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STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2

07-19-2012 , 06:02 PM
I like the river bet, even if your line doesn't make complete sense. I don't think he'll fold Qx, but your T kicker isn't likely to be best either. I'd likely just fold turn though.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-19-2012 , 06:33 PM
My thoughts on why I played 33 the way I did.

When he bets weakly like this, I think it is overs a tonne, and weighted towards AK/AQ a lot. I think they are typically trying to gain a cheap turn card.

So, then my thoughts turn to the board texture and the likely ranges of the players behind me. I figure there are so few combos of strong hands on this texture, that it's a good spot to apply pressure.

So, now to sizing. I've established I want to raise in this spot. But, I've also decided to barrel if I get called by one of the other players behind because there are no 2 pair combos in their range. So, unless they hollywood it up or something to make me think they have sets, I'm going to put a bunch of pressure on here. Problem is, the $100 bet max, so I don't want to bloat the pot to a size that makes them feel committed to call a turn barrel.

The pfr calling my raise didn't really change my feelings on his range too much. I'm a little concerned about 88/77 type hands, but only a little. When the turn brings the second club and he donks, I'm stilly pretty confident MHIG, however I'm worried he has something like AQcc. But, with the price and thinking MHIG, I can't fold. I thought about shipping, but I don't know if protecting my equity is worth the times he has done this with something big like AA, etc.

River. Not a bad card. When he checks, I had another decision. I thought about shoving to get him to fold 77/88, but ultimately felt I was good most the time anyway and checked back.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-19-2012 , 06:35 PM
I think if he's checking the river, he'll c/c a lot...especially with your sizing. I'd over bet if I was going to bluff.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-19-2012 , 10:36 PM
I just hate raising his super small flop cbet with 2 others left behind that won't be folding any hands better than yours plus you give him pretty good odds to call with his AK/AQ hands. Like you said, if one of them calls you will need to barrel the turn and it just seems like a very marginal spot to put yourself into.

Of course, I'd probably end up doing the same thing since it's live and what else are you going to do. Are you raising his cbet with stuff like QdJd?
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-19-2012 , 10:42 PM
probably? I mean, I definitely thought about how 33 can almost never improve while I was doing it (although having the best hand was part of the reasoning too), so presumably I would do it when I have better equity as well.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 02:24 AM
CQ, hate the turn call. Somebody could easily have a queen or better flush draw plus it's a stretch to think a reg will call a river bet with a king or JJ when the flush hits.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 02:26 AM
Also, I'd be shocked if he's folding the river with a queen.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 03:02 AM
Agree with eveything in the last two posts of DitchD.
If you expect him unable to fold trips to an (obvious) flush, then how do you now expect him to fold a Q-boat when you hardly rep a K at all.
If he folds you had the best hand on the river imo. Just check and lol if he has 77-99.

Edit: you might fold out JT.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 04:00 AM
Villain in the T4ss hand thought for about 5 seconds and folded. He didn't' claim to have any sort of hand and didn't seem annoyed by having to fold so he probably didn't have Qx. In retrospect it didn't seem like a good spot given what I suspected he had so I posted about it here.
STTF SNG -> Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
5/10 30 bb game. I'm new to the table. The hand prior to this (maybe my third dealt in hand) I get dealt KK and the guy on my right open jams $270. I snap call and hold against QQ. I now have $570 in front.

Villain in this hand has about $1k behind. She's a ~35ish asian lady. She's semi competent, semi loose and quite aggro. Goes on huge swings because of this. Prob is a little too aggro, but is likely a small winner in the game because she consistently builds up a stack, pockets the difference from her initial buy in and then transfers tables. She plays this game more than I do, is def a reg in these games and might be a full time player/pro. We've played about 30-40 hours together but rarely get mixed up in pots verse each other. We mostly stay out of each others way it would seem though I don't know if this is a conscious effort on her part. She respects my game to a degree, she's complemented me on my play in several hands, complemented me on my patience in this game, and readily admits its something she generally lacks.

This hand I'm utg+2 with QQ. First two guys limp (inc the guy I just stacked), and I make it $50. In retrospect I can make it larger here, the guy on my right prob calls ~$70, more if I get another caller. Villain (BTN asian lady) flat calls. She's seen me iso raise plenty of times but I'm not excessive with it, I still have a pretty predictable range in these spots (25% or so from all positions, obv tighter the closer I get to UTG). After she flats both blinds fold and then both limpets flat call.

Flop ($215): T 6 2

Both limp/callers check quickly. I cbet for $125. Villain (btn) tanks for about 90 seconds before flatting. She should suspect I'm not Cbetting too lightly being 4 ways, but I still have AK/AQ/PPs < TT that I could give up with verse resistance. After she calls both limpers fold. The initial plan on the turn was to jam almost any card, I probably slow down on A, T type turn cards. Her flatting range is prob something like sets, Tx, 6x, AK, she might have hands like 98/87/54ss too and she's capable of bluffing if she bricks those draws.

Turn ($465): K

This card makes me reconsider my jam plan. I elect to check (and call if she jams) because I think it's a good card for her to try to rep and make a play with after it looks like I'm shutting down. I'm not sure if she'll try to steal it here if she has a straight draw or if she'd take the free card, but I think she's more likely than not going to jam when I check. On the other side if I jam the turn she's going to fold all worse hands (straight draws, 6x, and vs me probably folds Tx as well) and call with better (AK, KT, sets).

I check. Villain tanks for like 3 minutes and finally announces all-in ($395 effectively). I snap call.

I snap call, river is the 2 and villain says good call then instantly throws her hand forcefully into the muck before I even touch my cards.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 04:36 AM
Semi interesting spot came up today.

5/10 30 bb game. I have $525 in front.

Villain 1 has $110. He just sat down and despite his random tendency to buy in super short, he's not a bad player. He's pretty aggro and while he has his leaks he isn't readily exploitable in this format.

Villain 2 is a random, recreational 35ish year old black guy who has about $1300 in front of him which he had before I sat down. He's limping probably 35% of pots, sometimes limp/calling raises OOP, never raising himself, but in the time I've been at the table his chip stack hasn't really moved at all as he's hit a couple hands post flop to keep him afloat.

Villain 3 has about $235 in front. He's one of the most competent people at the table but is running a little bad.

Villain 4 is a short stacked 45ish russian regular who is one of the best players in this game imo but is getting crushed today and apparently doesn't have any more cash on him so he doesn't want to go to the ATM to have to reload. Has $100 total in front.

Villain 3 is the BTN and straddles to $20. Villain 4 flat calls and has less than $100 behind. The bb calls. I'm UTG with Q Q and make it $100. Villain 1 snap shoves for $110. Villain 2 debates for a minute or so before finally flatting (while the other players are debating their action, villain 2 clearly announces while laughing that he probably has the worst hand). Villain 3 on the BTN tanks for a minute before finally flatting, he seems like he'd rather fold his hand here but is making a reluctant call. Villain 4 snap calls the rest of his money. Obv I call the extra $10 and we see a flop.

Flop (~$400) K 9 4

Villain 1's range is the only one I'm not crushing as he knows my game decently enough and he's not shoving anything worst than AK/TT+ in that spot. Seeing as how the king peeled the flop and noticing villain 1 is impressed with the board, I elect to check because I'm fairly sure he has has AK here and just flopped a pair. In retrospect this is probably pretty bad because I risk giving the other two live villains in the hand free cards if I'm currently ahead of them, so jamming the flop may be best, but it's rough in this spot where I already think I'm behind in the main pot and there's still two villains behind me who will probably also be ahead if they actually call my flop shove. So thoughts about checking/shoving/leading for something less than a shove is best here would be appreciated. Note I have $425 behind and the pot is ~$400.

I check, Villain 2 thinks for a few seconds and bets $100. While villain 3 is tanking on his action, villain 2 makes a jovial remark about needing to protect his hand from the flush draw. Villain 3 finally folds.

I check/shove over Villain 2 for $325 more. After villain 3 folds I think I'm ahead of villain 2's range because there doesn't seem to be many Kx's in his range (esp given my belief that villain 1 has AK) because of his pre flop comment about having the worst hand. Maybe he has 44 here but if he just flopped his set I suspect he'd play his hand a little closer to the vest and not talk about his hand. I feel like his post flop talk of needing to protect his hand from the flush draw is him trying to over rep his hand a bit and in the moment I feel like his range is limited to something like T9/98/54 or even a flush draw himself. Given this, just check/calling seems gross as I don't want to let him see more cards for cheap and I don't think I'm going to be willing to check/call down multiple streets comfortably.

Thoughts about this? Kind of an awkward spot.

Should I jam flop when its my action the first time?

Is the check/shove good if I think I'm ahead of villain 2's range?

Would check/calling the flop be better? If so do we check/call multiple streets?

Last edited by crackedquads; 07-20-2012 at 04:43 AM.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
Agree with eveything in the last two posts of DitchD.
If you expect him unable to fold trips to an (obvious) flush, then how do you now expect him to fold a Q-boat when you hardly rep a K at all.
If he folds you had the best hand on the river imo. Just check and lol if he has 77-99.

Edit: you might fold out JT.
He reps a K perfectly. A K or a busted fd. I don't know how you would expect him to play Kx on the flop, unless you just think he doesn't have Kx hands in his btn over limp range. But, if he has KTo, Kxs, or whatever, is he really playing it differently?

The only problem is, fish think "I'll bet small to find out where I'm at, they'll raise a K here." Which is pretty often terrible thinking.

I'm not arguing he should have bluffed here, cause I think people tilt call Qx too often and with his bet sizing on flop and turn Qx seems like a large part of his range. But, I personally would think Kx is a lot of someone's range here when they play the hand as CQ did.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 09:14 AM
****ty spot 30bb game. I think I just c/f the flop. I really don't know though. I'm not much help.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
He reps a K perfectly. A K or a busted fd. I don't know how you would expect him to play Kx on the flop, unless you just think he doesn't have Kx hands in his btn over limp range. But, if he has KTo, Kxs, or whatever, is he really playing it differently?

The only problem is, fish think "I'll bet small to find out where I'm at, they'll raise a K here." Which is pretty often terrible thinking.

I'm not arguing he should have bluffed here, cause I think people tilt call Qx too often and with his bet sizing on flop and turn Qx seems like a large part of his range. But, I personally would think Kx is a lot of someone's range here when they play the hand as CQ did.
There really isn't that many Kx's in my range but villain could reason I limped weak Kx hands pre and just flatted two streets. In reality I'd be raising the flop with all my Kx's vs his 1/8th pot donk bet to get value out of him and get folds from the other guys in the hand, but realistically he probably has no idea how I'd play Kx on the flop because he simply isn't really paying much attention.

However I have played probably ~10 hours with villain and I'm confident in his eyes I'm a decent enough player. He can't expect me to have many hands that aren't good on the river after I flat twice and then bet 2/3rds after he checks. If he's more competent he might realize busted FD's are in my range but I doubt he's thinking about my range very much if he even knows what a range of hands is.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 05:17 PM
i bet $100 on the flop. plenty of worse hands calls us. i like it better than shoving, as i predict shoving to fold out most of what we're ahead of. from how you've described villain 2, he is probably weak tight/calls too much post flop and i would expect him to bluff some of the time, but only 1 barrel.

and idk wtf what c/ring accomplishes but he probably doesn't fold a flush draw if he bets with it.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 05:57 PM
If I lead for $100 I have two villains left to act who are getting 5:1+. If flatted do you want to jam the turn, check/call, check/fold?

I considering flatting v2's $100 bet but i felt like i was ahead of his range so I didn't want to let him see the turn or the river for cheap. Even if we actually are ahead right now there's not many good cards for our hand oop. If I just jam now I figured it saves me the headache of bad turns and rivers and further pressure from v2.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-20-2012 , 09:51 PM
I might be reading hh wrong but don't you have less than a PSB left and one villain has $10 left and another covers?
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-21-2012 , 02:29 AM
Yeah I think I missed adding in a villains pre flop call, should be ~$560 or so in the pot pre flop and I have $425 behind. No one has $10 behind, V1 shoved for $110 total over my $100 raise so the other villains all called $110 (V4 might have a little less than $110) and I obv called the extra $10. V2 has like $1200 behind and V3 has $125 or so behind. V1 and V4 are all in pre.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 09:43 AM
Yeah just shove then, $125 for tiny cooler versus committing him when he is behind..protect v $350 effective guy
i think to sum it up you'd rather not give 9To free cards at this point ,
you might get owned by c/f to the $100 sometimes when he has worse than your hand,
you're always going to get owned by c/c flop. Not a good plan by any means.

don't like leading.. because it would imply our plan is to always
bet/fold flop and then shove most turns...villain might call/call
King sometimes. If you can decide you have reads on
whether he'd call worse / often shove a king over your bet/
then this is obviously the best play.
One of the problems of when he calls small flush draws
against your bet is that you might be committed anyway
with Qh on turn, but that doesn't necessarily mean
it's a worse play.

c/r would not be an option for me because I think most people
would bet only a King

shove > c/f > lead > c/r > c/c
..when shove and lead being interchangeable imo

Last edited by entim; 07-24-2012 at 10:02 AM.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 01:52 PM
this is a hand being discussed in ssnl and im curious wat you guys have to say.

villain is 48/19/fvcb 33% - 55 hands

MP: $100.00
CO: $100.00
BTN: $168.30
Hero (SB): $105.21
BB: $48.75
UTG: $74.69

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is SB with Ts Kd
UTG calls $1, 3 folds, Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, UTG calls $4

Flop: ($10.00) 7d 9d Ad (2 players)
Hero bets $6.50, UTG calls $6.50

Turn: ($24.00) 2h (2 players)
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 02:08 PM
Don't raise pre? Ur oop against someone that is calling a lot pre and post flop. Just keep it small imo.

I think against this type of villain cbetting and giving up is a pretty big mistake, although his numbers are on a small sample. I'd either barrel, or c/r turn...typically barrel cause their are so few hands he'll raise us with.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 03:28 PM
I'd probably limp eventhough in theory raising is probably better. It's super close and it's more a matter of playing style and how comfortable you are playing OOP vs somebody that isn't folding to 1 barrel. Most guys that are playing NL100 should probably just keep it simple and limp.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 03:39 PM
I'd go with c/f on the turn.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 05:31 PM
I'd limp as well and likely c/r flop. As played, probably c/r turn or c/f, but I don't like barreling again.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
07-24-2012 , 05:36 PM
I'd only limp is bb is really passive. He's going to be raising wide and we aren't going to call him oop with this hand.
STTF SNG -&gt; Cash Thread #2 Quote
