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Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT

06-03-2008 , 09:07 PM
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:10 PM
cliff notes: op is a moran who can't spell and is in some pathetic genital waving contest with a guy named clayton
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Derek8
just so u all know, im not a writer, this is just my defense of what happened, im not a douche, and i dont appreciate being portrayed that way....
are you related to lilholdem?
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:11 PM
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:11 PM
i hate people that quote the whole ****ing post when its a huge op like 2 posts after op
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:15 PM
7 paragraphs too long
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:31 PM
Not a writer is an understatement.
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Derek8
08 stars tlb leader berates fish" by clayton

"I rarely post here, and rarely would I care about a young kid being a dildo to a fish enough to post about it on the internets since it seems to happen it's fair share, except this guy, upon losing a flip to bust to J.R. Bellande, took J.R.'s "good game" and said "Well, I'm the number 1 player on stars bla bla bla derek8 bla bla".

Apparantly this derek8 character is leading the TLB this year.

There's really not much purpose of this post beyond spite. I know numerous young online players here have rivalries with each other / think each other is bad, whatever.


Example 1: I get moved to derek8's table early on into the first level, and there is a clear megafish in seat 3 who is doing things like calling large flop bets with ace-3 high and donking the turn and river for 1/10 pot when the board gets more coordinated.

The action goes multiple limpers to derek8, who makes a large raise from the SB at 25/50 to something like 600. Action goes back to the fish, who proceeds to go allin for 1300 total with 64o. Derek8 calls with AKo and loses, and proceeds to just lose it on this guy, dropping numerous lines about how bad this guy plays and telling the rest of the table that he's the mark, innocuously or otherwise.

Example 2: He berates me! But apoligizes afterwards. Megafish limps, derek limps 77 OTB, I make it 325 with ATo to iso the fish OOP, it gets to showdown with Megafish calling flop Cbet with a gutshot and hitting a pair of nines on the river. A bewildered Derek8 goes off on me for playing *that*, and I tell him immediately "Take it easy, buddy" which shuts him up, and he apoligizes an orbit later. Some short time after he apoligizes to me, he berates the megafish a little more!!


Again, there's really not much purpose to this thread beyond pleading to other young players about to play live, DONT BERATE THE FISH. Yes, you are obviously better than 99% of a $1500NL field, so just take that knowledge and be happy about it without showing off and making fish feel inferior.

Tons of casual players make up what makes these tournaments so nice and soft. If someone like the megafish sits down for the very first time and faces the berating that this one got from derek, there is a nonzero chance that he will become less interested in poker if he knows people are just gonna make fun of him. Either that, or he's gonna try really hard to get better and he'll become less of a fish.

Please act like professionals this series, and be nice to the fish. Thanks."
ok my response....

I dont know why Clayton has posted this. I believe he needs to get a little more live experience playing live to understand table dynamics and table conversation.. its funny because i didnt berate the fish at all basically, nor did i berate clayton in the hand he donked off like 1200 to the quote "fish".. Maybe as he gets older, and he gets a lil more social interaction with people not his high school friends, and more life experience, he might develop an understanding of what other people are saying, and how to understand context on others conversations, instead of sittin at a table in a douchy blazer, playin bad n writing weird innaccurate posts on internet forums about people you dont even know...

What i thought happened... i really didnt berate the fish at all.. me n him were jokin around a bit... n i needled him about his 64o>Ak, n i knew he was jus havin fun.. n i dunno it wasnt like a negative conversation or nething we were like jokin around me n the fish guy.. he was actually a nice guy.... he had a buddy of his sitting at an adjacent table and they were screamin back n fourth about their chip counts or what not, all the while myself, the "fish", and Jr Bellande had a running conversation about, Survivor, LA cash games, our respective houses in vegas etc... i will definatively say i didnt berate the fish, in any disrespectful, insulting manner... although there was some friendly banter back n forth, the fish said to, "there was no way ur AK was gonna beat my 64, there was no way etc etc...we were havin fun w it.....

also, Clayton claimed that I "berated" him...sometime after the 64<ak hand , i limped c-o for 100 behind fish w 77 and clayton made it 600 out of position from sb at 50-100 w a10o.. n the fish called.. n i folded because i was cripped from the ak<64 hand.. neways he continued donked on the flop for a big number into an idiiot whos never folding n floated him w q9 high gutshot.. clayton gave up on the hand on the turn.. even though he was getting short.. after the pot was bein pushed to the fish after he rivered a pair a 9s, i said and i quote to clayton; "why did u"... and thats all i said..... so i quote "berated" clayton by saying "why did you" and stopped myself... i was gonna say "why did u dog that? " but i didnt even say that.. another player behind clayton incinuated i was gonna say somethin but i stopped myself, but b4 i even completed that sentece, "why did u?" clayton defensively mutters "hey,take it easy buddy" knowing that he jus donked badly on the hand, i then pointed out ya i was gonna say somehthin but whatever... in a laughing joking way..neways i didnt say nething more to him cause he was kinda on tilt and he seemed like a pretty nice kid.. clayton was.... neways an orbit later i did apoligize to clayton, for incinuating he bet me outta a pot w a weak hand w little in the pot... although looking back it seems i apoligized to clayton for i guess nothing more than him just reacting defensively.....

neways on to the bobby bellande story...

within the next 2 orbitz i was allin basically on JR bellande 4 times, 1st timw were allin pre w ak v ak n, than i jammed on him 3x, w ak, ak, n 10s to his early position raises.. n finally, orbit n a half later, after opening the pot from mp, when bobby jammed on me from sb, he had me covered by 50 chips... he jammed on me from sb after i opened in mp.. he jammed n i really didnt think he had a pair, his range was just soo wide there.. to me considering i felt he was on tilt, due to the fact he got reraised the last 5 times previous he entered a pot, 3 or 4 by me, n also by the fact he was muttering how crushed he was getting... neways here is some context to the "im tlb blah blah blah comment"

ok, Bobby bellande.. me n him were chatting quite a bit for like almost 2 hrs... hes a real nice, socialable guy, n we actually played a bunch a pots... allin pre AK v AK, then, 3 diff hands in 1 orbit where i reraised bobby 3 sr8 times he opened the pot.. i came over the top w ak ak n 10s respectively.. neways the hand i went bust on was w bobby steamin in sb muttering hes getting crushed... i open mid position w 99 to 275 at 50-100 with like 5 min to go b4 1st break...gets folded to bobby in sb he jams for 2200 total, has me covered by 50chips... neways i think for a bit b4 putting him on a pretty wide range, prob ak.. i was pretty sure he had ak, but i thought maybe 8s but not a big pair, i felt the vibe of the hand, that i thought he was goin off... neways i called, he had AQo, and i lost the race. he flopped a queen... i shoook his hand n said "nice hand there bobby".. he said nh n started a whole speech of how he really liked me, and he thought i played really well... he was really contrite or like apoligetic for busting me, cause we had like a nice repour blahblahblha n he sounded like a bodog pro who just busted some 20yr old kid.. n im not that.. im 26, i have done well las 3 yrs, n i've been real good w my money,... here's a perfect example....1 time i played a huge pot in a side game w this rich ass russian dude in costa rica, this past november.. i sucked out kinda in a pretty big pot, and i said to him im real sorry.. we were friends, i generally felt badly,, like blah i knew u had it but blah.. he came to me n whispered..."i like u.. i like to gamble.. i got alot of money n a real big house"... n he told me that n i know its tru he lives in 2mil house in virginia beach bnlahblah..

neways he said that stuff to me not to brag.. but to tell ur opponent, hey.. dont worry bbout that hand im doin alright in life, that hand isnt gonna break me... im here cause i can afford it n i have a shot,.. nh.. u know...

Neways, back to bobby bellande.. in his little busting me speech, he was sayin "ya u cant fold 9s in that spot ever great call, i dont know any good player who lays 9s in that spot in a 1500$ tourny" blahblahlbahl.. sry for busting u outta 1500, ur a real nice guy"..... i just said to him, "hey man im doin fine dont worry.. n i said im leadin tlb on stars this year... ill be fine...." in the context the same as the russian from costa rica... hey i can afford it n i have a shot, so dont worry bout apoligizing, im not even mad i like my spot there in the tourny.... n then Clayton is like "oh yeah whats ur name" blahblah.. newways lol..

neways clayton... i think ur a nice kid, when u finished 2nd in 500$ on fulltilt ftops me, my twin brother "jbaggs" finished 6th in that tourny, so ive seen how u play and i respect u as a player ... but for u to post this bs, when imo u r 2 young n 2 short on life experience to event contextually understand what is happening in ur surroundings... understand the context of what ur posting, and understand no fish got berated... he was havin a great time.. and played really really fast.. the guy wasnt made to feel like he was the mark... whatever yall respond however u want this is how it went down..

You'd have to pay me at least $5,000 to read this whole post.
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:42 PM
I'm going to guess you weren't quite as cool and friendly as you made yourself out to be but also not quite as big a douche as clayton made you out to be. Even if you weren't being a dick Clayton's point about people not being complete ******* with the bad players is good advice and more people should follow it.

Next time pay someone to proof read and edit anything you're going to post that is longer than one paragraph. You can say you aren't a writer but if you can't make the effort to make something readable it probably isn't worth reading to begin with.
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by obvv
are you related to lilholdem?
Haha, but seriously, stay in school kids, seriously.
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:59 PM
derek wheres the part where you said it was prob yellowsub during the FTOPS 2nd that you posted on p5s
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:04 PM
wow that post took me back to aim convos after i was doin blow all night when i was 17. and lol at u talkin all that bs that clayton isnt old enough to understand, ur what 5 yrs his senior ? and lol at me for makin a srs reply
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:10 PM
wow, i didn't know you could send text messages that long
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:13 PM
does the stars tlb top spot come with bad spelling??
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:16 PM
Why would you talk poker at a poker table in the first place?
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by SarcasticRat
Yeah, he only plays pretty low stakes, just immensely high volume. And not even like 20 tabling volume, I mean he plays like 4 tables about 14 hours a day. He's in a lot of the same tourneys that I am, and I only have a 2k bankroll. I always find it funny when the low stakes "ballers" act like they're the **** when they'd probably get crushed if they tried anything with a high buy-in.
yes but those tournaments are so easy to crush

its easy to get stuck there
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
yes but those tournaments are so easy to crush

its easy to get stuck there
couldn't agree more
Micro rebuys are teh sheit when it comes to ROI
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:41 PM
This would be a great spot for deeb to come in and issue a TLB challenge to Derek8
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:45 PM
me n shaundeeb already had a bet on who would win this years tlb, but he didnt wanna take the bet cause he says i have a 3k lead...
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:45 PM
prob was steroid boy
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
cliff notes: op is a moran who can't spell and is in some pathetic genital waving contest with a guy named clayton
OP is clayton

also derek use the f quote button
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 11:02 PM
Derek seems to be confused about this posting stuff. He posted this 3 times already in NVG and at least twice in this thread.
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 11:03 PM
Somebody call in Derek8SpellCheck, pls.

Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 11:09 PM
I'd go for Derek8GhostWriter please.
Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
06-03-2008 , 11:09 PM
For all you people who didn't want to read derek's eloquent defense of himself i'll hook you up with cliffsnotes:

"Blah blah blah, I would never berate fish, Clayton is a donk, I'm expert poker player/ friendly guy who everyone loves. I'm cool with JR Bellande. ZOMG he was on tv and i was friends with him therefore we both > than Clayton. OBV I don't care about getting knocked out of WSOP event because I pwn micro mtt's on the internet. I also think "rapport" is spelled R-E-P-O-U-R. This is mostly because I'm dumb.

Derek 8."

You're welcome everybody,

Stars TLB 08 leader berating 00 tournament fish, WAT Quote
