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*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** *** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread ***

01-19-2017 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by broken_jia

The benefit of this type of tournament is that you have way less stalling as there is hand for hand only once (during the FT bubble) instead of traditional tournaments.
Doesnt seem like much of a benefit.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-19-2017 , 11:59 PM
The issue with end of day 1 being the bubble/day 2 being ITM is there would be insane stalling at the end of day 1, it would in fact be advantageous for every single player to stall because then they can all cash. The best thing IMO to do would be to play to within 1 level of ITM so the bubble will break at the start of day 2. The real best thing would be if the software could handle playing down to a % as is done in live events.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 05:36 AM
From Stars MTT Thread:

Originally Posted by Thegamewillendsoon
When I want to open the lobby from that 100% PSKO the software crashes, again and again. I just wanna LOL at the 'payouts'. Anyone else having this problem?
Yup definitely problem with the lobby of event:08, it didn't crash mine but stars stopped responding for a minute. I guess the side lobby which is supposed to the payouts is causing the problem.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Itsover9000!!
Agentul05 doesn't seem to understand it either.

*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by anuj22
From Stars MTT Thread:

Yup definitely problem with the lobby of event:08, it didn't crash mine but stars stopped responding for a minute. I guess the side lobby which is supposed to the payouts is causing the problem.
Had same thing last night !!! Good point out had same freeZe
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 06:32 AM
Pls delete that 82 6 max 100% ko from the client. It crashes my PokerStars everytime I get close to the damn thing. Also my stars client is running visibly slower since that tournament started. Pls delete it altogether from the client if u can. A lot of people are having issues.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 07:37 AM
Same here
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 09:06 AM
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
bryan for future phase coop timbeys: please please please make them like u did the scoop version where u advance and insta are in the money

2 reasons:

a) its much more enjoyable to make day 2 knowing u ve profited in said mtt

b) undeniably making the structure such that only day 2 pays makes players really try to make day 2 if they dont, making the prize pool ridic amounts bigger than whats going on now and most importantly avoiding instances like above where u make day 2 with no chips cuz u can just rip it in in the last few hands if u re not happy with ur stack and try to spin or play again.

scoop phase was so much better. thats the only issue i have with this TCOOP
100% agreed with this
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Transcendence
Pls delete that 82 6 max 100% ko from the client. It crashes my PokerStars everytime I get close to the damn thing. Also my stars client is running visibly slower since that tournament started. Pls delete it altogether from the client if u can. A lot of people are having issues.
yes, weirdly so this tournament is messing w your software.. inexplicably

pls delete it/fix it
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 10:41 AM
Phase ends too early, I agree. Should have played a few more levels which would have been great for the prize pool.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 12:57 PM
i had the same problem with the 82 100%pko, kept freezing the client and had to restart a bunch of times
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 02:25 PM
btw, that event [82 100%pko] was set for hand4hand play at around 1,000 players left for some reason

why does the big splash event has only 18,000 addon chips?
it shouldn't be called big splash if the structure is different [if anything it should be a bigger addon as a tcoop event imo]

edit: when i see splash on the title, i expect a big addon 5x starting stack [little] or 10x [regular/big]
i shouldn't have to check out the structure to see it's only 3x.
it's just a matter of consistency. just as you expect a "big" to play slow, a "hot" to play fast, etc

fwiw, enjoying the series so far, great start

Last edited by roscoe91; 01-20-2017 at 02:45 PM.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-20-2017 , 02:56 PM
Had a non sat reg asking in chat to jorj95 and myself about 6m sat to the $1k ME and wondering why it's not there already. Any chance of that $345>$1k going in the lobby for the weekend? They will actually run a ton unlike the 16man (and almost everyone/possibly everyone 'grinding' them will actually be playing the $1k ME)

Either way, thanks again Bryan. Already played ~ same amount this TCOOP than I did the entirety of the last one and am excited for this weekend! Very happy with how the sat lobby has worked too
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 12:02 PM
Hey Bryan,

Was there no leaderboard points awarded for Event 8, The 100% KO event?

*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Chipeez
In the past there were always 2 deadline sats, one awarding 1 in 10 and one 1 in 3 (or 4). Thought both were very populair and created many seats.. any reason you stopped?
There may well be multiple Deadline satellites for Events later in the series.

One tricky thing about running two $27 Phase Events is that there are huge numbers of Events vying for the players' attention/buy-ins. There are 160 Day 1s in total, and each of those has 23 MTT satellites (no SNG satellites) leading to it. To some degree, overall in the series so far, the satellite offering has been honed down to have fewer satellites with greater attention to each one than ever before. So far, this is working very well. Having said that, as we get toward the end of the series and there are fewer things competing with each other for the players' attention/buy-ins, there will be room for a more varied satellite scheme/approach to each target.

Originally Posted by Soepgroente
Is there a way to forfeit your day 2 seat of the 27$ tcoop? I lost a big hand the final hand of a day 1 and now I'm in day 2 with 289 chips, unable to play more phase 1s
There is no way to forfeit your Day 2 seat, either in the client or manually by a member of our staff. It simply isn't possible. We could remove you from Day 2, but that wouldn't enable you to play further Day 1s.

As Jason would say, take that 289 and RUN IT UP...! (Good luck!)

Originally Posted by TheDegenFund
Luke announced the change from 3 min > 4 min a few weeks ago. Just look at the structure of every other bubble rush tournament on the site... Felt quite scammed to see the tcoop version was 3 minutes. $215 TCOOP #23 is a bubble rush with 4 minutes levels. But ULTRAG1MM1CK #32 has 3 minute levels. Just awful for a tournament you are raking at 40%.
Honestly, the misuse of terms like "scam" here lately is really quite troubling. Hyperbole taken to an extreme gets in the way of genuine, honest discussion. I'm happy to discuss pretty much anything you guys would like to know more about, would like some clarification regarding, etc.... and I try my best to demonstrate respect for every position which is offered in a constructive manner, whether I agree, disagree, or don't understand said position(s). Suggesting that I'd participate in "scamming" our players could get in the way of such discussions, though in my case I generally let it roll right off my back, addressing it rarely (like now). A tournament which you dislike for one reason or another is not a "scam", it's simply something that you'd prefer to be changed. As for the rake on Event 32, rake is applied to both the buy-in and knockout portions on progressive knockouts. The rake is 10%.

Now then, as for the Bubble Rush Event, I watched that one for quite a long time and came away feeling that 3/6/9 worked very, very well in it. There is a very big difference between 3-minute levels in a tournament on the regular schedule and 3-minute levels in a TCOOP Event.
  • In a Bubble Rush tournament on the regular schedule, players start with 3,000 chips and after one hour of play, the next level is 400/800 (a100).
  • In the TCOOP Bubble Rush Event 08, players started with 10,000 chips and after one hour of play, the next level was 300/600 (a75).

To put it in terms of starting stacks... after one hour:
  • TCOOP-08: 0.030/0.060 (a0.006)
  • NormalBR: 0.134/0.267 (a0.027)

The TCOOP Event moves faster after the first hour than the regular schedule BR tournaments do, but even after two hours of play (if the Bubble hasn't been reached), the BB in the TCOOP Event is only 1.4 stacks, while in a Bubble Rush tournament on the main schedule, the Big Blind is 1.6 stacks.

In any case, regardless of how the tournament type is run on the regular schedule, the TCOOP version ran very well from what I saw. TCOOP is a turbo series, and having 4/8/12 would make the endgame too slow.

Originally Posted by sandman201
Are there leaderboard points for event 8?

Originally Posted by anuj22
Looking at Event-08's popularity, think you should add this tourney(100% total KO) on the very last day of tcoop (name it Surprise Event 66 or Final Chance Event 66 or something ) and make it unlimited re-entry. It would be soooo hugee on that day!!! So wanted to play this one
We won't be running 100% KOs again until the client issues are sorted out completely.

Originally Posted by blakkman08
bryan for future phase coop timbeys: please please please make them like u did the scoop version where u advance and insta are in the money
What you describe as happening in SCOOP 2016 was done in the past out of necessity only, and after the fact of Day 1 play, due to the fact that the number of players who had qualified for Day 2 was smaller than the number of players scheduled to be paid under normal conditions. This imprecision, or even error if you want to call it that, has been fixed in TCOOP and the Events are playing out as intended. I believe that there would be negative consequences associated with having surviving Day 1 resulting in an automatic cash. For one thing, the last level of each Day 1 would be horribly dull.

Originally Posted by zoogenhiem
The issue with end of day 1 being the bubble/day 2 being ITM is there would be insane stalling at the end of day 1, it would in fact be advantageous for every single player to stall because then they can all cash. The best thing IMO to do would be to play to within 1 level of ITM so the bubble will break at the start of day 2. The real best thing would be if the software could handle playing down to a % as is done in live events.
I agree on your first point. On the second, that's a matter of opinion and I can see the value in that kind of set-up for some Events. In the case of the *COOP Phase Events I've run, I set out first and foremost to ensure that everyone has played essentially the same tournament, which is why the Phase 1s end after a certain number of levels as opposed to after a set percentage of the field has been eliminated.

Originally Posted by anuj22
Yup definitely problem with the lobby of event:08, it didn't crash mine but stars stopped responding for a minute. I guess the side lobby which is supposed to the payouts is causing the problem.
Originally Posted by Transcendence
Pls delete that 82 6 max 100% ko from the client. It crashes my PokerStars everytime I get close to the damn thing. Also my stars client is running visibly slower since that tournament started. Pls delete it altogether from the client if u can. A lot of people are having issues.
Event 08 has been unpublished.

Originally Posted by roscoe91
why does the big splash event has only 18,000 addon chips? it shouldn't be called big splash if the structure is different [if anything it should be a bigger addon as a tcoop event imo]
The Splash structures have been specifically re-written for TCOOP 2017. Each structure provides a long period of good rebuy play with significant levels throughout, starting relatively high and moving upward more slowly than normal. At the end of each rebuy period, players may add 10 Big Blinds to their stack for play in the next level (and beyond). In two of the three variants, the add-on is actually larger than it's been in the past (in terms of Big Blinds given at add-on), however with the potential for high stack building during the rebuy period being increased significantly, the advantage some considered themselves to have by registering at the last possible moment has been significantly mitigated. Put another way, players can still come in at the last possible moment with a stack of about 16 Big Blinds, but with the improved rebuy structure and starting stack, it's no longer as likely that exercising this option will provide any significant advantage or short-cut to a playable stack without having had to also participate in the rebuy period.

In 2016, the add-ons had the following values: 2x-Turbo: 7.14 Big Blinds, 3x-Turbo: 15 Big Blinds, 4x-Turbo: 4 Big Blinds

Splashes are meant to be rebuy tournaments with significant rebuy periods which go a long way toward determining how things will shake out post-add-on. With the previous structures in play, particularly in 3x-Turbos/Splashes, many players simply side-stepped the rebuy period as much as they could (not entirely, as the late registration period ends before the rebuy period ends) and basically played a different tournament than the majority of the field. I believe, as do many I've heard from, that this has been a problem which has been overdue for an attempt at solving it. I don't know if these structures will stick after TCOOP, but I'm pleased with what I have seen so far.

Originally Posted by jdawg91
Had a non sat reg asking in chat to jorj95 and myself about 6m sat to the $1k ME and wondering why it's not there already. Any chance of that $345>$1k going in the lobby for the weekend? They will actually run a ton unlike the 16man (and almost everyone/possibly everyone 'grinding' them will actually be playing the $1k ME)

Either way, thanks again Bryan. Already played ~ same amount this TCOOP than I did the entirety of the last one and am excited for this weekend! Very happy with how the sat lobby has worked too
We're not in any hurry to get satellites out there which aren't played as satellites, particularly considering the very high number of targets this year. That's not to say that there won't be any grinding opportunities, but while we don't actively discourage grinding of our satellites, neither are we going out of our way to enable that.

I've actually had to remove some S&G satellites from the Cash Satellites lobby recently, based on the fact that there are so many S&G running at once that the Cash Satellites tab was getting overpopulated by S&G.

Thanks for the kind words.

Thanks as always for the feedback, everyone... keep it coming!
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 04:27 PM
$28 6m hyper sats not respawning to the $82 nlhe event starting in 3 mins. Got coded wrong I'm sure as it was fine before
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
The Splash structures have been specifically re-written for TCOOP 2017. Each structure provides a long period of good rebuy play with significant levels throughout, starting relatively high and moving upward more slowly than normal. At the end of each rebuy period, players may add 10 Big Blinds to their stack for play in the next level (and beyond). In two of the three variants, the add-on is actually larger than it's been in the past (in terms of Big Blinds given at add-on), however with the potential for high stack building during the rebuy period being increased significantly, the advantage some considered themselves to have by registering at the last possible moment has been significantly mitigated. Put another way, players can still come in at the last possible moment with a stack of about 16 Big Blinds, but with the improved rebuy structure and starting stack, it's no longer as likely that exercising this option will provide any significant advantage or short-cut to a playable stack without having had to also participate in the rebuy period.

In 2016, the add-ons had the following values: 2x-Turbo: 7.14 Big Blinds, 3x-Turbo: 15 Big Blinds, 4x-Turbo: 4 Big Blinds

Splashes are meant to be rebuy tournaments with significant rebuy periods which go a long way toward determining how things will shake out post-add-on. With the previous structures in play, particularly in 3x-Turbos/Splashes, many players simply side-stepped the rebuy period as much as they could (not entirely, as the late registration period ends before the rebuy period ends) and basically played a different tournament than the majority of the field. I believe, as do many I've heard from, that this has been a problem which has been overdue for an attempt at solving it. I don't know if these structures will stick after TCOOP, but I'm pleased with what I have seen so far.
great, call it a rebuy then [?]

i'm not debating the splashes structure, my issue is seeing "splash" at the title and it not being one;
splashes usually play shallow during the rebuy period -splash around w/a - and 'reward' the ones sticking around with a pretty big addon.
that's pretty much it, correct me if i'm wrong. and you've just explained above how you've changed those two elements of structure and why.
ok, nice rebuy tournament just not a splash one

whether you want to discontinue the splashes or change them is a different matter

once again, i don't mind the events' structure, i just think it is a poor choice of title/labelling (misleading actually)

edit: and it's weird how you actually used all the three different splash labels for events (big/little/standard)
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by roscoe91
great, call it a rebuy then [?]

i'm not debating the splashes structure, my issue is seeing "splash" at the title and it not being one;
splashes usually play shallow during the rebuy period -splash around w/a - and 'reward' the ones sticking around with a pretty big addon.
that's pretty much it, correct me if i'm wrong. and you've just explained above how you've changed those two elements of structure and why.
ok, nice rebuy tournament just not a splash one

whether you want to discontinue the splashes or change them is a different matter

once again, i don't mind the events' structure, i just think it is a poor choice of title/labelling (misleading actually)

edit: and it's weird how you actually used all the three different splash labels for events (big/little/standard)
Defining characteristics of a Splash (Big, Little, or Standard):
  • extended rebuy period
  • structure (including starting stack, rebuy stack, add-on stack) tailored to rebuy period length

That's the list. We've altered structures in X-Turbos/Splashes many times, and I'm sure that we'll continue to do so as we seek to improve them going forward. Over the years, many alterations in the past have been made by necessity as players have found ways to gain odd advantages which we didn't intend to provide.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
There is no way to forfeit your Day 2 seat, either in the client or manually by a member of our staff. It simply isn't possible. We could remove you from Day 2, but that wouldn't enable you to play further Day 1s.

As Jason would say, take that 289 and RUN IT UP...! (Good luck!)
Never give up never surrender! It'd be fun to be the absolute smallest stack on day 2 and win it!

I must say I'm enjoying tcoop a lot more than I thought I would, lots of insanely large fields and the structures are not super super fast for the normal turbo.

I hate to bring it up, but as normal turbo rake % scales down, I think hyper turbo rake should too. 665+35 for a normal turbo with all those extra levels and a 500bb stack is almost reasonable, and then it's 666.67+33.33 for the same 700$ buyin as a hyper turbo. They're like 3x faster with a whole lot of levels not being there compared to the regular turbo's, shorter starting stacks and of course 3 vs 5min levels.

Overall though, well done, this is the best iteration of tcoop yet I feel.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 05:13 PM
Oh and btw, making people be itm after X time is a really horrible idea. Allowing people to know exactly how long they need to stall to secure a mincash is really bad for the game. Letting a percentage of each phase advance or play X levels where X is for certain less than being itm, or paying out some places on day 1 and having everyone be itm on day 2 are all legit options, just the threshhold of getting itm being reaching the next day or level X is the only bad option.
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 05:36 PM
I also think phase day 1s were too short this time. Having them longer would mean more entries per player, larger prize pool and making the final day more exciting as you're deeper in the event.

Reverting a couple of levels in the final phase & the mix max event would also be very sexy

On a side note perhaps there's a software issue - if you bust early, there's reentries available and you win a sat, you're not automatically put in the tournament, but get T$ and have to reg manually. Don't care much tbh, but could be fixed.

However, at first I didn't think I'd enjoy the series so much, very good job!
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 05:58 PM

Mind if I ask why? I don't see it published anywhere that there wouldn't be?... Curious because sidebets and stuff.

*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 06:00 PM
you've changed them in the past and you might do so again, but atm the hundreds of splash sats running have a fix structure [eg 30K addon for splash, 40K addon for bigS, etc]. it's simply consistency.
one would expect a tcoop event to have the same [or bigger] addon.

i'd actually be upset if i haven't noticed the structure beforehand, since it is 'advertised' as a certain type of event [ie splash], to reach the addon and get only 3x starting stack.

like i said, it's just a matter of consistency. [and mislabelling ]

ps. you got the defining characteristics wrong imo, or incomplete at least, but i'll give my best not to derail

Last edited by roscoe91; 01-21-2017 at 06:06 PM. Reason: ps
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
01-21-2017 , 06:57 PM
Quite the fail on no late reg $28>$82 nlhe, hopefully somebody checks the codes and makes sure that doesn't happen for any of tomorrows events
*** TCOOP 2017 -- Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
