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Trip 7's.Check-call flop. Lead turn weak? Trip 7's.Check-call flop. Lead turn weak?

04-08-2015 , 01:23 PM
Here is the hand

Not proud of open limping EP with 87o (I was desperately board). But if you can get past that terrible play then please tell me of what you think post flop.

The table is very tight.

I am not sure about sizing. I thought about check raising but I thought that would just give away my strength given I called his chunky cbet on the flop.
Do you think the weak lead on the turn is more obvious? And I think that small donk bets tend to make people flip out occasionally.

Obv, I was not concerned about back end flush as he was preflop raiser. wasnt gonna check it or small bet on the off chance he miraculously had a flush. Since he just called the turn I figured he had show down value and potted it.
Trip 7's.Check-call flop. Lead turn weak? Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:22 PM
ok let's break this down by decision point:

1. fold pre. play more tables if you're bored.
2. fold pre.
3. raise flop imo. Given board texture, V is not too likely to continue with his air when checked to ott. Also raising flop just looks fishy.
4. turn bet is just absurd. if you're going to bet here, bet a normal sizing. I'd rather c/c here and let him continue to go for value with KQ/AQ/KK/AA otr or try to bluff us with air/clubs as we rep a missed draw pretty well.
5. fine
Trip 7's.Check-call flop. Lead turn weak? Quote
