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stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good

04-01-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by willie24
to put it another way, if you are shoving from the SB vs a minraise here, you're might just as well have 67s as A8o because i am never calling with A7 or KQ. but with the increased pot size when i raise bigger, A8o is a pretty good hand.
No one believes a8o is a good hand vs your scared 5x open. you're range is completely weighted towards strong hands but not the nuts. (and obv you dont fold strong hands OTB in a turbo here). unless you're also 5x/folding you're a2, TJ, type hands in which case you're just totally spewing.
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
04-01-2011 , 02:17 PM
possibly true.
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
04-01-2011 , 02:25 PM
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
04-01-2011 , 02:26 PM
what do you think button's range is for miniraises here? 40%? what range are you pushing as SB and what do you think his calling range is?
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
04-01-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by willie24
what do you think button's range is for miniraises here? 40%? what range are you pushing as SB and what do you think his calling range is?
completely reg dependent.

prob 50%+ for an aggro button and any pair, suited aces, suited broadways, a7o+, some suited connectors for sb. calling range for the button idk depends 66+ AT+? could be much wider w/ history
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
04-01-2011 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
i prefer a 10x to maximize their restealing ranges, since there are 10 pins in bowling and they'll think they'll get a strike and everyone likes a strike if you get 3 in a row a huge pixeled turkey appears on the screen and everyone is happy
But Euros don't celebrate Thanksgiving so they don't care about turkeys. They eat beef so I like the small raise to milk them for all they're worth, they like cows so smallest raise possible is optimal vs euros.
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
04-01-2011 , 03:21 PM
i'm running some numbers and both the minraise and the a8o push vs the minraise look better than i realized, depending on how often minraise takes blinds and how profitable (or not) it is for minraiser to see flop.

say minraise (with Q7s e.g.) gets pushed on 40% of the time between both opponents. what do you think its EV is the rest of the time? that is, how often does it take 810 uncontested and how well does it fare when it sees a flop?

obv, i don't have much experience with the minraise. most of the tournies i've played in my life were 3+ years ago and it's just not a move i have used often.
stars 109. button steal spot but we're fairly deep and i have something pretty good Quote
