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** STTF **** THREAD - December - Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!! NO BBV **** ** STTF **** THREAD - December - Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!! NO BBV ****

12-11-2008 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
TFG, what was the point of locking that thread?
I thought it was lame too fwiw, but whateva
12-11-2008 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
I thought it was lame too fwiw, but whateva
no, you're a tow... nevermind.
12-11-2008 , 09:49 PM
There used to be threads like that before there was a [censored] thread.
12-11-2008 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
There used to be threads like that before there was a [censored] thread.
Ahhh... Ah nuu... Ah NUUU... I'm beached!... I'm beached as bru!

Edit: YES!!!! Palindrome post... 1,221 !
12-11-2008 , 10:45 PM
Imo the second half is good just because of everything after 2:00.
12-12-2008 , 12:13 AM
so my roommate and i we watchin tv the other day and the beyonce commercial came on, the one whre she wants to upgrade me....
my roommate went out to say that shes probly the hottest girl out there, and obv i didnt agree cuz there has to be someone hotter, famous that is.....
now im not sayin she isnt exxxtremely hot, but i couldnt really come up with any names... anyone?
12-12-2008 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
TFG, what was the point of locking that thread? We barely ever have any of those anymore, and I hardly ever start any, and it was poker-related. There's not enough room amongst 400 $6.50s threads for a little discussion or two every now and then?

It kind of stifles any attempts by me to entertain or make this forum more interesting when anything slightly out of the norm has the potential to get locked.

While I'm not going to discuss the specific nature of the lock (as I do not know of the nature specifically off hand), I will say that no one bothers to notice the easy locks and basic deletable posts that are left unattended by mods on somewhat of a regular basis, or 'grey area' posts that we pass on in an effort to have some 'give' from the strategy guidelines that we embrace in this forum. It's a pretty thankless job to say "hey I'll be a nice guy and leave this extremely basic post and somewhat wasteful spot taking up our front page, specifically to allow someone the satisfaction of having a post remain where they personally liked it, or talk about something that brought a smile to their face when it didn't to anyone else's". Then, the mod turns around to see a post like yours, where, regardless of any attempt at a liberal approach, we catch flack for being way too harsh and conservative in those same regards, YET, when we adjust, maintain liberal approach, and pass on more and more things, everything goes to **** and we're back to square 1. All of this without the decency of a regular poster coming to us with a coherent, calm problem on a personal level that he'd like to understand and resolve.

So please, if you're going to just fire off on your anti-moderator tyranny, think on it and at least take it directly to the person that you have a problem with before making some public grandstanding of the issue. Seek to understand at the very least before the tirade. If nothing else, even if you go off anyways, you'll at least be informed before your attempts to seek justice for your no content posts that are too good for the **** thread.....and maybe you'll work out your personal issues on a smaller scale as well before collectively bashing the moderators of our forum for trying to keep it both a productive and enjoyable place all the while trying to please hundreds of people flowing in and out on a regular basis.
12-12-2008 , 12:34 AM
AMT - there are always poker tourneys in LA. It's the poker capital of the world as far as I know. But, wtf, there's more to life than poker. How about cruising for cougars with SFB or going on a cocaine binge with Suzzer?

Eagles, if you were asking when I'm coming to your pad dawg, well I have a wife and two kids. It'd be easier for you to come to my pad dawg than for me to come to yours, even if you're a 600lb shut-in.

Some summers I seem to end up in Michigan. That's not too far. I'll meet you in the Indian Casino with Bluefeet.
12-12-2008 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Eagles, if you were asking when I'm coming to your pad dawg, well I have a wife and two kids. It'd be easier for you to come to my pad dawg than for me to come to yours, even if you're a 600lb shut-in.
Yea, but I live only a few blocks away!
12-12-2008 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Imo the second half is good just because of everything after 2:00.
i found it got progressively better/funnier the whole way. the alarm clock goes off, LOL. interesting how different people's minds work differently.

+7 on the equity thread.

devin, no strat in the **** thread, c'mon u were a mod!

Originally Posted by crackedquads
no, you're a tow... nevermind.
i don't think this is said often enough around here.


no one is hassling the mods and i think 99.9% of us appreciate the work you guys do, it was just a simple "o i dont think that should have been locked." rather than "(insert mod here) u fkn idiot why did u lock my thread!"

also. on halloween i brought this girl home, but didnt do her, for... whatever reason, she was really weird and vague about it. hung out with her again tonight, going at it on my bed, and got it AGAIN. she's obstaining for personal reasons. cool. when she said that i told her i was never going to talk to her again. i was kidding tho, shes cool, but cmon.
12-12-2008 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
Well, you are thinking of the total time a sng takes from start to win. but sometimes you'll go out in 9th or 7th. So, the average time is the important factor. I checked Pokertracker and my sngs run 31.4 minutes on average.
So you open tables continuously as you bust?? I play them in sets, is there a major difference in how many I will play a day from continuously vs sets?
12-12-2008 , 01:20 AM
i did yoga today. i am proud to say it was somewhat challenging and that the benefits are there if you put the effort.
12-12-2008 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by AMT
While I'm not going to discuss the specific nature of the lock (as I do not know of the nature specifically off hand), I will say that no one bothers to notice the easy locks and basic deletable posts that are left unattended by mods on somewhat of a regular basis, or 'grey area' posts that we pass on in an effort to have some 'give' from the strategy guidelines that we embrace in this forum. It's a pretty thankless job to say "hey I'll be a nice guy and leave this extremely basic post and somewhat wasteful spot taking up our front page, specifically to allow someone the satisfaction of having a post remain where they personally liked it, or talk about something that brought a smile to their face when it didn't to anyone else's". Then, the mod turns around to see a post like yours, where, regardless of any attempt at a liberal approach, we catch flack for being way too harsh and conservative in those same regards, YET, when we adjust, maintain liberal approach, and pass on more and more things, everything goes to **** and we're back to square 1. All of this without the decency of a regular poster coming to us with a coherent, calm problem on a personal level that he'd like to understand and resolve.

So please, if you're going to just fire off on your anti-moderator tyranny, think on it and at least take it directly to the person that you have a problem with before making some public grandstanding of the issue. Seek to understand at the very least before the tirade. If nothing else, even if you go off anyways, you'll at least be informed before your attempts to seek justice for your no content posts that are too good for the **** thread.....and maybe you'll work out your personal issues on a smaller scale [as well before collectively bashing the moderators of our forum for trying to keep it both a productive and enjoyable place all the while trying to please hundreds of people flowing in and out on a regular basis.
What tirade are you talking about? I thought I was pretty restrained. Just stated my case and said I thought it would stifle me wanting to contribute. I thought that quiz was worth its own thread to keep it from getting caught up in the clutter of this thread.

FYI - I created that thread because I thought it was interesting and kind of a brain teaser since the equity involves more than one allin. I didn't create it to mess with you guys. I was trying to contribute. I guess what might help in response is some reason as to why the thread was locked, so that I can know what kind of threads are ok to start. I was under the impression we could still start OT or LC threads from time to time. If all that is supposed to go in this thread from now on that's fine. But I didn't know that.

Also, personal issues? Is that directed at me? When was the last time I whined about anything on here, like 2 years ago?

Last edited by suzzer99; 12-12-2008 at 01:50 AM.
12-12-2008 , 01:48 AM
can the **** thread not be the mode of communication for long winded discussions between mods and ppl the mod lays the law upon?
12-12-2008 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by AMT
While I'm not going to discuss the specific nature of the lock (as I do not know of the nature specifically off hand), I will say that no one bothers to notice the easy locks and basic deletable posts that are left unattended by mods on somewhat of a regular basis, or 'grey area' posts that we pass on in an effort to have some 'give' from the strategy guidelines that we embrace in this forum. It's a pretty thankless job to say "hey I'll be a nice guy and leave this extremely basic post and somewhat wasteful spot taking up our front page, specifically to allow someone the satisfaction of having a post remain where they personally liked it, or talk about something that brought a smile to their face when it didn't to anyone else's". Then, the mod turns around to see a post like yours, where, regardless of any attempt at a liberal approach, we catch flack for being way too harsh and conservative in those same regards, YET, when we adjust, maintain liberal approach, and pass on more and more things, everything goes to **** and we're back to square 1. All of this without the decency of a regular poster coming to us with a coherent, calm problem on a personal level that he'd like to understand and resolve.

So please, if you're going to just fire off on your anti-moderator tyranny, think on it and at least take it directly to the person that you have a problem with before making some public grandstanding of the issue. Seek to understand at the very least before the tirade. If nothing else, even if you go off anyways, you'll at least be informed before your attempts to seek justice for your no content posts that are too good for the **** thread.....and maybe you'll work out your personal issues on a smaller scale as well before collectively bashing the moderators of our forum for trying to keep it both a productive and enjoyable place all the while trying to please hundreds of people flowing in and out on a regular basis.
I would personally just like to take a moment to thank all the moderators of this forum, and more specifically AMT, for the great work that they do in STTF. They are not only here to be an enforcer of the rules, but also be a guiding hand for the young who frequent this place.

In a way I guess you could say being a moderator of STTF is alot like being a father. A father should be there to protect and guide his children through this cruel and fascinating world. Personally, I never truly knew my father. I know that he was a brute man with the strong jaw and an even stronger hand. He towered before me and my brother as children, and despite my best efforts to get to know him, I never really stood a chance. For see, my older brother, Derek, was my father's true pride and joy. Derek was a stunning child, with a thick head of blonde hair, wits as sharp as a kitchen knife, and the ability to throw a football farther than any kids we knew. Father probably always loved Derek much more than me whether he would actually admit it or not.

One late Autumn afternoon me and Derek were tossing the ol pigskin in the frontyard. This particular evening I tried to match strengths against Derek and proposed we keep spreading out, throwing the ball as far as we could. Hell we were just school children, and when Derek threw the ball 10 meters with little effort I was surely impressed. Father was working on the trans am as he frequently did during these times, and as I gripped the leather of the cracked and worn spalding, I motioned Derek to move back. I was hell-bent on lobbing the ball farther than my superior sibling, and as the ball left my fingertips I felt a sense of dread like I've never experienced before, or again for that matter.

As the ball glided through the air I witnessed as Derek ran backwards with all his might, trying to catch the ball. At this moment my father glances at me and my brother, and although we were at opposite ends of the yard, me and dad both saw the same horrific sight - Derek running into the street, and meeting his untimely demise via a rusted 77 Chevrolet sedan.

After Derek passed, I'm pretty sure the only feeling my father had when it came to me was remorse. He was not remorseful for me, rather he was remorseful that my mother ever bore his seed a second time resulting in my birth. In his eyes Derek was dead because of me, and he was right. We continued to live in the same home for several months, but soon after Derek's death father couldn't take it anymore. On this day father didn't pick me up after school. After walking home and coming into the front door I noticed my mother's solemn face, and I knew at that moment the man I knew as dad was gone for good.

Up until three weeks ago, I never heard from my father after he left us. 12 years after Derek's death, almost to the day, I get a letter from my father. The envelope is addressed to me, and when I open it the letter covering simply reads "Read this ****ing letter." I knew it was from my father.

He had become a broken man after my brother's death. Gripped by alcohol abuse and the pursuit of fast women he quickly became an empty shell of his once strong, dominant being. Now divorced from his third wife he decided to contact me, desperate for any sense of worth and possibly for a shoulder to lean on, whether he would admit it or not. As I read the words and viewed the broken world he depicted through his writing, I realized what he wanted now was a friend. I needed a father.

At the bottom of his letter was his number, and a simple sentence that read if I wanted, to give him a ring. Coming from this man, I knew he was really screaming from help. Reluctant, and frankly terrified, of getting to know the man who abandoned me so long ago, I haven't been able to dial the number. Sure I've tried as hard as any man would, but I still can't get past the sixth digit on the numpad.

After reading your post, the brash, frank, and dominant being you portrait jolted my old memories of my father. Because of you, 20 minutes ago I decided it was time to punch in that seventh digit. This Sunday me and my father are having brunch. It may just be brunch, but it could turn into so much more.

Thanks to you, AMT, for you dedicated service as a moderator, many of our STTF posters have a clean, strict, reliable forum for great advice. Although they may not all admit it, they are thankful for your work.

More personally, thanks to you, AMT, I now have a father again.

Thank you Alex,

12-12-2008 , 02:11 AM
A+, thanks for sharing...

Suzzer, I let it go for a while, which is probably longer than it should have, especially when it's most definitely a Probability thread that didn't have anything to do with STTs. If it had at any relation to STTs specifically, it probably would of stayed. I think it could of been done productively within this thread. Thanks for the feedback though.

Edit: While I don't think it has a lot of STTF merit, I'll reopen assuming there are no silly self bumps. I won't ruin your fun...completely.

Last edited by TruFloridaGator; 12-12-2008 at 02:52 AM.
12-12-2008 , 02:22 AM
wtg amt

edit and congrats cq what great news pal!!!!

12-12-2008 , 02:27 AM
I'll send a PM next time. Sorry for being cantekerous. TFG, AMT and all our under-appreciated mods.
12-12-2008 , 02:42 AM
AMT, does this fight mean that you and Suzzer won't be doing blow off of a hooker's belly (or is back?) when you come to my pad dawg?
12-12-2008 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by AMT
While I'm not going to discuss the specific nature of the lock (as I do not know of the nature specifically off hand), I will say that no one bothers to notice the easy locks and basic deletable posts that are left unattended by mods on somewhat of a regular basis, or 'grey area' posts that we pass on in an effort to have some 'give' from the strategy guidelines that we embrace in this forum. It's a pretty thankless job to say "hey I'll be a nice guy and leave this extremely basic post and somewhat wasteful spot taking up our front page, specifically to allow someone the satisfaction of having a post remain where they personally liked it, or talk about something that brought a smile to their face when it didn't to anyone else's". Then, the mod turns around to see a post like yours, where, regardless of any attempt at a liberal approach, we catch flack for being way too harsh and conservative in those same regards, YET, when we adjust, maintain liberal approach, and pass on more and more things, everything goes to **** and we're back to square 1. All of this without the decency of a regular poster coming to us with a coherent, calm problem on a personal level that he'd like to understand and resolve.

So please, if you're going to just fire off on your anti-moderator tyranny, think on it and at least take it directly to the person that you have a problem with before making some public grandstanding of the issue. Seek to understand at the very least before the tirade. If nothing else, even if you go off anyways, you'll at least be informed before your attempts to seek justice for your no content posts that are too good for the **** thread.....and maybe you'll work out your personal issues on a smaller scale as well before collectively bashing the moderators of our forum for trying to keep it both a productive and enjoyable place all the while trying to please hundreds of people flowing in and out on a regular basis.
Less internet and more party come on it's your birthday. PS Happy Birthday

12-12-2008 , 02:48 AM

I figured that came from a book or a movie or something, but it's not googling. If original: well done!
12-12-2008 , 03:19 AM

It's only a brag if Canada decides the best player on the planet is worth being on the team this time.
12-12-2008 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

I figured that came from a book or a movie or something, but it's not googling. If original: well done!
A wonderful tribute to Alex, who is a father to us all, I think. Many happy returns, Dad.
12-12-2008 , 10:21 AM

Also winamp global shortcuts. Nickelback on my favorite stream -> instamute.
Killswitch Engage -> Disturbed -> Nickelback. solid playlists ftw...
12-12-2008 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by bengiec
i did yoga today. i am proud to say it was somewhat challenging and that the benefits are there if you put the effort.
I few years back I practiced Ashtanga Yoga for about 12 months to help with flexibility issues that were causing knee and back problems. I really got into it, my knee and back problems cleared up, my rock climbing skills improved tremendously, and my mental clarity was much better.

Plus the class was full of smoking hot and very nimble chicks bending over in all kinds of creative ways. I need to find the time to start going again.
