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Tournament life Tournament life

05-10-2019 , 11:02 AM
I witnessed a hand where it was a battle of blinds where there was a leveling war between those guys where there was a raise preflop from the BB. A check raise on flop. Check check turn. On river bet from SB followed by an allin for 2bb more the sb folded.
The board was kj2k4
When i asked the BB what he had he said a king(not a fullhouse!) He said he thought he was good this is why he pushed.
Here are my thought why i don think this is a good idea and please correct me if im wrong:
The pot was big enough when we got to the river and it was up to the BB to act(20bb-30bb). What is the purpose of winning the 2bb more in a big pot vs keeping the 2bb for just in case he was beating him.
Tournament life is more important than winning this 2bb. I was thinking when i saw the highroller doing this virtual all in where they keep 1 or 2bb behind and i think this is for tournament life too.
What do uou guys think?
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05-13-2019 , 01:26 PM
BB obviously didn't believe the SB. /THREAD
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05-13-2019 , 05:59 PM
Even if SB never calls without a K or better, then the kicker comes into play. I'm guessing BB had KQ or AK and wasn't worried about a boat (SB would have likely raised with JJ/KJ and might have raised with 22/44).

But the fact is for 2bb's into a pot that has probably 80bb's the SB almost always will call with a pair. Even with a 2 I don't think I could lay it down. If only for the simple reason that if I fold and the BB turns over QT (or 53) it will take me weeks to recover.
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