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tips for live setting tips for live setting

10-09-2010 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by ndiverseh
If you think you are any good at live poker, please dont look at your cards as soonas you get them. Op is new to it so looking first is ok, but if you think that your live game is good, then this is a leak if you insta look, you should be looking at your opponents, and trying to figure reads based on what they have done previously, and then when you have seen them showdown. You should look at your cards, and then think about you should do. Who cares how long it takes, your playing to win, the time is irrelevant.
nooooooooooooooo..... another one.....

i mean, slowplaying will reduce ur hourly wont it? and the only reason i can think of why you would slow the game down is just to get people tilted etc

but i mean its just poker etiquette, dont be an idiot know what ur holding before action gets to you.....dont be "THAT" guy....please
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10-09-2010 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
for the love of god dont play around with your chips after you have looked at your hand that's terrible advice. Whenever you are thinking and not observing people just stare at the felt so you don't give anything away (or wear sunglasses) and understand that there is nothing wrong with being nervous/excited when you are in a hand because most people are (although it gets better with practice).
A new player need something to get the focus of the table. Playing with chips could be good, but something else could work for him. He will need to try this out for himself and find what works for him. The blank stare into the felt seldom works, when a new player don't have a hand it get stressful for them and a few seconds feel like hours when someone is looking at them. Many players stare into the felt for a few seconds and then the eyes start to dance around. I have seen people look at me after a few seconds with a look of terror when they are on the bluff/draw.

Playing poker live for the first time is hard and I'd suggest that any new player use the process I suggested. If they are afraid of giving of tells. Don't touch the chips! But play every hand the same way, no matter what you have. Even if it is 23o that will get folded to a 4-way all in, go through the same process as always!
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10-09-2010 , 03:27 PM
I've only played live once and was very nervous but used what I read in Tommy Angelo's "Elements of Poker" and always pay attention to the players on your left and try to make a routine every time you have a hand. Keeps you in control and reduce the tells you may give off.
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10-09-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by fimbot
I've only played live once and was very nervous but used what I read in Tommy Angelo's "Elements of Poker" and always pay attention to the players on your left and try to make a routine every time you have a hand. Keeps you in control and reduce the tells you may give off.
ya check your holdings when you get em, then pop a chip on top no matter what you have. when it gets to you, you should know what you're gonna do.
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10-09-2010 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by DRLIVINGST0NE
nooooooooooooooo..... another one.....

i mean, slowplaying will reduce ur hourly wont it? and the only reason i can think of why you would slow the game down is just to get people tilted etc

but i mean its just poker etiquette, dont be an idiot know what ur holding before action gets to you.....dont be "THAT" guy....please
ok, I guess im not being leveled.

We are 1 tabling, with 1 prizepool and only 1 result. How can it affect our hourly?

ANd i do believe you misunderstand me, the process im sayin takes mybe 15 seconds in total, so im not slowing down the game whatsoever. It looks liek you arent completely sure as to what poker etiquette is, if you think this infringes upon it.

SO to answer your question i am not 'that' guy. But even if i was, its part of live poker, and the reason it is so profitable, so dont complain about it, if anything rejoice that these people play the game. SO much fail in the above post.
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10-09-2010 , 04:59 PM
Deep breathes dude. In through your nose slowly and as deep as you can go, and out through your mouth slow like you're blowing out a straw. Just repeat those over and over and i guarantee you will calm yourself. But i feel ya op, i get nervous and shaky as **** when i get in on big hands. Im surprisingly more calm when im bluffing tho. Dont be afraid to stand up and stretch for a minute either and keep drinking lots of liquids and eat some food to keep your brain active.
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10-09-2010 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by ndiverseh
ok, I guess im not being leveled.

We are 1 tabling, with 1 prizepool and only 1 result. How can it affect our hourly?

ANd i do believe you misunderstand me, the process im sayin takes mybe 15 seconds in total, so im not slowing down the game whatsoever. It looks liek you arent completely sure as to what poker etiquette is, if you think this infringes upon it.

SO to answer your question i am not 'that' guy. But even if i was, its part of live poker, and the reason it is so profitable, so dont complain about it, if anything rejoice that these people play the game. SO much fail in the above post.

you take 15 seconds to fold everytime? god.....thats just too much dude, if you dont have a hand you instafold it, and if you have edge you want to get in as much hands as possible. OMG I WANNA PUNCH YOU IN THE ****ING C0CK

I dont complain about it either, i keep it on the inside when playing, but i can rant here if i want so i d0, dont be so ****** clueless
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10-09-2010 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by DRLIVINGST0NE
you take 15 seconds to fold everytime? god.....thats just too much dude, if you dont have a hand you instafold it, and if you have edge you want to get in as much hands as possible. OMG I WANNA PUNCH YOU IN THE ****ING C0CK

I dont complain about it either, i keep it on the inside when playing, but i can rant here if i want so i d0, dont be so ****** clueless
um ok then sir.

i am not tapping the ****ing glass here.
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10-09-2010 , 05:32 PM
seriously cant be a winning player
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10-09-2010 , 05:35 PM
No offense, but if you're taking 15 seconds to fold a rag hand, that most definitely is too much.
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10-09-2010 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by BigFish2010
A new player need something to get the focus of the table. Playing with chips could be good, but something else could work for him. He will need to try this out for himself and find what works for him. The blank stare into the felt seldom works, when a new player don't have a hand it get stressful for them and a few seconds feel like hours when someone is looking at them. Many players stare into the felt for a few seconds and then the eyes start to dance around. I have seen people look at me after a few seconds with a look of terror when they are on the bluff/draw.

Playing poker live for the first time is hard and I'd suggest that any new player use the process I suggested. If they are afraid of giving of tells. Don't touch the chips! But play every hand the same way, no matter what you have. Even if it is 23o that will get folded to a 4-way all in, go through the same process as always!
do u offer mentoring?
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10-09-2010 , 06:32 PM
Study your opponents while the cards being dealt.

dont look at your cards to not give away any tells until its your turn!!!

look at your cards quick and ALWAYS(!!) in the same speed.

if you play the hand dont move to much, stare at a point on the table and try to not give away any information!

actually .. if you are playing cash or mtts that are more expensive, no one will look at his cards before action anyway!

the guys itt that telling u to look before action are ether leveling very hard or complete fish!!!!!!

using above lines as reverse tells here and there to set up a move will win you some bigger pots here and there (for example stare at 23 off suite, flop 22A and stack the AK guy cause u never had a deuce there).
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10-09-2010 , 06:41 PM
wait till its your turn to look at your cards. this way you can create a plan ebfore you even look at your cards! ie get raise/3b/f/jam ranges. this will help with your nerves because you already know what your going to do
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10-09-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by ryanghall
I'm in the look at your cards right away camp. This way you can develop a plan for the hand while you're waiting and you can also speed the game up, which you should want if you're a good player. Just make sure you continue to pay attention if you see a bad hand.
im sitting two seats to your right.
I see you looking at your cards early and you are very focused on what is happening next.
I can see the weels turning in your head.
All this gives me a lot of info about your holding and kind of (meta) position on you (even more if there is action in front of us).

After 3-4 hours deep in a mtt you cant do this "act" every time you get raggs!
(if so, you have my total respect for a very own style of play)
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10-09-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by jiggybluff
wait till you get aces or kings then pound them back
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10-09-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by DRLIVINGST0NE
seriously cant be a winning player

And you are? Put up or shut up. Your posts are pointless bs. The fact that you get so tilted by someone taking time to look at their cards says a lot about what kind of player you are.
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10-10-2010 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by SkinnyStax
And you are? Put up or shut up. Your posts are pointless bs. The fact that you get so tilted by someone taking time to look at their cards says a lot about what kind of player you are.
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10-10-2010 , 12:24 AM
sweet hepas of good advice. thanks to everyone for the advice should help me along nicely and if i cant stop the shaking ill pretend i have parkinsons.
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10-11-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
His online game doesnt necessarily transcend to his live game, but saying that i just think that either I am not being clear enough or he isnt completely understanding what im saying.

On reflection i might have been overly hasty, but even so it is obvious that his online > live game.

Its a massive flaw if you insta look, beacuse you instantaneously give off tells as to what you are going to do(unless you practice not to do this and then you can do what the **** you want), and it means that when deep and after playin for hours you can get a good read on whats going to happen, because people are tired and things become more exaggerated as to what they are going to do.
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10-11-2010 , 07:47 PM
You guys are all wrong, there are no tells in live poker. I know this kid that did well in some epts and he says live tells are meaningless. His friends say hes the smartest kid in poker there is so he must be right.
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10-11-2010 , 07:56 PM
I think this really depends on the individual and level of experience playing live.
Personally i don't look at my cards til its my turn to act as 1. allows me to concentrate on everyone else as they look at pick up on tells, and 2. having played live for many years now i believe i don't give much away anymore when looking, even if being watched closely at the time by someone decent.

However, if OP believes he is giving off alot of tells, then i can see the other stance, and I remember that Marc Goodwin told me once at the table, that its best to look immeadiately while no one is looking at you rather than when its your turn to act and the whole table is looking at you.

I would also try and get some sort of routine to help you too. Personally I always just use one hand, continously rifling a small stack of chips at all times during the hand i'm involved in, working out in my head what i'm going to do, then stopping only to make the bet i've decided on, before going back to the chip rifling.

but yeah, take lots of deep breaths, and oh, if you're bluffing, keep telling urself in your head that you have the nuts to try and relax a little!
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10-11-2010 , 07:58 PM
how does it follow that if you wait until the focus is on you to look at your cards you will give off less tells?

I look right away, then watch everyone else as they look and do their thing. Seriously... learn to look fast, it takes less than 1 second to look at your cards.
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10-11-2010 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by spoonfox
how does it follow that if you wait until the focus is on you to look at your cards you will give off less tells?

I look right away, then watch everyone else as they look and do their thing. Seriously... learn to look fast, it takes less than 1 second to look at your cards.
Because if you look and have complete **** you might act differently than you do if the hand you're holding is a premium. In a tournament if you're in the bb or something and give off a tell that your hand sucks, it'll make it easy for someone who notices to steal from you.
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10-11-2010 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by MiaCrank
oh, if you're bluffing, keep telling urself in your head that you have the nuts to try and relax a little!
i find this actually works quite well if you're prone to fast heart-rate/shaking,etc. And if you have the nuts, keep telling ure'self you got air after you make the value bet to give off some nervousness.
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10-11-2010 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by smaug8821
Because if you look and have complete **** you might act differently than you do if the hand you're holding is a premium. In a tournament if you're in the bb or something and give off a tell that your hand sucks, it'll make it easy for someone who notices to steal from you.

i alwats watch the sb,bb wen deep if im btn co and hj.

any tell is gunna b ev. if they isnat look and look like y are gunna fold, and from the reads i have then im jamming much wider, i dont see why we shudnt tryiong to gain as much as an advantage as poss.

Last edited by ndiverseh; 10-11-2010 at 10:03 PM. Reason: siiiigh drunk postin ftwwww!
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