never want to play online poker again feeling and found the only way to get decent games(tourneys) was to use my friends account. now I am crushing and got like a nice bankroll going. now I have never used two accounts same time or anything obviously illegal, but i was wondering in the eyes of the community if I never switch my accounts and keep playing on this new one permanently am I multi account scum?????????

GA banned myself from playing on all major sites
regretted decision started playing on friends account (he never plays)
am crushing and dont want my 5 figure bankroll confiscated
Am I scum or just a deg en regretting a six month ban?
please be honest and constructive with comments if you think I am a cheating douche-bag though and that is what you really think please let me know I am weighing the ethical nature of my situation. Thanks guys.

Last edited by Zima421; 10-14-2010 at 04:14 PM. Reason: so it cant be deleted.
10-14-2010 , 04:16 PM
2p2 police is here no worries
10-14-2010 , 04:17 PM
you're theoretically taking money away from people who would otherwise have reads on you.

it's against terms and conditions. you self excluded. live with that decision.
10-14-2010 , 04:18 PM
fwiw i dont see the big deal about it --because you have been playing on your friends account for a good amount of time?
i would put a ban on your friend's account so he doesnt steal the money, or xfer it to your account and wait out the 6 months
edit: maybe its not fair or whatever, dont really know what you are looking for in an answer, as you knew it was morally wrong already and continued doing it.

Last edited by TurnUpTheSun; 10-14-2010 at 04:24 PM.
10-14-2010 , 04:19 PM
i think u made a bad choice and its an unfair playing feild as u know certain players and there tendencies and they do not know u or have any history with you on said new account thus giving u an unfair advantage....that being said i can understand why u have done it but i think u need to stop asap because if ever caught your name is scum and in poker your honesty and word and reputation are so valuable...please take all these things into consideration before you join another session of play
10-14-2010 , 04:25 PM
so mods, who does the gimmick belong to?

oh you didn't know that could be checked OP?
10-14-2010 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by benza13
so mods, who does the gimmick belong to?

oh you didn't know that could be checked OP?

I am pretty sure I covered all my bases, but hey maybe not ....I guess you could trace my IP somehow but that not connected to my account neither is my emails, soooo.....

And I was reaching out to the community for ethical advice in a situation that really if I have edged someone out it would be so tiny.... I have no reads I take no notes I have no HEM...I can see everyone is against this but then is it not even worse to go back to my old account and keep playing when its stats are not even close to the new one.
10-14-2010 , 04:35 PM
PS. now that I see community views this as wrong then I wont be doing it anymore...but I don't think It should be your guy's goal to get my money confiscated but hey free world you can do what ever you want I guess.
10-14-2010 , 04:36 PM
We found Roaul Moat

...We'll find you

Originally Posted by MULTIACCOUNT
.but I don't think It should be your guy's goal to get my money confiscated but hey free world you can do what ever you want I guess.
yah, you see it should, cos the money goes back to people in our community who deserve it.
10-14-2010 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by MULTIACCOUNT
PS. now that I see community views this as wrong then I wont be doing it anymore...but I don't think It should be your guy's goal to get my money confiscated but hey free world you can do what ever you want I guess.
whyyy did you posttttt this threaddddddddd
10-14-2010 , 04:42 PM
10-14-2010 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by SlevinUp
We found Roaul Moat

...We'll find you

10-14-2010 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by SlevinUp
the money goes back to people in our community who deserve it.
Every time I hear the word "Deserve" used in reference to poker it makes me be sick in my mouth.

If OP was a HS reg then that changes things imo, because an actual value (however abstract) can be assigned to his image from his previous account. But ffs, if he's just some random who was playing $11 mtts and the rest of his story is accurate then how has anyone legitimately been defrauded by him just working a way round his self-exclusion and using a different SN?
10-14-2010 , 04:56 PM
Seriosuly at least one person has an answer that is not completly unexpected. literally what I was thinking before I posted I said I when I was recreational player mostly .5/1 cash games and my results were piss poor in tourneys...when I played them. I was really hoping just to get some constructive advice, because I really dont think I did anything wrong really, Obviously stupid to ban yourself from playing if you want to play, but I did that and obviously the easiest way to deal with this would be to play not say a word and then transfer moneys to my old account when ban expires, but I figured that would be even more scummy multi accounting as I was going from a tourney regular with good results to some no one without any wins.
10-14-2010 , 04:57 PM
Was looking for guidance and all I got was threats.. I mean I know i broke the letter but I think the spirit of the law remains intact.
10-14-2010 , 05:00 PM
If you played low stakes cash games/tourneys, whatever, it won't matter. If in any way you have played consistently at high stakes, regs have notes on you, vice versa, then just say who you are. From you .50/1 explanation, no offense OP, but u don't sound like a huge threat to the community. Not saying you aren't a great player, but this isn't even close to the types of shady things ppl do. Just my opinion tho...just don't use both accts.
10-14-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by MULTIACCOUNT
Seriosuly at least one person has an answer that is not completly unexpected. literally what I was thinking before I posted I said I when I was recreational player mostly .5/1 cash games and my results were piss poor in tourneys...when I played them. I was really hoping just to get some constructive advice, because I really dont think I did anything wrong really, Obviously stupid to ban yourself from playing if you want to play, but I did that and obviously the easiest way to deal with this would be to play not say a word and then transfer moneys to my old account when ban expires, but I figured that would be even more scummy multi accounting as I was going from a tourney regular with good results to some no one without any wins.
i dont know an american who syas this, hes almost def from the uk.
10-14-2010 , 05:03 PM
Yeah I figured the real key was to never use both accounts which obviously I do not do. thanks for the advice and the criticism... I cant complain cause I opened myself up to it by posting, I really wish I could just end my exclusion. does playing in the sunday million like 3 times make me high stakes reg lol.
10-14-2010 , 05:03 PM
think someone i know did this a year ago and i told him to confess to the site and they were pretty lenient in regards to not seizing funds (they didnt seize anything).

something to consider before you continue to play on the account.

also, not sure what people dont understand about multi accounting...
2 accounts = multiple accounts

doesnt matter if youre playing on them at the same time or not, it doesnt magically make it 1 account.
10-14-2010 , 05:04 PM
give us some screennames so we can see what results you got.
i mean you must be the man with such a big bankroll?!
10-14-2010 , 05:06 PM
When can we start making bets on OPs original handle?
10-14-2010 , 05:08 PM
I think it's emaa or clunged
10-14-2010 , 05:09 PM
Cliffs notes were just as long as the story. That was your biggest transgression, imo.
10-14-2010 , 05:09 PM
youll just lose your red pro status for a month, no big deal

(seriously, this isnt a big deal)
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