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Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early?

03-06-2011 , 01:30 AM
Hey guys. I've been grinding the 1$ 45 mans on stars for a while now and I feel like I have a really good grasp on them. I'm getting a little tired of playing the cheeseburger stakes and would like to move up to the 3.25s. If I moved up right now I would have about 60 BIs for the 3$s. I know that huge downswings are possible in these however.

My stats for my last 200 games are 22% ITM, 40% ROI. I have been running decently lately with some 20 BI downswings but I feel that I am a good enough player to consistently win these for a good profit margin. I know that my sample size is really small so make what you will of it, but like I said, I feel that I have a good grasp of the games and I don't think that the 3.25s are much tougher than the 1.1s.

What are ya'll's opinions on this? Should I move up and then drop back down when I hit 100$, or just go for it and if I hit a downswing keep going? Keep grinding the lower stakes?

I very rarely tilt and recently got a job so I will have less time to play but I can reload if I have to.
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
03-06-2011 , 01:49 AM
If you can reload just go for it imo. You've put your time in learning at the $1s, and the $3s are just as easy. Only reason to stay at the $1s is if you're going to put yourself in a bad spot if you bust your roll.
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
03-06-2011 , 02:07 AM
Ok thanks. I usually 9 table the 1.1s so would it be good to maybe drop to 6 at first so I can pay a bit more attention, or just keep it consistent?

Not running a HUD atm.
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
03-06-2011 , 02:12 AM
Personally I'd say drop a couple and try and identify who the regs are. After you've marked the people you're seeing often then add more tables in so you can play appropriately against them and just auto-pilot against the fish.
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
03-06-2011 , 03:21 AM
No HUD with more than 5 tables seems like losing money to me. I used to 6 table 9-mans with no HUD and it made a HUGE diff when I added it to my game. Granted 9-mans you'll run up HHs with opponents more quickly, but 9-tabling I find it tough to believe that you are getting max reads. Of course you'll have to learn to use a HUD. Having a friend play a session with you or watching a friend play a session with HUD to learn how to get reads is a great quick way to get up and running.

As for your question - reloadability means moving up is much less of an issue, and as stated above, you put in some time learning the $1s and the $3s virtually as soft.
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
03-06-2011 , 03:23 AM
Not too early to play 3.25's.
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
03-06-2011 , 04:56 AM
If you can reload I'd by hem and move up. Ur costing yourself money if you can reload and you can beat the higher stakes. DO IT!!!!
Thinking of Moving Up. Too Early? Quote
