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Staking disagreement question. Staking disagreement question.

11-09-2009 , 01:07 AM
In the event that I busted the roll, then he could choose to stop the stake without any adverse event because I don't have any of his money.
lol, unreal. way to squash any hopes of finding another backer. i'm sure someone will love to pick you up after reading that.

Also, it is to my benefit if he stops the stake when I am losing because then I don't have to ship him back the makeup.
seriously you just sound pathetic at this point. good 1/2 NL players can make a lot of money. you are ruining your own reputation for, in the absolute best case scenario, $500. and that's if everyone convinces you that your backer is a huge dbag and should only get his original investment back for the heinous crime of ending the stake early. winning 1/2 NL regs wipe their butt with $500.

from your posts in this thread and the whopping 2,000 hands you put in during the stake, it's a miracle that you guys came out ahead. take your winnings, move down, and move on with your life.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:11 AM
I don't understand how this comment reflects poorly upon me. I am talking about what the staker could choose to do, not anything about what I choose to do.

Obviously I am not a regular 1/2 NL player or I wouldn't be getting staked at that level.

There was no hand requirement for the stake, and playing 6 tables instead of the normal 24 lowered the number of hands I could play.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:13 AM
+1 to augies posts.

deals over, you get no bonus.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:20 AM
Jesus of all the ******ed things to QQ about this is up there. He GAVE you money to play for FREE. You either dont have enough to put on or are too much of a ****in nit to sack up and handle it so you wouldn't have made 100% of the profits. If you could have made more you would have done it. Get this **** out my main forum
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:22 AM
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:23 AM
I was going to comment. The tone of MTTc is directly correlated with the swings associated with tourney poker.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:23 AM
In the future, you should just thank him for the stake, pay him his winnings and ask if you may use him as a refference. What you are doing here is 100% -EV in the long run for you.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Rip_AA
I was going to comment. The tone of MTTc is directly correlated with the swings associated with tourney poker.
Sick analysis. Don't waste your brainpower on 2+2 we need you in the Cabinet to get this economy turned around
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by BigBiceps
NL($2)(9-max), PL($2)(9-max), and/or NL($2)(6-max)
Originally Posted by augie_
1k isn't nearly enough for 1/2 NL
lol - i was actually thinking he was absolutely crushing the .01/.02 tables!
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:51 AM
Man dont be such a noob. You have to get the bonus before you start playing.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:09 AM
It is WCG|Rider (a mod here at 2p2).

I sent him an email (below) asking why he thought it was fair and that we would settle up tomorrow. In the end of the email I told him I was going to sleep. Instead he calls me up and says I have to get up out of bed right now and ship him the money.

So instead of having more contreversy that is what I am doing right now, it is not worth $100 to me. Everyone should know about his character and doing business with him.

He said he doesn't care about it posted on 2p2, so here it is.
Poker and life downswing forthcoming for him IMO.
I did not ship back the $1000 bankroll yet. I am trying to do what is fair.
I think $900 back for ending after 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks is a fair amount, please let me know why it isn't according to our agreement below.
Obviously we can't continue the stake at this point.

Here are some other people's opinions which were mixed (I left you anonymous for your consideration).

Have to sleep now, but will settle up tomorrow.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:17 AM
He doesn't care if its on 2+2 cause he knows you're a ****in idiot, idiot
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:21 AM
So instead of having more contreversy that is what I am doing right now, it is not worth $100 to me. Everyone should know about his character and doing business with him.

He said he doesn't care about it posted on 2p2, so here it is.
Poker and life downswing forthcoming for him IMO.
every post you make is more embarrassing for you than the one before it.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:26 AM
Wow ... LOL @ trying to call out WCG. Pretty sure you just got black-listed by every staker at 2+2.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:32 AM
i'd step in front of a train if i was so busto that i needed 100$ enough to embarrass myself like this
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by sambo707
Wow ... LOL @ trying to call out WCG. Pretty sure you just got black-listed by every staker at 2+2.
Except that I held up my end of the agreement and he did not.

If that is what gets blacklisted then I would rather not do business anyway.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:35 AM
He didn't list he could cut you off at anytime because it's common sense in the staking business. He said 4 weeks because that's the minimum he wanted you to play under him. He's the boss in this situation. This is to protect him from having you have one losing day and quitting, leaving him in makeup. He doesn't owe you anything. He gave you an opportunity. As a matter a fact, there is several days on your spreadsheet it looks like you didn't even play. Perhaps you didn't put in the volume he was looking for and therefore he felt you weren't a good short term investment for him and there was better spots. You shouldn't be so greedy and accept the nature of the backing/opportunity business. As the boss and staker, he has the rights to do those things, as your playing on his money. Maybe if you respected him and his situation instead of feeling obligated to some silly "bonus" then he'd pick you up in the future when things turned around or referred you to another backer.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by FatalError
i'd step in front of a train if i was so busto that i needed 100$ enough to embarrass myself like this
I obviously don't need the $100 or I would just ship him $900 instead of $1000. I was trying to do what is fair.

Or if I really needed it I would just send back $402 which put him at his whole $1000, since he broke the agreement he should not get to profit from it.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:38 AM
Dude you barely played over 2k hands in 2 weeks for him. What good would it be staking you for 2 more weeks for 2k more hands for a grand total of 4k hands in 4 weeks. Sick volume.

Why would should he continue?
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:39 AM
LOL you've got to be kidding me.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by TrevRobCR
He didn't list he could cut you off at anytime because it's common sense in the staking business. He said 4 weeks because that's the minimum he wanted you to play under him. He's the boss in this situation. This is to protect him from having you have one losing day and quitting, leaving him in makeup. He doesn't owe you anything. He gave you an opportunity. As a matter a fact, there is several days on your spreadsheet it looks like you didn't even play. Perhaps you didn't put in the volume he was looking for and therefore he felt you weren't a good short term investment for him and there was better spots. You shouldn't be so greedy and accept the nature of the backing/opportunity business. As the boss and staker, he has the rights to do those things, as your playing on his money. Maybe if you respected him and his situation instead of feeling obligated to some silly "bonus" then he'd pick you up in the future when things turned around or referred you to another backer.
The agreement said 4 weeks, it did not say anytime.
He is not the boss, it is supposed to be beneficial to both parties, that is the purpose of the stake.
By your own logic if he can quit anytime and violate the agreement, then there is no point to the agreement.
The first days of the stake I didn't play because he did not send the money. The last days of the stake I didn't play because I was out of town (only had laptop and played micros while drunk).

I don't respect him or his situation. His logic was his other stakes were doing bad so he wanted out. It had nothing to do with my stake. That is like saying my financial stocks went down so I better sell my commodities. Not only is this illogical, it is bad investment strategy.

I don't feel obligated for a "bonus" but I thought that was what was fair.

I don't want to be staked by him again or do business with him again if he doesn't honor his agreements.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by TrevRobCR
Dude you barely played over 2k hands in 2 weeks for him. What good would it be staking you for 2 more weeks for 2k more hands for a grand total of 4k hands in 4 weeks. Sick volume.

Why would should he continue?
The limit on the stake was 6 tables maximum (cannot play the normal 24 tables).

Also, the stake was only 1.5 weeks because he did not ship the bankroll right away. The last days of the stake was travelling.

Also, there was no hand requirement in the staking agreement.

Also, past volume doesn't imply future volume of play.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:48 AM
You are acting like all the possible reasons leading you to being a bad horse are inconsequential and brushing them off. While you repeat yourself over and over, and still don't justify the monetary compensation. You can chalk it up to bad business and not work with him again, doubt he will care. Horses are a dime a dozen. You don't even sound like an educated person. I assume you became a pooh bah by NVGtarding instead of learning anything. You are not owed anything, the reason you should have to grind out of makeup for a period of time is so you can't freeroll stakes from backer to backer. That might not be a problem though after this thread. Quit saying you want to do what is fair, you would have promptly shipped his money back and stop whining back when kindergarten cop came out. Have an enjoyable evening.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:48 AM
big biceps,

this is the last post i'm gonna make in this thread, because my time would be better spent playing video games than reading any original thought radiating from your brain.

everything you've written in this thread is complete garbage. verbal diarrhea. you are an idiot. you are probably in completedonk's high school gym class. apologize to doug, and to society for having to tolerate your idiocy, and then just stop posting, right now. every time you write something, it makes wcgrider look smarter for dropping you.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:48 AM
Please tell me either this is a level or your legally ******ed. How can you say he's not your boss lol. You're playing on HIS money. He HELPED you out. You came to HIM. He hired you and fired you. If he got burnt badly from other stakees, you should respect what he asked for and do him a favor and send back without drama... you know , kinda like he did you a favor in staking you.

Last edited by TrevRobCR; 11-09-2009 at 03:15 AM.
Staking disagreement question. Quote
