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** STTF **** THREAD - December - Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!! NO BBV **** ** STTF **** THREAD - December - Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!! NO BBV ****

12-26-2008 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
did you get the "but ur old?" look?
I'm pretty sure he thought I was full of **** at first. After a few mins he realized I knew more than he did. The rest of the time was spent answering questions about whither I cascade/tile, etc. The only problem was I know more about computers than he seemed too also. bit of a beat there.
12-26-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by AMT
From what I know of you, I'd go with Spanish, honestly, but maybe not to spend for a rosetta package. But I think that Chinese and arabic are interesting alternatives for the expensive part. Go with Mandarin for Chinese. I'm going for a rosetta package or two myself soon and am thinking about the same things. Way to know your best friend, ass.
I didn't mean that Spanish wasn't valuable to learn, I meant it's probably not worth 500 dollars since I already have a background in a Romance language.

And maybe if I didn't have to sweat you getting 2nd in those tournements and you could just win them faster, maybe we'd get around to that conversation. ****. Beer?

Maybe we could split a package, if that's possible. I'll have my people (my brother) call your people (your sister)
12-26-2008 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
If somebody learns Arabic please get in touch with me, or have bones relay the message if I'm unavailable.
are you trying to learn it also, or would you employ me if i learned it?
12-26-2008 , 06:49 PM
Does anyone know if you'd have to file taxes on all incoming transfers to a bank account? Like, if I loan my brother $1,000 in cash and he pays me back by xferring bank to bank, do I have to file that? It obviously seems insane that they'd tax me on non-income, but how else do they regulate? I'm concerned about getting paid back via different methods than I loan out now for this reason. **** the government for instilling fear of me doing simple things like getting paid back moniez that I'm owed. Anyways I don't know **** about this stuff so yeah, if anyone is familiar with U.S regulations on that type of thing, that'd be sweet.
12-26-2008 , 06:55 PM
Looks pretty ****ty AMT - Family Friends

Last edited by BradleyT; 12-26-2008 at 06:58 PM. Reason: edit to add friends
12-26-2008 , 06:55 PM
Somebody should do a documentary about these guys.

They were the elite "special forces" of the Mexican military, trained in the U.S. at the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia and sent to "wipe out" one of the most powerful Mexican drug cartels.

But these soldiers deserted and became the muscle for the very cartel they were supposed to destroy.

Whats going on in Mexico is out of control.

I lived in a small town in Arizona when I was 17. It was only about 45 minutes from the boarder. My friends and I used to go down to the boarder towns and cross over and party because you could drink at the clubs. So dumb. I remember one time seeing everybody running down the street and around the corner. I was like wtf so my buddies and I followed and there was a guy just laying in the middle of the street (dirt road ftw) shot dead. I never heard the shot. Why would everybody run towards the violence. Never made since to me.

I was like ok time to go.

So much money in the drug business that it's hard to see an end to this crap.

Last edited by waterwolves; 12-26-2008 at 07:03 PM.
12-26-2008 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
If there's an $11k annual tax-free gift limit couldn't you just say it was a gift?
12-26-2008 , 07:46 PM
You don't have to pay taxes on the repayment of a loan, no matter how big it is. It's not a gift. Any interest is taxable. There is some kind of reporting requirement on transfers of over $10k I believe. That doesn't mean it's income though.

If you gave out a loan and then wrote it off in a previous year or something like that (which you obviously didn't), then it would probably be income for the year you got repaid.

Don't be such a scaredy cat.
12-26-2008 , 08:16 PM
Just something I've been wondering about recently as the longterm goal is to keep moving up the sng ladder, but how much volume can the high level sngers play in a month. 3000 is my target number a month but how feasible is that at the 60+ level and even moreso once you hit the c notes? Do you have to play at like 3 sites and play 6 max and 9 mans to get sets of 12+ going? Thanks, kinda random I know and unfortunately its not a pressing concern for me right now but just wondering.
12-26-2008 , 09:27 PM
You can get 12+ table sets running on FTP/PS at those levels. I dont play there yet, but 3k sngs/month seems easier at the lower limits. Your ROI will probably be lower at the higher stakes, while you are still making good money playing less volume.
12-26-2008 , 10:02 PM
just played in the same ($3.30) MTT as my girlfriend and she knocked me out.
12-26-2008 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
just played in the same ($3.30) MTT as my girlfriend and she knocked me out.
So much bbv in one post...
12-26-2008 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
just played in the same ($3.30) MTT as my girlfriend and she knocked me out.

I haven't played any poker in like 2 days. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it. There's no griiiiiiiind, but I feel like I'm going through withdrawals at the same time.
12-26-2008 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You don't have to pay taxes on the repayment of a loan, no matter how big it is. It's not a gift. Any interest is taxable. There is some kind of reporting requirement on transfers of over $10k I believe. That doesn't mean it's income though.

If you gave out a loan and then wrote it off in a previous year or something like that (which you obviously didn't), then it would probably be income for the year you got repaid.

Don't be such a scaredy cat.

If I get audited next year I'm coming down hard on you!!!!!!111

edit: I'm sure I'll be fine, most of these amounts fall way under the government radar, but you can never be too careful with these *******s.
12-26-2008 , 10:19 PM
Are the 10,000 player SnGs starting in a couple hours?
12-26-2008 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
Are the 10,000 player SnGs starting in a couple hours?

not in a couple hours, but soon.

These are going to be ridiculous.
12-26-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by bones
So much bbv in one post...
on the bubble, no less
12-26-2008 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
So at 1 of my family gatherings today my step-sister, a supermodel, brought her new bf and her new dog. Her bf is kind of a braggart, he works in sports marketing or something and went out of his way to talk about how he parties with Eli Manning and gets the hookup on DVDs before they're released to the public and how he lives in Manhattan and whatnot. Her dog is a toy chihuahua and is the ugliest dog I have ever seen. She thinks it is adorable. She's obviously very hot, but I'm really beginning to questions her judgement now.

Think this but with less fur and significantly skinnier

For some one upmanship let hime know you can get the DVDs as soon as the film is released ... let me know and I'll send them to you = Peru rules for copywright theft!

Originally Posted by LawJik
Spanish. Find Rosseta Stone online.
I have a replica of the rosetta stone as my mouse mat ...

Originally Posted by Josem
on the bubble, no less

Please investigate this, sounds like collusion to me!

Brilliant Xmas so far, I had 20 people for Xmas lunch, set up one huge table on my new patio in the sunshine

And IME, my jewish friends have just as much fun enjoying the Xmas festivities as anyone, religion shouldn't get in the way of a holiday for everyone. FWIW, I haven't even thought about Jesus/God or religion this Xmas, that's definitely not what Xmas is about ...

Last edited by xPeru; 12-26-2008 at 11:39 PM.
12-26-2008 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
just played in the same ($3.30) MTT as my girlfriend and she knocked me out.
Originally Posted by Josem
on the bubble, no less
you should turn her in for cheating for some vague, poorly defined slightly paranoid reason, just so someone else at some other company can deal with it.
12-27-2008 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
then of course theres trying to learn chinese, which could be one of the more worldly better ones to learn because china is taking over the world.

what do you all think?
Hi there,

I'm ethnic Chinese, even though born in Singapore (Southeast Asia). We learn Chinese (Mandarin) as a 2nd language in schools. It's spoken in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and other communities with Chinese people.

Just want to add that Mandarin is a beautiful language with lots of culture and history behind it. Won't regret this choice.

12-27-2008 , 02:13 AM
Ugh, every time I hang out with new people and they find out I play poker for a living they want me to "teach them just so they can make some extra cash on the side". Yeah, because everyone and their ***** brother playing on-line poker doesn't have the same damn thought in their heads.

If they knew the time I had to put in to scratch out the measly living I make now playing poker, they'd laugh in my face.
12-27-2008 , 02:24 AM
this girl the other day asked me " tell me, what do i do when i get a good hand"
me: just play it goooddd....
her: uh?
me: im wasted, leave me alone!!
her: cmon!, what do i do??
me: i told you!!
me: walks away.

She was not worth the strat talk, like a -10 out of 100...
12-27-2008 , 03:17 AM
Slumdog Millionaire +1
12-27-2008 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by lacky
you should turn her in for cheating for some vague, poorly defined slightly paranoid reason, just so someone else at some other company can deal with it.
I obviously don't know what happens at other sites, but at PS we investigate every such allegation, no matter what. I don't want to impose that on anyone.
12-27-2008 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Slumdog Millionaire +1

This movie was just how I think a movie should be made. Nothing that didn't need to be there, great story, great feeling, action, comedy, stupid Americans, the works.
