Timing tells on 3-betting....any patterns here?
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,709
Played in deep tourney last night with lots of 3-betting going on at final table.
Some players 3-bet so fast that it didn't even seem like they looked at there cards. I know that this will vary depending on opponents and meta game ect. but from a general perspective and from experience is this usually a sign of STRENGTH or WEAKNESS?
What if they take a while to 3-bet? How would you read that?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 5,132
Don't base your decisions on timing is what I recommend.Multitablers have to take some time in most decisions.Onetablers might be making a sandwich or something.
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,709
This tournament was very fast paced and it seemed like lots of players where really focusing on this table.
I know what you are saying generally but in a fast paced game where everyone is focusing on the table timing has to mean something here.
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 17,554
completely opponent dependent, and I don't think it makes a difference at all
like if its 4 handed, and I get dealt aces on the button and I've been active, i'm definitely going to 3bet when it comes to me, but it could be the same thing with K9s
i never 3bet immediately though, because i always make it some really gay number so theres a whole bunch of tall towers and i feel like a champion