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Top Set early on .. sizing question Top Set early on .. sizing question

04-07-2019 , 04:55 PM
150 buy in , 15k guaranteed , 30k starting stack

blinds are 100/300, +200 for ante

I have AA in LP with a couple limps in front, I make it 2,200

BB and UTG call , I have 25k , both V's cover

Flop: AJQ, (6,900)

BB leads for 1,600, UTG calls, Hero?

I raised to 10k, seemed pretty stnd spot to fast play given board, hows my sizing look?

BB folds, UTG calls

T: 5 (28,500)

UTG puts me AI for roughly 13k .... Hero?

I'm getting 3.2 to 1 roughly .. We need 24%

If we peg him on Flushes... this is a BE call.. I am pegging him on Flushes here, maybe a weird played set sometimes? idk

I'm curious if I could have just sized up OTF here so that regardless of turn I'll always have a +EV call in front of me, however I like my sizing bc I want to keep AX,2P, 9T, in the hand

thank you for any feedback on this
Top Set early on .. sizing question Quote
04-08-2019 , 07:20 AM
well first of all... you are representing one hand here...

you raise that big PRF, which you probably wouldn't do with AK, okay perhaps you might, than u raise 5.5x on flop? wait whut? it's a bit smarter to play your hand so face up.

you have so many options, nothing really wrong with raising flop, but smaller, make it 5.5K, that charges your opponents, that way, he can't shove the turn so you can call that bet and make full house on the river.

you say you like your sizing, I'm sorry but I really don't. what hands are you doing this with? 5x raise on flop? AA/QQ? but are queens raising 8x PRF? Doubt it, more likely you're making it like 1700 PRF

I think that you're burying yourself too deep the way you played it,
do you realise how vulnerable AA are? you want to raise to charge opponents, but not blow the pot, unless if you have a reason to think that they might limp-shove with KK or something.

On this flop, BB leads 1600 and UTG calls, you are hardly the favourite here, this is an extremely dangerous flop, I recommend just calling, hoping that the board pairs, if the turn is a brick, then you can raise, but not on the flop.
Top Set early on .. sizing question Quote
04-08-2019 , 07:51 AM
150 is not my buy-in Level though, but i still give you my thoughts about your Hand:

the limp/call UTG is kinda strange. OTF he calls the bb bet and your overbet. it Looks like a weird line for a fd, i would rather put him on a strong Hand like two pair, a set or KK with fd.

if you put him on a flush it's a tough call...if you fold you still got a healthy stack
Top Set early on .. sizing question Quote
04-08-2019 , 09:44 AM
I think I posted this in wrong place, $150 is low buy in for Live poker, I forgot about online

thanks for feedback
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